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50607680 No.50607680 [Reply] [Original]

We are ushered into a new era and only biz is grasping how significant it will be.
Millions will be made in this space
In the past month alone, Polygon;
>launched Polygon ID
>launched Polygon Avail
>partnership with Facebook, Disney, Coca-cola, Bentley and Reddit

Which web3 projects will melt faces in coming months degens?

>> No.50607754

Polygon is a piece of shit, trying hard to be like Cosmos, Polkadot or even try to kill Ethereum but they won't succeed because the Jews will destroy them in the coming years.

>> No.50607770

Once they move into zkrollups, matic is unironically not needed

>> No.50608088


>> No.50608110

Take advantage of the passive income opportunities in front of you jeet or go back to your mama's basement.

>> No.50608130
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Setting up passive income pools could totally be worth it anons. Anyone here got a yield aggregator to recommend?

>> No.50608560

I know it's a shitcoin, I'm not going to buy any of it even if my friends pushes me. They are just going straight up broke in the coming years. You'll see

>LUNA type of shit

>> No.50608630

Why luna?

>> No.50609545

There's no free money Chad

>> No.50609740

These projects are just full of scumbags, it doesn't mean that they are legit even if they reach a higher market cap. They can still be a shitcoin after all, just lookup with Do Kwon.

>> No.50609774

you are being tricked into the staking and not doing anything dream. if you aren't a preinvestor / intern / vc you will just be the one that holds the bag in any proof of stake asset

>> No.50610557

Do Kown has set up everything from the start and they're all a rubbish in the world. Fuck them.

>> No.50610660
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he should be in jail right now, or i don't know if he is bribing lots of police in his place, there's no way he can catch up with his dirty schemes cause the end game for that shitcoin had already showed

>> No.50611050

Anon, money is power and you know that.

>> No.50611528

Some of my friends lost their mind after buying huge bags of that token, especially when it was around 80$. That was the most careless thing they ever made, and now they are crying like babies.

>> No.50611851

zkrollups sound an old fashion when it comes to having a low gas fees, they are just there as a temporary option for those projects who can't afford to have their own blockchain and still use ethereum lolz

>> No.50611911
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>indian team
Hard pass

>> No.50612188

It's not a careless thing. We didn't see it coming faggot. Don't pretend like you know everything in crypto.

>> No.50612284

I don't know everything but I have a good sense of seeing the truth between the lines since I was a kid. You'll see your future if you still went into loving LUNA yourself, die like a degen.

>> No.50612413

don't expose your family here, i know you are all begging and shitting on mumbai streets right now, you can ask some help with your corrupt government nigga and fuck off

>> No.50612464

>partnership with Facebook, Disney, Coca-cola, Bentley and Reddit

Polygon lies just like any tech bullshit too!

>> No.50612760
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>Polygon lies just like any tech bullshit too!
I completely disagree with you on this. They are among the best chains we have around.

>> No.50612765

They aren't lying, those companies mentioned are still thinking about showing off themselves to embrace crypto as there will be a lot of boomers there that could potentially bash them from revealing. Maybe we could wait for about 3 years before they make a stand for this partnership.

>> No.50612887

I agree with you. It might take less time than expected. What do you think?

>> No.50612927

i've seen some small influencers pushing MATIC as their best holdings so far this year, maybe we can see some good innovations around their ecosystem... i'm quite curious as well

>> No.50612956

Stop making a story anon. LUNA belongs to be at the top coins and you're sensing yourself the luna future? Then why are you still poor today?

>> No.50613061

Don't fight about LUNA as these oldfag tokens will just rot in their pasts. I am much more excited to see more crowdfundings that will be much more efficient than IDOs which is too costly, and only whales are getting those early dumps like a faggot.

>> No.50613123

Another Ghostchain shilled by streetshitters.
Belongs into the Garbage together with Kadena or ICP.

>> No.50613400
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you must be expecting KOLnet platform then, i think they are going to have initial marketing offering instead which will connect some small influencers and new projects in one launchpad

>> No.50613747

Don't be so dramatic anon that you can just invest without telling everyone to invest in. Fuck

>> No.50613834

Some of those influencers are paid to shill. Some are not.
Apart from matic, there are other sincere investments most of them are into as well, including in freeway supercharger staking products , eGLD and few others.

>> No.50615284

I just hope those influencers will create a better result to buzz its platform in the space as it's like still on experimental phase in my opinion

>> No.50615564

Have you checked the v1? I think they already showed a sneak peek for the registration of those micro KOLs that is aiming to be part of their future launchpad, it was too easy for everybody. Lol.

>> No.50615754

It's easy for you to think but the marketing part is hard to execute to bring an organic engagement unless KOLs are creative on their own way.

>> No.50616015

I have my alts staked on Bitrue for passive income as well. Passive income is of the essence RN.

>> No.50616072

I have my eyes on the sports metaverse which is the future of sports in web3 and the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50616096

Do fucking Kwon is living his best life and day dreaming.
You scumrags can cry all you want

>> No.50616205

I think marketing a project plays an important role. It's not an easy task so they deseve the best rewards after their performances are being tracked. Kinda motivational.

>> No.50616245
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Always invest what you can afford to lose. I hate it so much to see newfags wag their tongue after tasting red dildos

>> No.50616487

but this thing is going places for sure as even just the stakers of their utility token can also get a share from the guaranteed presale allocations from those new projects that are integrated with the platform

>> No.50616810
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Don't say 'for sure' as this approach is still new and it needs all the people to be aware of the product to run smoothly. Community will always play an important role in this area.

>> No.50616852

if those micro-influencers started to have good outputs, they will be tracked using their proof of marketing and also will be ranked accordingly. Which I think will also get some exclusive benefits.

>> No.50617531

You're right anon. The community of platforms play a major role and a commendable one I've seen is on Railgun where a huge percentage of the tokens circulating supply is staked, showing the community is in it for the long term.

>> No.50617614

Influencers only care about their fat pockets and shills.
They're paid to shill this worthless bags and they do same aimlessly to poor fags

>> No.50617656

Who fucking cares about him? Do you?
He has done his worst. I'm glad I wasn't affected in anyway. I had to utilize another better option.

>> No.50617693

What do you expect when the big whales are doing theirs? Ignore all those influencers. The sincere ones are just a few.

>> No.50618069

>rebranded matic
>already worse congestions and fee spikes than the spaghetti code it relies on, at less tx

>> No.50618890

>trying hard to be like Cosmos
I think this is an ironic statement. It should be the other way around
Definitely not polygon

>> No.50619009

That whole project was built on a fugazzi. If you're going to get in on a project, it has to be something that has a utility you can see with your naked eyes, not those ones with solutions to problems that don't exist.

>> No.50619061

>They are among the best chains we have around.
No lies detected. Anyone else with a contrary opinion is a faggot. I've seen a good number of projects built on the Polygon network that are doing pretty good.

>> No.50619118

Anyone still talking about IDOs now is definitely gonna get rekt. IMOs are the real deal now.

>> No.50620496

Everyone in biz knows it all still yet they get rekt for fun.

>> No.50620723
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>Some of those influencers are paid to shill. Some are not.
If an influencer gets presale tokens as payment for his/her promotion services, I trust they'll do more than just shill the project since they're already a part of the community.

>> No.50620911

>I think marketing a project plays an important role
If a project gets its marketing wrong, then it's a nose dive from that point. This is what will make launchpads like KOLnet really popular in the near future because they'll give projects a perfect take off.

>> No.50620979

People can barely eat talk more of having money on the side that they can afford to loose.

>> No.50621033
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Not just the community, the dev team needs to go out of their way to make sure that the first set of projects that will have IMOs on the platform will get excellent results.

>> No.50621263

It needs a successful launch to prove everything is right. Launching a new product is not an easy thing to do.

>> No.50621288

Polygon is shit. I repeat.

>> No.50621338

Influencers have bastardized the tech marketing space tbvh. It has been crying for some sort of regulation for a while now and hopefully with the Proof of Marketing within the Kolnet ecosytem, they'll up their game.

>> No.50621383

>The sincere ones are just a few.
The microkols are the ones with some sort of credibility left because they're still trying to build their community. No surprises that the platform that offers IMOs opted for them rather than the big guys.

>> No.50621530

Don't use influencers in promoting

>> No.50621996

>That whole project was built on a fugazzi.
Do Kwon is lounging on their money rn. He's a smart jeet for sure

>> No.50622094

Micro KOLs are better than the Macro KOLs as major influencers cared about their pay alone and will sell their tokens immediately after one post from a platform. I hope people will realise that.

>> No.50622095

>it has to be something that has a utility
Launchpads have a very palpable utility and then the ones that are different would definitely lead the pack, so get into a good one to avoid getting rekt on fugazzis

>> No.50622132
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>Don't use influencers in promoting
I think there are some that are still reputable out there. Plus if their promotions are well regulated like how KOLnet plans to do it, then I don't think we'll have such issues as before.

>> No.50622161

>if you aren't a preinvestor
So having access to presale tokens is agreed to be a safe investment now yeah?

>> No.50622326

Honestly the attention polygon is getting shouldnt be surprising, the platform has been building for months, it literally exposed the relevance of the identity management to the public and other projects offering products and services in that niche are also getting a lot of attention.

>> No.50622420

Stupidity, they are all useless

>> No.50622421

>Which web3 projects will melt faces in coming months degens?

>> No.50622480

I'll never understand why crypto marketing gets so much hate when its a major way of getting to know some good projects.

>> No.50622567

Lots of persons have gotten rekt from investing in projects that were promoted from paid shills. You can't blame them desu. The faggots just need to accept their losses and move on to better things. As bad as the tech marketing space may look, it's too important to fade off and it's about to et explosive soon.

>> No.50622572

That's more reason why users should prioritize asset security. I for one don't make transactions without using privacy solutions as I can't afford any sensitive data getting into the hands of hackers.

>> No.50622631

Not just projects built on the network even projects in partnership with polygon are in the spotlight just check out how far Ore protocol has come since the announcement of their partnership despite the bear season.

>> No.50622758
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You clearly don't understand how important the marketing is. Don't suffer from ignorance and stupidity young man.

>> No.50622868


bots or shills

>> No.50622924

Low quality marketing and a poor management will lead to a failure.
You're clearly talking to yourself.

>> No.50623224

Web3 payments like fuse and coti bummer

>> No.50623245

That's reasonable, but on a second note, it will be done for their own selfish interest. What if they sell immediately?

>> No.50623465

That happens

>> No.50623528

Guys Ik this is off topic but I’m starting to think those Speedo chads are right. The “listen up people like me are winners I just opened a 900 million dollar long we’re going to xyz ”

>> No.50623812

That's why they partnered with the Council team for finding a better KOLs that will help the journey all the way.
That's their loss anon

>> No.50623972

That's a big one, web3 access is a good one too especially projects with products that connects web2 to web3 for easy movement.

>> No.50623987

I don't know, I lost my confidence in Lunc at some point. I'd rather get the Lion club NFTs on sports metaverse which grants me exclusive access to sports events.

>> No.50624132
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If micro KOLs will cooperate and create the best promotion, I think people will realise kolnet in the future without convincing them. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.50624433

I remember this partnership announcement, its was all over twitter the partnership is meant to provide cross chain wallet and NFT management.

>> No.50624553

Im seeing good partnerships here. Reminds me of Railgun which has bagged support from the likes of Metis and REN.

>> No.50624762
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Sylo Anon.
>an end-to-end decentralized communication protocol. collaborating with the futureverse for the metaverse.

>> No.50624922


>> No.50625385

>Which web3 projects will melt faces in coming months degens?
None. The whales are pumping one last time for the last profitable exit. Unless by 'melt faces' you mean lots of suicides.

>> No.50625402
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Just as how CryptoXpress works anon as they're also offering a payment service on their one stop solution. Storing assets and nft collections pretty much sleek.
Someone understood it

>> No.50625581

A new era is also coming with the metaverse anon. In recent times it has even broken into the world of sports with clubs like Manchester City building a virtual stadium for fans.

>> No.50625676

Truly innovating

>> No.50626085

More and more are duplicating paypal sloth

>> No.50626262

IMOs as a new fundraising model could in no time phase off IDOs.

>> No.50626564

No suicides anon except for those becoming exit liquidity for projects >>50623224
Payment gateways are now gaining more popularity in the space. Is e-commerce the next big thing?

>> No.50626637

Paypal is a traditional off-chain payment service and the fees are not friendly at all. I'd rather use xpress service for smooth and faster transaction. Their token burn is a win win game.

>> No.50626646

Anon got the drift

>> No.50627887

Holy moly

>> No.50628856

Influencers will get to be accountable for the services offered to early stage crypto projects through transparency and an improved launching model, projects will reach their target market

>> No.50628878

Long-term bags for staking
Matic, egld, Kolnet and lever.
Market recovery is imminent

>> No.50629187

Staking and participating in Bitrue's yield farming pools is the real deal

>> No.50629202

Load up on XRP because they are winning the case. You don't want to miss out.

>> No.50629214

Millionaires were made from LUNA, but those that joined at the ATH hoping for 1k got rekt.

>> No.50629220

Polygon has a lot of potential anon and would definitely experience growth in the coming months. I also feel safer using the blockchain now that a privacy solution

>> No.50629291

I've got a stash of MATIC
The Disney accelerator program makes the Polygon chain one to grow exponentially. Staking a stash of matic and kolnet now.

>> No.50630346

Finally part is that the AllianceDEX is to release on the Polkadot network and the Polygon network. So it just depends on pros and cons but both are good in the market.

>> No.50632475
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I'm not doubting on Polygon, Avalanche, Solana, Ethereum and other chains that has created its brand already
It's also good to look for another opportunity like what Geeq can do:
> Quantum-ready
>Highly secure data consistency layer

>> No.50633455

Secured in what sense?

>> No.50633487

Polygon is choking. It's a joke blockchain

>> No.50634095
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>using tg melt faces expression....

literal pajeet detected.

>> No.50634410

Wtf are you stupid?

>> No.50635109

Web3 gaming is next

>> No.50635208

Jeet scam. They only buy already existing solutions and relabel them to "Polygon X".

>> No.50636112

It's secured by Proof of Honesty anon which is invulnerable to hacks and exploits. This will remain competitive as they progress. DYOR anon.

>> No.50636130

As in?

>> No.50637250
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i think im the only faggot buying anything from polygon with a chance to pump hard because i only have hope for polygon nowadays
>$IQ (funny name)
>$CHAMP (ex ubisoft people as devs, normie game easy chillable to braindead retard sports fans)
>$ADS (ad based money printing)

>> No.50637259

>I only believe in polygon nowadays