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50615996 No.50615996 [Reply] [Original]

How is owning 50 mortgages and expecting your tenants to pay up a good investment stradegy? Are there any risks involved if just one tenant does not pay up?

>> No.50616027
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I want these people to fail more than I want the Fed to go away as an institution.

>> No.50616056

he's gonne get rekt when these plebs just stop paying and wont leave. nothing he can do

>> No.50616074

based af

>> No.50616135

tenant non-payment is quantifiable, you can do a couple math problems to figure out that roughly 10% of your tenants are niggers who cant pay so you just raise the rent on the 90% of cucks to cover it

>> No.50616192

House flippers are going to be flipping off of bridges. Sure inflation was bound to grip realestate but there is simply too much dumb money in housing that their appreciations are way off of their targets.

>> No.50616250

Thats easy, just read basic landlord tenant law and post it on reddit/twitter.

These tards are leveraging their ability to cut corners against general cluelessness/fear of lawyers.

>> No.50616277


cope retard, there is 1/10th the leverage in the market as 2008, barring mass unemployment, there will be no crash

>> No.50616439

no matter how many houses he flips, he will still have brown eyes and black hair
just another swarthy piece of hispanic mystery meat

>> No.50616580

oh my
the crash is gonna fuck you up real good

>> No.50616618

>be me
>get 6 month stock options letter higher than my salary
I'll probably be fired within 5

>> No.50616844
File: 104 KB, 614x498, images (50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep COPE'ing, the fuckers got a big ass hole on the side of the ship because of the ice(((berg))), give it time and water will flood the engine room. What I mean by that is that the ship will start SLOWING down (ie.realestate prices), once they stagnate, the ship will start to slowly sink. This isnt some little fishing boat, its the TITANIC realestate market in the US. I officialy call the real estate market @ complacency! Stay tuned for more!

>> No.50616918

I would just laugh at your retarded opinions, but you'll be an annoying faggot and spam this board with 49 pink wojak threads when we once again start printing legs down and your zestimate makes a -87%
Don't bother using logic with real estate top buyers. The only language they understand is pain and watching their net worth spreadsheet's numbers go down.

>> No.50617256

He doesn't own houses, he's an influencer.

>> No.50618587

times were better before "influencer" became a thing

>> No.50618721

>lying beady eyed mutt retard
many such cases in the "real estate investor" scene.

>> No.50618894

I guarantee that I make more money in a year than he does by working far less

>> No.50618981

no they weren't
times were always shit

>> No.50619013
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>> No.50619034

What kind of dumb question is this? They pay you rent. End of story. I wish Jannies could ban people for stupidity.

>> No.50619092

I'm guessing 1031 and depreciation?

>> No.50619240

So there is no risk if your tenants dont pay for your mortgage?

>> No.50619440

Yes these grifters are faggots what else is new

>> No.50619473

> Are there any risks involved if just one tenant does not pay up?
Yeah, foreclosure. Then you're forced to sell the rest of your properties to make up the difference.

>> No.50619831
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I pay lanlords insurance, it's like 450 a year. But I'm sure they assess well, and know I'm in a nearly black free zone

>> No.50620187
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It's not. They are slaves to bankers, contractors, and tenants . This will end in tears.

>> No.50620279

any good resources to pay less in taxes?

>> No.50620339

There is always a risk of tenants not paying, and dragging out the eviction process. You can mitigate that risk by screening people applying to rent, having a enough tenants that you can start treating them as statistics & setting your rates high enough to cover a few of them not paying up at any given time, and by purchasing insurance.

>> No.50620371

Consult your rabbi, Chaim

>> No.50620485

>To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion

this is where your taxes go

>> No.50620499

>Are there any risks involved if just one tenant does not pay up?
take them to court.
court will garnish their wages.
plus, because they are found guilty of non-payment, they have to pay court fees.

the renting waggies are fucking stupid cash cows.

>> No.50620579

to continue..
the only thing a landlord has to worry about, is getting another cash cow in quickly after the first one in order to keep the monthly mortgage rolling in.
but you can always find ways to keep and use the deposits or raise the rent for the next cash cow to cover the late mortgage payments.

>> No.50620612

Yeah, why is it always those rich in melanin doing this?

>> No.50620624

>garnish wages
lmao. i live in pennsylvania, it's max 10% of their wages. have fun recovering $4000 a year from some $20/hour poorfag.

>> No.50620676

so their wages get garnished for more than one year?
i dont see your point.
you still have to pay me.
either today or tomorrow.
but YOU STILL AND WILL PAY ME, landlord simp.

>> No.50620741
File: 254 KB, 768x576, photo 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever see what a few handfuls of japanese knotweed can do to a foundation or a driveway?

>> No.50620785

>japanese knotweed
lol upset?

>> No.50620796

>Are there any risks involved if just one tenant does not pay up?
Nope. The democrats shielded people from evictions for two years and fucked over landlords during covid. Only solution is to put together a private army and tell the government to fuck off when they send the cops to stop you evicting people.

>> No.50620882

no effin heckerino way my parents' neighbors had this for more than 10 years and I think it is overrated as a pest. it grew to our side but we managed to eliminate it entirely when they moved

>> No.50621400

Pan gold, harvest coffee, use your mouth to suck dick