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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50597214 No.50597214 [Reply] [Original]

They killed CLU.
I repeat (((they)) killled CLU

>> No.50597246

Nope. Your just banned. Everyone's still here laughing at you.

>> No.50597283
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Server received a warning last month

>> No.50597504

Loots janny, i know this is your doing.

>> No.50597519

WTF? What happened?

>> No.50597672

discord probably shut the server down

>> No.50597693

Are the discord trannies dead now? They kicked me out back in late summer 2019.

>> No.50597701

New server is at .gg/sergey

>> No.50597714

who are you?

>> No.50597717
File: 29 KB, 400x401, photo_2022-06-23_15-06-25 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLU refugees
add me:
Jason Parser#3834

>> No.50597729

Imagine using discord lmao

>> No.50597743
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, 1645811086542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link shills are truly wef discord trannies
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I always knew it and you always told me that I am a fudder. KYS you disgusting wef trannies you have will have to pay for your sins.

>> No.50597981 [DELETED] 

Today i learned you can get a discord server shut down by posting anti-“vaccine” content

>> No.50598224 [DELETED] 

DH got the server shut down because they remod him

>> No.50598256

DH got the server shut down because they wouldn't remod him

>> No.50598261

The discord was public knowledge. Most of the posts within it were fud. How new are you?

>> No.50599381

you're one of the autists that contributed to this shitfest
rope yourself tranny nigger

>> No.50599433

i never got the point of it, no decent information that you wouldn't see elsewhere and was dead most of the time

>> No.50599673
File: 47 KB, 220x124, 7C9BBA85-9496-45E3-B655-AD9AB0A0A0D1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got a raging clu

>> No.50599801

It's humbling to see a fellow white looking out for us ordinary guys, it's easy to get all fucked up by what people of color usually say but I feel like your statements are secure.
I realize I've been had, I'm selling all my LINK, fuck those jews shilling it all the time.
I'm going back to /pol/ (after a quick stop at /gif/) and getting the fuck out of here, FUCK THIS SPACE

>> No.50599828

That discord had more layers than you think

>> No.50599841

> discord troons trooning out

>> No.50599937

the official discord is comfy anyway but i guess an autist containment zone may be necessary

>> No.50599958


>> No.50599971

No doubt a grooming layer

>> No.50600161

mm okay. what happened to delphi btw? i remember i saw in their discord and got kicked for no activity

>> No.50600242

That one is pretty much dead afaik

>> No.50600262

>the official discord is comfy anyway
It's the opposite of comfy
The closing of clu is cultural genocide

>> No.50600329

you're welcome

>> No.50600360

Where do we go now?

>> No.50601676

nooo you can't post about the secret channels it's against the rules nooo faggot
loots is a faggot nigger cuck who deserves the rope
who are you?

>> No.50602297

Entire pmm chat dating back to 2019 has been turned over to the feds