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50605410 No.50605410 [Reply] [Original]

my life is at a low point right now but i still love you bros

hang in there wagmi eventually

>> No.50605437

Love you too anon <3

Why’s your life at a low point right now? Is it because of the overall bear market? Always remember to count your blessings every day. If you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, a family to count on, a meal to eat and some money in the bank then you’re OK.

>> No.50605444
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i'm having a hard time too
glad you're here struggling with the rest of us
wagmi fren

>> No.50605454

love you all fellow galley slaves

>> No.50605514
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, C1C9893F-A9B9-4862-9DE4-2002890EA721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through a rough patch a couple years back. One thing that REALLY helped me was taking my dogs for daily walks. I’d take them for a walk in the morning and then in the afternoon, for about 30-45 minutes per walk. I don’t know what it was, the extra Vitamin D, the cool breeze, the sounds of the birds and bugs through the trees or seeing how happy it made my dogs to go on them, but I’ve been taking them for daily walks ever since then and have never been happier myself. I also hang out with friends a lot and pursue hobbies and things I enjoy. Hang in there bros, whatever is YOUR thing to figure out, you’ll figure it out eventually. Everyone has dark patches, but it’s up to us to decide that we won’t let them control our lives. Pic related is the daily walk where I take my dogs.

>> No.50605521
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I like you anon and you deserve to eat ze happiness.
Buy D0B0 and LTC

>> No.50605769

Turning 29 in a month and my brain has been carpet bombed by teen age ptsd for multiple weeks

>> No.50605827

can you elaborate? do you mean you're looking at your past a lot?

>> No.50606903


>> No.50606928

Good attitude OP, ignore the doom/incel/cringeposting everything is going to be fine. WAGMI

>> No.50606940
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>wagmi eventually
no we won't.

>> No.50606955
File: 109 KB, 809x960, 102279737_308773070519451_3293121763812263952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon make sure to turn off your pc and go outside for a bit every day. Your frens here will be waiting for you to come back.

>> No.50606978 [DELETED] 

force those thoughts into your head anon. scream and tell and cry but don't let yourself push them out of your head when they appear. force them in there no matter how painful and also try to see the situation from other people's pov. when it's too overwhelming and the thought slips force it back as soon as you can. do it 3 times in a row then rest. for a LOT of old ptsd issues this is a solution. even for those that aren't a lot are relieved, only a tiny portion this won't have much effect for but still helps putting yourself on the right path to eventually resolve them.

>> No.50607002

force those thoughts into your head anon. scream and yell and cry but don't let yourself push them out of your head when they appear. force them in there no matter how painful and also try to see the situation from other people's pov. when it's too overwhelming and the thought slips force it back as soon as you can. do it 3 times in a row then rest. for a LOT of old ptsd issues this is a solution. even for those that it isn't are relieved some, only a tiny portion it won't have much effect for but still helps putting yourself on the right path to eventually resolve them.

>> No.50607034

Double bump

>> No.50607055

I'm not looking at my past the past keeps replaying over and over in my head. I tried to move on from it but it always catches up and keeps distracting me from my present to the point where i can't achieve almost anything. I managed to create an optimistic oblivion in the past few years which kept me going realty hit me hard a month ago and the house is cards collapsed. This honestly feels like armageddon for me

>> No.50607068
File: 43 KB, 680x459, frens-hugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here bro
let's hang in there

>> No.50607075

Same here anon, broke hopeless friendless mid-20s NEET living with my mom. The days blur into each other and weeks go by like minutes. I just shitpost and eat and go on walks or shoot hoops. Don’t care about girls anymore, don’t care about writing that book, don’t care about music, don’t care about working out for muscles no one would see anyway. Flunked out of fucking community college after I stopped caring completely and decided chasing after some roastie was more important. She dumped me like they always do after seeing how needy I get. As if wanting to be around them is a horrible thing.

I’m enlisting in the Air Force soon, hopefully that unfucks my shit.

>> No.50607082

yes anon but it keeps replaying because there's something you're not willing to notice. your brain needs your concious attention it can tell something is missing, it can tell it's important for you, but it needs your concious attention to figure out why. so give in and look at the replay and also try to elaborate on it conciously like looking at the replay from other people's pov who are present at the time etc

>> No.50607215
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reminder that a positive mindset focused on improooovment is the key to getting out of a rough patch

>> No.50607340

> Joining a miliatry.
Prepare for the inverse of seclusion.
24/7 in the same room of others.

>> No.50607356

Probably what I need desu.

>> No.50607423
File: 128 KB, 1105x938, jab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prepare to get fully vaxxed aka poisoned forever

>> No.50607461

Already had to get vaxxed at my last job

I regret it but it is what it is

>> No.50607534

You sound a lot like me. I can't join the military due to medical shit otherwise i probably would've joined right out of high school. Good luck in the air force

>> No.50607899
File: 33 KB, 780x670, frens-tight-hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have time bro. I'm 20 years older. I still don't really have my shit completely together (no woman, no house, everything feels transient). I hate my job but it's actually a career I can build on and my friends are envious of. I can save money each month in spite of my situation.
My life didn't turn out the way it wanted but not only do you have 20 years on me but I still have hopes for the future.
Not to get married or have kids, I don't see that happening anymore and I don't really care.
Like everyone my age and older though, I wish I was younger.
What happens to all 40-year olds do they just disappear off the internet? I guess we're a small section of the population anyway, dwarved by the boomers and the younger. Forgotten really.

>> No.50608930
File: 74 KB, 859x687, DAB78352-3C65-4161-86B4-C8AD6EBC2987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. It sounds like you have a pretty good situation going on with a future, you’re definitely doing a lot better than most people in this world. 40’s is still pretty young. You don’t start aging rapidly and going downhill until you hit like 70.

>What happens to all 40-year olds do they just disappear off the internet?

Facebook, busy raising kids or too focused on their career to give a shit I’d presume.

Thanks anon.

>> No.50609925

Embrace a simple and semi-traditional life. Take walks outside, seek friendships and relationships, learn a new skill or hobby, exercise, and most importantly, practice gratitude. You can't always be happy but you can always be grateful to have an opportunity while alive on earth.

>> No.50611341

I'll remember you anon, take care of yourself for me and don't forget to love yourself bro.