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File: 52 KB, 680x440, rent_house_73089751-5bfc333346e0fb002602ddbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50617422 No.50617422 [Reply] [Original]

What percent of your income goes to your rent?

>> No.50617455


Nigga ain't been no renters runnin in years

>> No.50617488

A little over a fourth of my monthly income goes to rent

>> No.50617494
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i live at my parents house

>> No.50617556

i have already 350k€ saved but so what

decent houses with a pool are like 2000€/month and I would rather stay here than just get on some shitty appartment

>> No.50617595

>decent houses with a pool are like 2000€/month
What country? It's the regular price for a small apartment with 2 bedrooms here in Norway.

>> No.50617624
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I own my home rentoid

>> No.50617652

i make about $70k a year after taxes and my rent is about $15k a year. it still feels like too much. fuck kikes.

>> No.50617676


>> No.50617697

33% goes to my mortgage.

>> No.50617739
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Well I said decent when I meant as cheap as possible unless its like 2 hours away from Barcelona, see pic related. I've set a maximun price of 3000€

>> No.50617781

Just did the math and it's 69%, nice

>> No.50617811


>> No.50617832

and i guarantee my rent is lower than your property taxes, maintenance, and fees
renting and owning, one isn't inherently better than the other

think about that
even if your house is COMPLETELY paid off, my rent is still lower than your cost of owning
you don't own shit
kill yourself

>> No.50617875

>renting and owning, one isn't inherently better than the other

Except renting gets you nothing, owning gets you a house. You can avoid being homeless forever if you buy a house and a mortgage doesn't change unless you fell for the ARM meme.

>> No.50617885

Brown hands typed this post

>> No.50617891

after tax? 60%

>> No.50617904
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Whats 0% of -$25k?

>> No.50617928
File: 18 KB, 815x93, rentvsown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop lol
it's more expensive to own a house than rent right now

my rent < your property taxes
my uber/lyft costs < your gas, insurance
renting >> owning if is less than the cost of owning

>> No.50617941

50% lmao

>> No.50617942

>stop lol
>it's more expensive to own a house than rent right now

Tell that to the $3000 rent and $2000 mortgage in the area I live. Your post reaks of cope

>> No.50617943

there are edge cases where renting is better but the vast majority of this rhetoric is from coping poorfags

>> No.50617965

The people with a $2000 mortgage signed 6 months age when interest rates were 3% lower

>> No.50617979

yes in that case it makes sense to own
i didn't say one or the other is better
it's a common misconception that owning is better than renting because your money "goes to waste"

cost of upkeep is more expensive than rent in most cities now

>> No.50617988

I have a paid off house I could sell for over 30% above my cost basis even with the interest I paid breifly. (Paid off after 1.3 yes in summer 2021 after the run).
You're paying your landlords mortgage and after whatever time you spent, you'll still own nothing. You'll be one of those begging for a pod and bag of fried roaches.

>> No.50618007

>my bubble is like that so that's how the entire country is!

>> No.50618057

im talking about the current state of things you mouthbreather
i own one house in the bay and one in japan
im not paying off anyone's mortgage kek

look at the current stats, it doesnt make sense to only buy right now - renting is cheaper for most people

>> No.50618218

I refinanced a year ago and lowered my interest rate to 2.7%. My mortgage will remain the same, while people's rent goes up. Also, my home was valued at $450k 5 years ago, now its valued at $700k, my property taxes have increase slightly, but I know I'm making bank sitting on my home.

>> No.50618273

you did good
i would not advise people now to buy a house
all im saying is that owning is not better than renting 10/10 times
but most people here are binary thinkers and can't see the world as a spectrum

>> No.50618316

Your "fixed rate" cuckgage will be modified midterm to save the system from "systemic risk" from too many leveraged tards that think they are lifehacking by have "epic deals" on fixed low rates
>but that is not possible
Exactly, that is how they get you to get in debt on the first place.

>> No.50618369

lol that's not going to happen
and if it did there would be bigger issues than money

>> No.50618370 [DELETED] 

After tax about one quarter.
For 20 years I paid well over half my salary to rent (capital city). Wasn't worth it.
Now I live in another city where rents have risen so high I'm trapped. I can't move unless I spent most of my salary on rent. Yet "poor people" (read: lazy) qualify for subsidized rent. I'll have to leave the country.
inb4 "buy" - I'm priced out of that here too.

>> No.50618435

£10,500 monthly income
£375 rent

>> No.50618549


>> No.50618571

20 percent of my income goes to my rent. I spend all my extra income on shit coins instead of saving for a house.

>> No.50618596

an example of renting >>owning


>> No.50618638

I don't give a fuck about your plywood box. Enjoy property taxes. My parents pay $12k a year in those alone and bitch endlessly about it

>> No.50618678

okay, your rent is lower than taxes and maintenance great. except in 20 years they will have 1 million in equity and you will have nothing. i honestly think rentoids are just mathematically morons since they can't grab the basic concepts of equity. if you are a rentoid after 21 then you're either poor or stupid.

>> No.50618738

i have two properties

>> No.50618741

iyou have liabilities i own assets

>> No.50618743

Not everyone knows exactly where they want to live for 20 years, especially not at 21. Damn you must be a boring faggot
In any case, there's no reason to buy a house now. You can pretend line only go up but it's just not true

>> No.50618813

he didn't rent and switch jobs every 2 years for a 20-30% salary increase
he coped by saving up for a down payment and being locked into a house kek

>> No.50618817

>if you rent you must have zero assets

>> No.50618887

not sure what you mean, my renters pay me all of my income

>> No.50618904

Your rent will go up 10/10 times.

lol no, that is illegal. It's funny you think that banks actually hold the mortgages they underwrite.

>> No.50618917

oh for the love of pete

>> No.50618935

nope, my rent has gone lower and lower every year

>> No.50619025

50% or better.

>> No.50619196

0 I live with my parents. When I did rent 2-3 years ago it was probably about half to 2/3 my income.
Back then I earned 11$/HR working part time while studying 20hrs a week. So about 800$ a month. Rent was $500-600 a month adding in utilities. leaving me about 200-300 leftover.

>> No.50619208


I am 33 years old and I live in my old room with my parents. I sitll have Linkin Park and Lord of the Rings posters and my mom calls me every day after work asking what I want to eat

I have a M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering and a 5 year cv gap. I failed to make it in 3 bullruns and I dont even have 6 figures

>> No.50619225
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>my rent has gone lower and lower every -ACK

>> No.50619244

100% of my income goes to rent.

>> No.50619250
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>> No.50619315

i follow hella high school girls on tiktok

>> No.50619522

0%.. still live with my family. paying rent is beyond retarded

>> No.50619737

i don't live in the US you fucking idiot
you're an absolute retard

>> No.50620082

Same but 31 and had a meme fine art degree, also have never had a girlfriend let alone been hugged by a girl. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I got into IT a few years ago though and finally made way into IT security so at least I have an okay salary finally. I'll still never find love so I just live with mommy and save money

>> No.50620144

70% goes to Mortgage

>> No.50620275

3k income, 330 rent (one of the best areas in the capital city), north-eastern europe

>> No.50620451
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Mortgage free. Thanks biz.
Fuck merchants.

>> No.50621077

Why are you lying?

>> No.50621205
File: 631 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220725-171456_Video Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 i live at home with my mommy wife. But if u tallied our income together it would be 12%

>> No.50621207

For me, its the McChicken. Also, so am I.

>> No.50621316

>property taxes
I don't pay property taxes in my country you filthy nigger.
I pay council tax, but so do rentoids.

I bought my house with cash and I am objectively better off for owning it. I save thousands a year and have paid barely a fraction of that in maintenence because I don't treat it like shit and I fix things myself for pennies.
I can also eventually sell my house, and any other houses I accumulate with all the money I save.

Keep coping faggot

>> No.50621422

yeah the tradeoff is that you live in the fucking UK

>> No.50621501

Where do you live that the annual cost of a house with no mortgage is higher than renting? What is the approximate breakdown of these costs?

In Australia the only costs to home owners are:
>Local council rates. Mine are around $3k per year.
>House maintenance costs. Variable, and probably more a cost every few years, but say $2-3k per year.
>I have no strata fees as I have a house not an apartment/town house.
>No annual taxes as we pay tax on the purchase of the property. My purchase tax was 42k. I guess you could simplistically say this works out at 1.3k over a 30 year mortgage.

So my annual costs (excluding mortgage) are under 10k. I would say to rent my house (3 bed within 8km of Melbourne) would be easily 700/week or 35k a year.

>> No.50621563

Who are you quoting, newfriend?

>> No.50621589

If you live in some euro shithole nobody cares that you own a home buddy
My crypto could probably buy 5 houses on your street kek

>> No.50621598

My mortage repayments are $1k a month (bought cheap in early 2020 with my wife).

Add in council rates, water rates, electricity and I'm maybe paying 1.5k a month if that.. So under 20% of my income goes to the mortgage and associated repayments.

On top of that we have nearly 400k in equity in our house.

>> No.50621599

My rent is 1165 and I make 170k per year. I should probably buy but I like to be able to move around. I went full remote worker and they let me keep my salary where it was even though I moved to midwest where its dirt cheap. Pretty nice desu.

>> No.50621874

When I was renting, about 60% of my spending went to rent and utilities.

>> No.50621993

i live with my parents too but when i dont i pay 38% of my monthy income on rent

>> No.50622045

Mortgage. Payment is roughly $1600 a month including tax/insurance. 85k a year, 7k a month pre-tax uhhh, maybe around 30%. I can't do math.

>> No.50622121

$0 I live in a van

>> No.50622151

147k combined (wife makes 47k) rent is $1850 so 15%

>> No.50622216


You retards realize that’s why you get a 30 year fixed mortgage, right? Renting a house out isn’t that hard and you can always move back into it or let friends or family stay as you please.

The average job is not stressful, definitely not too stressful to worry about checking your bank account once a month to make sure you got paid…

>> No.50622247

>What percent of your income goes to your rent?
20% of my gross
or about 35% of my post tax income
And I live in an area with the strictest rent control in US
(if it wasn't rent control, I'd pay 25-30% more)

>> No.50622381

>paying rent

>> No.50622402

9% gross 14% net $1.1k/mo
boomer landlord raised by 2% every year so far even this year after all the inflation. comfy
i have more than enough down payment money to buy a house but i'm bored of my job and who knows if next job can do full wfh, so renting it is

>> No.50622463

rent control is fucking horrible and causes shortages and expensive rent(for those who dont have existing units)

>> No.50622478

Me too. And my parents are gonna start charging me rent in August. Lol

>> No.50622534
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>> No.50622727
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>live in austin, tx
>in massive housing bubble
>rent goes up $400 for next 12 month lease
>try to negotiate, get cucked by arguments about property taxes, other taxes, etc.
>all houses around me in extreme bubble, min 800k
>can't move away from here for another few years at least for career
>could have easily bought a house before the bubble
it's over

>> No.50622811


>> No.50622826

10%, but I live with family including another member doing the same

>> No.50622890

frankly, i'm trapped because if I were to move I'd have to pay market rate at some different place, which would be considerably more.

>> No.50622935

Zero. Paid cash and property taxes are 154 a year for a 3100 SF house, 1000 SF rental on property, 1.5 blocks from waves.

>> No.50623067

Where do you live?

>> No.50623230

it sucks bro
the solution is to abolish central banking
it's literally the reason for the housing bubble

I feel bad bro.
I bought a house I turned into a rental property 3 years ago and I'm doing great.
The market will likely crash though, have cash sitting on the sidelines. You're not fucked forever.
Also consider buying commodities before the boom.

>> No.50623371
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Rent go to me. Many rent go to me. OOGA BOOGA THE LANDLORD IS HERE BITCH!!

>> No.50623750

Same. I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Maybe one day I’ll buy a condo or townhouse. I’d get really lonely if I lived all alone.

>> No.50624056

$1960/month, so 12.25% of my base or ....9.75% of my TC.

>> No.50624098

Just shy of 13% hbu?

>> No.50624105

Just get a girlfriend or live with friends.

>> No.50624147

I receive $32,000 a year in rent. No mortgage, rates and insurance are $3,000 so 29k profit.
The house I live in has 4k a year rates etc.

>> No.50624153

Like 35%-ish to mortgage but it goes in the 20s if I feel like doing overtime on a weekly basis

>> No.50624180

I’ll never have a girlfriend and I don’t have any friends.

>> No.50624200

11.5% living alone

>> No.50624262
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God I wish.

>> No.50624279


>> No.50624295

60%. Canada.
I don't buy anything so it's not a big deal. Still... fuck Canada.

>> No.50624321

Hey guys sorry this is my renthog. Ive' just raised his rent and tip.

>> No.50624332

Zero. I own.
Well couple hundred bucks a year I property taxes.

>> No.50624363

About 10%

>> No.50624381

If it's only like 500 a month then it's still worth it

>> No.50624382

Changing my answer to

>> No.50624416

I also make six figures and just save it all.

>> No.50624626

Wow, that's one raging rentoïd. Your owner came to announce you a raise earlier?

>> No.50624721


>> No.50624926


Still destitite after everything goes out

>> No.50627027

Same, I've got $600k in my portfolio but there's no reason to leave.

>> No.50627131

Risk adjusted there is no difference betweeen owning and renting because markets are efficient and any difference would be arbitraged away.

>> No.50627325
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I actually have to act poor with how little my rent is

>> No.50627351

Markets are efficient. The supply and demand for the goods marketed are neither free nor efficient. If you're on this board you're qualified to perform the arbitrage, not assume it already happened.

>> No.50627372

>income last year: $75k
>rent: $1k/month
I will not move to a coastal city and I will not be stuck as a lifelong renter

>> No.50627569
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>> No.50627602

The housing market is influenced by non-rational factors. Like homebuyers paying a premium to own a home, stigma against renting, etc. Prime locations have a much higher Price to Rent ratio than places in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.50627641

>slowly grinding up to a 20% down payment
>lockdowns happen, then prices rocket 50%
>priced out
>invest in crypto, double my money then lose 90%

>> No.50627680


rentoids are trash

>> No.50629115

I Iike living in the state where I rent but property taxes are $300-$500 per MONTH. Renting (condo to be fair) is cheaper than owning a 2br house with a small yard outside city limits.

>> No.50629511

18.5% of post-tax household income, about 13.3% of pre-tax income. 2 bedroom apartments in suburbs and both earn relatively well though. People talk about rent being 'dead money'. Theoretically if we could come up with a 20% deposit to even buy a similar place we'd need to take out a loan the interest alone would be around 17% post-tax income, that's not accounting for property taxes, body corporate fees and maintenance liabilities. The cost of rent is significantly cheaper than just the interest + ownership costs, which are just as 'dead'. We are undoubtedly better off renting in the current market compared to committing to a gigantic loan on an overvalued property.

>> No.50629573

That's a valid point, some places makes it almost impossible to become an owner and it wouldn't economically makes sense anyway.

>> No.50629649

60% but I also tip my landlord 5%

>> No.50629658

I dont rent, i bought and fully paid off my apartment when I was 22. Now saving for a house (one that is made with bricks and mortar, not plywood)

>> No.50629896


>> No.50629928

0%, I don't rent. I do pay the kike bank tho

>> No.50629973

33% income tax
25% rent
20% savings
I live with the rest

>> No.50630328
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Kek. Retard. Boarding with mates. Split rent. The rest into crypto. Short term gains with memecoins like DOGE and SHIB, long term gains with ALBT 4 year staking.

>> No.50631547
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39% and it doesn't include utilities. That's what I get for living in one of the most expensive cities in the world.

>> No.50631574

based and practical-pilled

>> No.50631608

Roughly 25%
I'm very fortunate to be WFH from a low cost location.

>> No.50633777

Depends on the month; I get paid in Bitcoin lol

>> No.50633941

1% for World of warcraft rent.

>> No.50634008

I also live in austin and am thinking of moving becasue of this bullshit

>> No.50634233

I live at home, but I pay 100$ a month to help with electric bill and wifi.
I also get free coffee and toilet paper, It's pretty good.
So around 7%.