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File: 1002 KB, 3088x2316, 4EC31BC2-4F90-4688-AB9D-B21B85E05F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50616318 No.50616318 [Reply] [Original]

Live a scheduled & disciplined lifestyle.

Any questions?

>> No.50616350

if you were actually mature, displaced, and scheduled, you wouldn't feel the need to tell other men how to live their lives

you would be fulfilled by and focused on your own affairs

Here is a better pill. It's called the 'mind your own business pill'.

Only 1 step: fuck off.

Any questions?

>> No.50616592

>scheduled & disciplined lifestyle
such midwit bait. Yeah just wake up at 5 am and go jogging before responding to emails for 8 hours then get home and cook dinner and go to sleep at 10pm. That's truly how the successful people made it

>> No.50617065

brutal but real

>> No.50617100

Lift heavy things and put them back down.
Simple as.

>> No.50617101

how do i fuck if i'm incel

>> No.50617284

Yeah I got a question

>*farts in your face*

Got that in your schedule?

>> No.50617314

Simple as what?

>> No.50617335

Ultra giga based brother

>> No.50617364


>> No.50617389

Based. You owned OP so hard that he never came back. He's now rethinking his entire life.

>> No.50617467

How is his head so fat while his body is so skinny

>> No.50617504

how do they really make it then

>> No.50617517
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Losers give up too easily. Most gains come from working out at something consistently every day, even on the days you don't feel like it. Putting a bad session at the gym is far better than skipping out. Old Jerry Seinfeld famously wrote 1 joke per day, no matter how bad the joke was. Doing it every day for years got him to be so good that he made boatloads of money from his jokes. This can apply to any field or persuit. There is something you can choose do every day to improve. Losers quit. Winners keep on going.

>> No.50617971

You do it by stopping being an incel. Whatever means you can afford. Quit porn, and if you have moneyz find yourself a nice young hooker in a third world country, for a week and get used to it. Do yoga lessons, join groups, get to know wahmen. One will fall for your retarded charms.

>> No.50618382

high iq, looks, nepotism, and drugs

>> No.50618407

weird face, i dont like it

>> No.50618429

Yes, why

>> No.50618437

Simple as. End of.

>> No.50618446
File: 49 KB, 450x684, arnold_schwarzenegger_biography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. Read a biography. They did reps. Even in sales or acting. Reps reps reps.

>> No.50618547

He literally made his career out of being on drugs 24/7

>> No.50618576

I mean, that's how I made it. Cycling not jogging though.

>> No.50618750

looks and drugs

>> No.50618900

Hello trust fund kiddie.
How's daddies money? Do nothing all day today?

>> No.50618921

I hate this fucking site and this country.

>> No.50618932

>Losers give up too easily
Sounds like you never had to struggle.

>> No.50618946

>Jerry Seinfeld
Imagine listing to a jew.

>> No.50618960

>Any questions?
why do you think we give a fuck what and how you live your life? inquiring minds would like to know.

>> No.50619005
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>> No.50619028
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>> No.50619076
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>Old Jerry Seinfeld famously wrote 1 joke per day

>> No.50619116

>Old Jerry Seinfeld famously wrote 1 joke per day
Which is what 5 minutes of work per day? Yeah that's not enough in literally every field except the one where a Jew gets a job for knowing the right people

>> No.50619153

There were 1000s of other bodybuilders who also had his "looks" (dubious) and did just as many drugs to pump themselves up. They were lazy bastards who sat around on the beach when they weren't in the gym. This is not enough to explain success. But you know what does explain quite clearly? Reading a book.

>> No.50619189

Luck. There's no autobiography that admits that the guy who wrote it got lucky.
>duuude he just worked so much more than literally every other athlete on the planet
If that was true he wouldn't be abusing drugs for one

>> No.50619235

Luck is the name we give to what we can't explain. I agree that the guy himself might not even know how the heck he made it, but it's no coincidence that it was him and none other...

>> No.50619283
File: 2.05 MB, 1224x2074, AsukaLifts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hard part for humans is always getting started, and being consistent. Some days you start with one and get on a roll and keep going long into the night, improving and refining. Other days you don't feel like it - But you never miss a day, that's the keep-it-simple key that unlocks the riches.
Become so good they can't ignore you.

>> No.50619292

haha yeah bro instead just sleep in till 2pm masturbate browse the internet masturbate """trade""" masturbate watch anime masturbate and go to sleep at 4am

>> No.50619294

Of course it was. Some Jewish producer saw him in some gay orgy and that was that. The man can't act and barely speaks English and they made him a movie star. He was a lead in a ton of films and he STILL didn't learn to act and barely even learned English, you're telling me this guy worked harder than everyone? Doesn't look like he did to me

>> No.50619437

Be born rich or use connections with politicians do get your project subsidized

>> No.50619485

This but unironically. Morning normies are cringe.

>> No.50619592

I'm not telling you that he worked harder, but I'm also not buying that 1 lucky strike can hold a decade-long acting career and then a successful political career. There's more to it than just "le ebin jew likes him". A big % of the audience clearly loved him. As a kid, I saw his movies and he was awesome and I watched him win the election when nobody believed that he would. It's not luck and it's not hard work either. It's a mastery of charisma and chaotic energy.

>> No.50619826
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Loser bros.. it's over.

>> No.50620284

What’s the point?

>> No.50620573
File: 59 KB, 1200x1000, EjMD7mTXkAUeSMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking seethe to end all other seething lmfao
can you imagine how pathetic this cretin's life must be to get that triggered? kek

>> No.50620610

This is accurate

>> No.50620815

based and gmi

>> No.50620991

it sucks he turned into a onions after 2015

>> No.50623264

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.50623558

Yes children need no guidance. You are a dumb fuck.

>> No.50623618

>children are mature adults
reading comprehension below even nigger standards
how can you type so confidently but be so fucking stupid

>> No.50623659

amphetamines and steroids

>> No.50623673


>> No.50623716

Everything is this thread is the advice of immature men. Self improvement is for losers.

>> No.50624683

Where would jesus be if this was the case

>> No.50624691


>> No.50624777

>Self improvement is for losers.
kek, correct it starts with low self-esteem and loops forever

>> No.50624804

there is a middle ground by just being fucking normal. Forcing yourself to follow an arbitrary routine cause some roided guy on a podcast said so is stupid

>> No.50624835

Don't help anybody, don't offer any advice to anyone ever. If you see someone struggling, ignore them. The suffering of others is not your business. All advice is dogshit and the very concept of advice should never have been created. You should in no way pass any knowledge or wisdom onto others; be sure to hoard everything your experiences have taught you.

>> No.50624873

> Don't help anybody
unless they ask
> don't offer any advice to anyone ever
yup, no one likes adults who tell other adults what to do
> If you see someone struggling, ignore them.
use discretion
> All advice is dogshit
generally speaking, yes
> You should in no way pass any knowledge or wisdom onto others
only if they ask

>> No.50625125

OP status: BTFO

>> No.50625314

I wonder what you look like

>> No.50625625

only help frens here
fuck normies and r3dditrannies

>> No.50626326

based. OP BTFO.

>> No.50626396
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Disturbingly based, the sign of a true man is ignoring faggots

>> No.50628209


>> No.50628333

Mega fucking based

>> No.50628894

The post that was worth interrupting my deep work session.

>> No.50630263

Based lol

>> No.50630884

Beyond Based

>> No.50630960


>> No.50630994

Killing their enemies

>> No.50631344

what a faggy looking homo