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50606343 No.50606343 [Reply] [Original]

The only things that motivate me to make it is pure spite and the ability to treat women like trash. I want to be rich as fuck and shove it in the face of anyone who doubted me in this life. That speech where Michael Jordan got inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame is so goddamn kino because he spends 23 minutes and 23 seconds talking raw shit to everyone in his life who ever doubted him. I dream of having a moment like that, I'd cry just like MJ. Hatred is the fuel of greatness. I want to treat women like garbage and not even be forced to pretend they're my equals. I want to make this fucking whores grovel at my feet and kiss my dick for money. I've been loved for who I am, it's fucking overrated. I want to be hated. I want to feel that fucking hate. I want people to seethe at my fucking existence like peoples seethe over Musk, Bezos, Buffett and Gates. It's all I ever dream about anymore. I just want to be rich enough for everyone to know I'm better than them. Love, a family, travelling the world, fuck all that queer shit. I will treat my wife children like shit and remind them everyday they only have because of me. And if they divorce and abandon me fuck them, I want to be rich enough to upgrade to a younger wife whenever I goddamn feel like it. Hate makes Great.

>> No.50606388

Sounds like you’re gonna be a broke ass bitch forever.
Where’s my fucking appetizer, cunt? Hurry the fuck up.

>> No.50606409

I will literally slice my own dick off and kill myself before I work one minute in a restaurant.

>> No.50606425

You are forgetting the fact that even in your sociapathic scenario if "hate makes great" then people will always be greater than you in your world. No matter how much you hate "niggers, kikes, faggot, females and poors" these people will hate you FAR more than what you can hate them yourself. Especially if you intent, like you describe, to be constantly showing your true colors. Tbh even when you parasites try to hide your "power levels" it is still obvious af to anyone close to you. So the only thing you will be achieving is to die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve and want. You will always remain a weak, insecure, submissive and hateful little manchild but worry not it will all be over soon and you can finally get that relief you so desperately desire

>> No.50606453

>Musk, Bezos, Buffett and Gates.
These people have something you don't. Productivity.

>> No.50606455

even if I die alone in the worst pain imaginable, I will still die smiling knowing I always was and will be superior to the shitstains surrounding me.

>> No.50606477
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>> No.50606510

lmao anon who hurt you retard. maybe matic and eth can get you there but you are just a sad little man who deserves the shithole you have dug yourself into

>> No.50606580

I already hold both. I'm just tired of trying to believe in such as thing as inner peace. There is only complacency with mediocrity. I just want to get filthy rich enough to tell people to go fuck themselves. Yes I want to be a greedy bastard everyone hates. Is that so wrong? If I really make it all it will prove is that I had the resolve to make it where others failed. Everyone will hate me because they wish they could be me.

>> No.50606624

what's your net worth now and how much you want to have minimum

>> No.50606663

I literally only have around 20k but want to be worth at LEAST 10 million by the time I'm 40. Only actually manned the fuck up and started giving a shit about money in the last year.

>> No.50606687

Sounds like an edgy anime antagonist for the late 2000s

>> No.50606732

Hahahahaha op is a faggot

>> No.50606736

Nobody will let you know they give a fuck. They might seethe (if they ever even see your social media) but they won't seethe in front of you. I don't know if you keep people you don't like on your social media, or ever see them in person, but either way, you'll never get the satisfaction of seeing them react to your success. If you make a gay speech no one will see it or give a fuck. If you drive a lambo around your hometown nobody's gonna look through your windows and shout "That's anon holy shit! Wow I was wrong about him!"
You're just gonna end up buying rounds of drinks for people who you hate in some desperate attempt for validation, and they're going to enjoy those drinks without you.

>> No.50606780

It's harder to explain than that, but I do keep tabs on the people I hate. I'll be able to let them know in subtle ways that I made it and shove it in their face. I would never buy those faggots drinks. I want to do horrible shit like take a dump on some guy's parents grave and then just straight up pay whatever fines I get and lawyer up. Literal petty shit just to fuck with people, the type of things that make life worthwhile.

>> No.50606840

I mean you don't really have to be rich to do that, just don't get caught lel

>> No.50606894

yes but it will be even funnier if I am rich. Would you rather some random jackass take a dump on your mother's grave, or some multimillionaire jackass you knew since middle school? Think about it, the latter stings way harder. I just won't ENJOY shitting on someone's grave unless I'm rich first.

>> No.50606921

like bro you're not seeing the vision. It's not about shitting on someone's grave and not getting caught. I WANT to get caught. I want to straight up make a video of myself doing it then sending it to them, knowing full well its police evidence. I want to be so rich, that shit literally wont matter.

>> No.50606933
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>grave desecrator

>> No.50606942

I think in that case he'd probably just be flattered that you still remember him, that he made enough of an impact on your life to cause you to go out of your way to commit a crime and lose money over it

>> No.50607028
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it's way harder to explain, but he knows me very, very well. I know for a fact he'll never forget me even if he pretends to. But I just want him to never forget that I made it. I make sure he's always aware of me. I'll make sure he's aware of when I make it and how I did it. I just want to continuously rub it in his face until he's actively taking steps to stop me. I want him to get a restraining order against me just because he can't handle my bullshit anymore. I want him to understand something, I have much more perseverance and patience than him. I can hold grudges and spite inside me longer than he'll even live. And I can be much pettier than he can comprehend. I'll be pissing on his grave too as an old rich piece of shit.

dude I fucking love Bram Stoker's Dracula and Gary Oldman. One of Coppola's better kinos.

>> No.50607110
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Official Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCsex2tGXrs

>> No.50607158

the shitstains surrounding you are you. plebian

>> No.50607159

Nice blog loser I'll take a shit in your ash urn when you end it all after taking out options on some shitcoin called 'Capedog Doodlecoin' sponsored by Elon Cuck. If you could afford a grave I'd leave a big steamer on that one too.

>> No.50607252
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KEK I'll outlive you. i'm going to be one of those super rich old centenarian on life extension pills.

>> No.50607283

Why don't you just fuck with his daughter force her to become hooker drug addict or something , shitting on parents grave really?

>> No.50607360
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You, I like the way you think. But I am actually a decent person, I wouldn't victimize an innocent girl. The fact is his parents are responsible for him being the person I hate so much, so they deserve part of the blame. But I can't make it piss him off unless they die first, which they will since their old. I'm really just focused on pissing him off without actually harming anyone else. His parents will be dead, he'll be alive, his children (he has none) will be innocent. I wouldn't be surprised if this low-t retard is infertile anyways.

>> No.50607400

If someone did that to me and I'd learn it was some rich fuck I'd stop giving a fuck due to sheer absurdity of the situation. I'd more pity you than be mad.
Overall, if anyone cared about you they'd be inaccessible. The people closest to you would be too blinded with greed to hate you. And to whores rich assholes are like crack. You'd be far more annoying as a hobo.

>> No.50607416

I like the pepe version of this where he steals all the money and fills the money pool with shit.

>> No.50607437
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I respect the hate and I raise you with my apathy
My dream is to become wealthy, tell no one and ghost everyone I’ve ever known
Just move away, change my number and live in a cabin in the woods with my dog
Much better plan if you truly hate someone

>> No.50607490
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then my legacy will be even more glorious. Because he'll know that I harassed and bothered him constantly even when I was a peasant like everyone else, and continued doing it all the way until I was a rich fuck and still didn't run out of steam. My glory would be fucking palpable. My own children and grandchildren will be staring at their fucked up grandpa wondering why he hates that one fucking guy so much more than he even loves them. I would make my own children hate me just watching me harass and do dumb shit to piss this guy off. I'd do retarded shit like drive over to his daughter's wedding in a lambo, burst in like Britney Spears husband just to point at him and laugh like "your sweet daughter is getting FUCKED tonight, dipshit." The pettiness will only grow as I grow older and older. He will be the object of my bullying until one of us dies. I'll probably feel sad after he dies and I take a dump on his grave. Just cause I can't continue to pester him.

Damn, you sound just like my girlfriend man. She keeps talking about how we should get rich together and move innawoods away from everything and build our own house together.

And this is the thing man, I'm not trying to do some Oldboy shit where I specifically fuck with his daughter. His daughter will just be some innocent person. I want to fuck with him and him primarily. There are a few other associates of his I also want to fuck with but the same rule applies: the hatred and pettiness is directed sheerly towards them, not towards any innocent bystanders including their children.

However, I will remind him that I could have done some heinous shit to his daughter, but chose not to. Because I'm a better human being than him and all that jazz.

>> No.50607493

Bro you will never be ultra rich and this dude already lives in your head rent free. You’ve already spent more time energy posting about it in this thread than any sane person would.

>> No.50607538

You should move to Poland then. Buy a VW Passat and see your neighbour seethe. Move to a new neighbourhood and repeat. Pro tip.
Cute furry btw. :3

>> No.50607564

how old are you you edgy wee cunt?

>> No.50607634
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Heh, you think this thread means anything? I've been shitposting on his dead forum nonstop for the last 5 years. I single handedly killed it myself and keep posting almost every day even though no one replies. And the best part: I still know this faggot reads my posts every single day. He can't fucking stand it. You doubt me now but it's that very doubt that made me a better person. I was once a complete homeless loser kicked out by my own parents, my hatred motivated me to crawl up the ladder bit by bit. Now I own my mother's house, my own brother is my tenant and am slowly building my wealth. I used to be an emaciated skinny shit, now I'm over 215lbs and getting stronger every day. Hate makes great. I'll prove the random people who doubted me like you wrong too. It's when I didn't have hate in my heart that I was weak.

Ah man I don't give a shit about some random poorfag in Poland man. It's making the specific people I hate seethe that gets me off. You guys just ain't seeing the damn vision! It's about the glory. It's about them knowing me my whole life and doubting me while not knowing all the fucked up bullshit and trauma I had to go through. I almost killed myself one time but I came back from that. I was such a broken person then. You probably would have called me a "good person" back then. I wasn't always like this. But I hated myself so much. Back then they pitied me. And my fucking god dude

It feels SO much better to be hated than to be pitied. I just wish you could understand it. Only those who have felt the depths of true despair and pain (and crawled out of it) can comprehend what I'm talking about.


>> No.50607676

Wait let me get is straight so you will treat your wife and children like shit but will not do anything to your nemesis's child , okay if not daughter why not fuck with his gf or wife if he'll ever have her

>> No.50607727
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I'll give my own children whatever they need but I'm gonna be too preoccupied being a spiteful piece of shit to actually care about/love them. I am good at seducing women even when I was broke as shit, being rich will just make it easier.

Why do you guys want me to fuck his wife? What would that accomplish? I don't even find his gf attractive at all. Ahhhh you fucking guys just don't get it. It's about raw superiority and pettiness. It's about proving I can fucking AFFORD to be petty. I don't have to fuck his wife. I'll have my own trophy wife half my age I can show off, the fuck would I want with that ugly dog he is with?

>> No.50607738

Sounds like no matter what you do you'll be the one seething the most.
Anyways, what's your plan to getting rich in the first place? Mine's PM and crypto, and moving innawoods to spend less on living.

>> No.50607743

Cringe overload
Dont do drugs kids

>> No.50607759

You just take her to the most expensive island for a week get some ig stories fuck her and he will never forget you , he'll forever hate you and then on top of that you'll get a trophy wife so he'll hate you even more

>> No.50607853

>PM and crypto

basically the same here. i own my mother's house, will own my father's house eventually and am mining crypto and investing in it over time.

You just dont get it. I experienced more pain in one lifetime at the age of 30 than most people will ever know by the time they die. People can't hurt me anymore. I don't fear death anymore. Everything feels so numb, my girlfriend and my family tell me they love me and it barely means anything to me. All I can ever think about is getting rich so I can tell people to fuck off. Just so I can go out of my way to embarrass them. The realest pleasure I feel now is pissing off the people I hate.

And by the way, he'll already never forget me. That much is certain. I just want to be persistent enough to drive him fucking nuts until he dies. He can have his wife and kids and all that shit, but he'll just always have me reminding him that I'm better than him. The best part is I will be able to personally thank him for motivating me to be a better person than him.

>> No.50607898

Is anyone gonna ask what that guy did to him?
Did he diddle you OP?

>> No.50607943
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He was a good friend.

>> No.50607963

You'll slice your dick off and then not have the balls to kill yourself.

>> No.50607984
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having a big peepee was the only thing that made life worthwhile when I was dead broke. at least I could impress girls with it and get laid sometimes. if I had no dick I'd definitely kill myself.

>> No.50607992


>> No.50608121

You need to profit off this hate, soon as possible btw people like you are called haters

>> No.50608155
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so I've heard lol

>> No.50608340

You should go up to a cabin in the mountains and drink some mushrooms.

>> No.50608351

you really think so man? I've thought about licking the toads ass and talking to Jesus like Mike Tyson. Why do you recommend shrooms?

>> No.50608425

Why wait til you're rich if you can be an asshole today

>> No.50608485

I am an asshole today. I'm an asshole to this guy every opportunity I get. I just want to make sure he gets to see me become rich too.

>> No.50608647

Lol ok Pall