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File: 37 KB, 584x312, Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50600993 No.50600993 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to do with my money.

>> No.50601016

>bank balance
anything but leave it there

>> No.50601029

buy one ethereum and send it to me sir, it would change lives for everyone in my village

>> No.50601066

put it all on spy calls

>> No.50601077

absolute madman

>> No.50601156

Please dont buy ether, ever!

>> No.50601255

Hookers and coke are an option

>> No.50601432

start a funko pop collection

>> No.50601488


>> No.50601510

Four words. High quality sex dolls.

>> No.50601740

Teach me your ways bro

>> No.50601767

shouldn't you at least spread that up between banks?
only $250K is guaranteed by FDIC

>> No.50601850

buy treasury bills at treasurydirect, 8 weeks are at 3% soon

>> No.50601870

>shouldn't you at least spread that up between banks?
>only $250K is guaranteed by FDIC
it's hard when you have too much cash, treasuries is a good place to be while waiting for stocks to bottom

>> No.50601873


Wow. I wish I was like OP. You inspire me. Kindly tell how achieve the wealthy sir.

>> No.50602146

you should probably put a quarter of that into ethereum by september and in a few years you'll be retired for good.

>> No.50602209

>>only $250K is guaranteed by FDIC
>it's hard when you have too much cash
I want to do this with my Robinhood account, just started making six figures last week and I'm able to save like 80+% oft that so I'm afraid I'll surpass that insured number pretty fast.

>> No.50602237

Put it in separate accounts you fucking brainlet

>> No.50602287


>> No.50602305

at least buy some cds or regular bonds man rates are ok now

>> No.50602401

Yeah but I'll have to constantly take it out each month if I don't want to go over and 10 years from now I'll probably have to manage like 4 different accounts across different brokerages.
I do high yield dividends across like 11 different stocks at the moment, they've been performing positively compared to every other big tech stock down 60+% this past year or so. Never looked into bonds though, are they worth it? Got my mom's fiancé trying to sell me on real estate since he makes six figures doing that as a side job.

>> No.50602405

just put it in treasurydirect, it's guaranteed by the us government unlimited

>> No.50602446

bonds are better than cash, i you can do i bonds for the 9% rate with guarantee of no loss for up to 10k
otherwise 3 month bills are good too, better than a savings account

>> No.50602471

>i bonds for the 9% rate
yeah but only 10k a year (+5k in irs refund)

>> No.50602515

Every bank offers CDARS and ICS for this reason. Jhst talk to them about your options once your above 250k.

Fucks sake, this is how I know everyone on biz is poor because I never see these mentioned.

>> No.50602533

Stop posting this screenshot that you took of your dad or uncle's quickbooks account when you were over at their office that one time, you faggot.

>> No.50602621

But lend me some to invest in buying up some real estate and businesses, Ill generate us a bunch of $. I can do 5% annual + partial equity
Or 7% with no equity in any of the properties, would want it to be a 20 year note, maybe 25.
Or if you want riskier ill trade boomer stocks for you, but im taking 25% of the profits. (full time trader thats moving into real estate as well)

>> No.50602661

you can invest in a young aspiring creator like me... if you give me 50k ill give you free game access and updates on what im making for life

>> No.50602696
File: 166 KB, 1867x1195, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into those more tonight, thank you.
In my defense I went from NEET to working two jobs almost overnight this year, also I'm 24 and my only real experience in the past with stock trading was dabbling in Options. Now that I'll be making 7k+ a month and want to do something with that I'm starting to take this stuff a bit more seriously. Pic related is what I have so far after paying off credit card bills these past few months. Do have 2,000 in margin additionally since it seemed worth it for the 4.5% interest on it (my rate is 14% right now), not sure if that is a good idea when I start putting big money into it though if we do go down the recession path since I would have to pay that back.

>> No.50603066


>> No.50603349

I know what to do with it, friend.


>> No.50604209


>> No.50604249
File: 22 KB, 540x550, images - 2022-07-11T201751.368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why some people are putting money on the bank where you only helping them becoming rich. I'd rather transfer it to crypto and stake on Freeway or binance or whatever platform you're comfortable of.

>> No.50604256

Ask people their liq price and start trolling.

>> No.50604739

Stake your assets on dafi not on cex
Start trolling now

>> No.50604909

Buy slowly into crypto again in the next dip, 10 mill by 2027. Then get a gf.

>> No.50605153

I will do what I want and what's best for my assets and everything is backed by research. I'm gonna utilize their crypto debit card once release.
Maybe start accumulating more.

>> No.50605270

I'd buy a small boat and sail away desu.

>> No.50605559

Buy eth, ada, matic, btc and come back in 10 years

>> No.50605572

Hahaha fuck

>> No.50605580

Go to hell

>> No.50607053

Put it in nfts games, most of them as champ eventually give you double your shit, of course, only if you can afford a possible loss.

>> No.50607235
File: 21 KB, 608x378, call21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50607284

You don't even have a milly, keep grinding you fucking faggot.

>> No.50607554

Buy real estate with your million, rent it for a roi of 5% per year (50k) and travel the world with no care in mind

>> No.50607601

>1 post by this ID
Always the fucking larpers
Why people fall for the larpers

>> No.50607647

redeem google play card

>> No.50607851

It always amazes me the amount of newfags that will engage with this post having seen it for the first time, again and again for years