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50599812 No.50599812 [Reply] [Original]

>record high inflation
>jewsa govt- let's print even more money to fight inflation what can possibly go wrong???

>> No.50599862

Trump had the third largest deficit growth out of any president and that was before covid and he printed three trillion dollars almost all of which was used as corporate welfare during covid

>> No.50599888

Trump is not the current president dumbass

>> No.50599897

The difference is that money printed went to business in USA. Biden printing goes straight to Ukraine Israel.

>> No.50599919

Redd-it retard, economic context matters. Spending's fine when the economy's doing poorly and stimulus is needed, and it's retarded when inflation's at 10%. Take some more boosters and die soon.

>> No.50599951

>he printed three trillion dollars almost all of which was used as corporate welfare during covid
Source on this, commie subhuman?

>> No.50599955



>> No.50599966

>my side good, your side bad, even though they are both doing the same thing
Burgers are so fucking stupid it's incredible

>> No.50599976
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I really hope your bags are packed /biz/.
You are about to see the economic recovery of a lifetime...

>> No.50599989

I really wish these niggers would stop talking about Trump and Biden. I understand that some discussion of the current president is inevitable but you'd think these drooling retard niggers would have realized it's all a puppetshow by now.

>> No.50600010

just checking

>> No.50600015


I think it was physically and emotionally impossible for Trump to NOT be able to do anything as far as printing money goes and going into deeper deficit or debt, because then shit just collapses. I mean it’s not like you can just wave a magic wand and put us back on the gold standard. We just have to hope that Q is correct, and all the deep state have been arrested and their lives will be spared and they are purposely pummeling us into the ground and Trumps orders so he ends up winning 52 states in the next election beating Reagan’s record.

>> No.50600032

I fucked that up

>> No.50600109

If they print another few trillion and dump it on the economy it will push back the non-inflation adjusted recession. Works out well for ancient boomers in congress because they'll be dead/out of office by the time shit hits the fan.

>> No.50600152

You'll be fine as long as you didn't short the bottom like a retard. Hope you're ready to ride the tiger.

>> No.50600362

>We just have to hope that Q is correct
Go back to /pmg/ boomer, Q is a jewish pysop

>> No.50602023
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the public are psyop'd so hard in the west that they are effectively under genjutsu

>> No.50602147

At this point I'm convinced it's all about equality and they are going to make the USA a third world country since it's way harder to raise Africa to the levels of the USA.

>> No.50602186
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Guillotines is the only answer at this point

>> No.50602196

>falling for a Fedpost

>> No.50602341
File: 58 KB, 1024x865, 1651677204810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in this build back better bill?

>> No.50602381

Trump was a retard kike shill for not fighting back against the lock downs. Any politician that was in favor of the lock down should be in prison. Biden's cabinet is so much more jewish that it makes Trump's cabinet look like a holocaust.

>> No.50602408

You think siphoning money out of our economy is the same thing as invest money in keeping an economy going? Who you calling incredibly stupid chang?

>> No.50603277

Live firing squad executions on primetime tv and streaming services.

>> No.50603359

Laundering money for the largest liberal shithole cities in the country