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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50615482 No.50615482 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50615834
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Put rlc in the title if you want to start an rlc thread
200 this year

>> No.50616694
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Tonight it's happening

>> No.50617037

I see 200 at least as well but could go to 400
RLC is such a sleeper gem

>> No.50617668

Give me a rundown of the good reasons and I will FOMO all my free assets into it tonight

>> No.50618406

Some analysis here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SooxiuVO9U

>> No.50618500

Picture a world where researchers can conduct their work without worry of patient confidential data. Think the models big pharma can run and create without the gigantic hurdle of patient ethics. This is a multi trillion dollar problem which is, right this moment, solved, yet the market is woefully dumb and behind.

>> No.50618552

One of the most autistic things I’ve ever seen

>> No.50618583

Never. Project failed and smart money moved on.

>> No.50618615

Get PRQ instead. Thank me later.

>> No.50619857

probably won’t hit $200 until 2025, which i’m okay with. will continue adding to my position every time we get a good dip.

>> No.50619881

You faggots been talking about that digital oil nigga shit for 5 years now. I bought like a thousand back then and theyve just been larping around in my ethereum wallet, it's never going to happen.

>> No.50620085

already did a 100x from 0.2 to 20 usd... its going to do another one. double 100x means 1000 usd invested becomes ten million

>> No.50620472

This is literally just another json parser

>> No.50620907


>> No.50620927

I don't know who Jason is but you are a faggot

>> No.50621979

What is wrong with you

>> No.50622189
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team sucks
that's why they're offering bounties for pajeets to develop for them
>$30000 worth of RLC for cheap dev work to save an $80000000 project

all while Gilles cashes out his ICO ETH to buy a new car instead of hiring talented devs

>> No.50622879

You can't expect the team to make the technology and every single dapp on it. That's how I know you're sub 100 IQ

>> No.50623105
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>> No.50623123
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>> No.50623171
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>> No.50623205
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>> No.50623243
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do not look into the industrial internet consortium

>> No.50623271

>implying this isn't bullish af

>> No.50623292
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>> No.50623311

>checks dogshit futures
it's gonna be a while

>> No.50623433

They don't mention that the 30k is in RLC which is ~30k RLC which is beyond a make it stack

>> No.50623537

France is the new Silicon Valley, WAGMI

>> No.50623547
File: 244 KB, 431x420, 1658964427026738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even look at the bounties?
theyre for iexec's frontend that they didnt bother developing over the past 2 years

get gilles cock out ya mouth fool

>> No.50623731

It's just a pseudo hire anon

>> No.50623870

however you need to cope

>> No.50623950

It's pumped for loke day and that's because everything else was pumping.

Seriously why all the shilling. Rlc has been my most stagnant hold. I have missed so much because of it. It's pathetic.

It's useless. Literal dog shit... the only thing biz was right about.

>> No.50624272

>Rlc has been my most stagnant hold.
It has gone 10x many times and 100x one time

>> No.50624712