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File: 1014 KB, 962x1492, WhoreCoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5059715 No.5059715 [Reply] [Original]

Women are doing it again. Going to something made by men for men and ruining it. They did it to Warhammer, wanting female and POC representation in space marines.


They did it to gaming. Turning great series like Mass Effect in to an SJW/feminism course 101.


Now they will ruin crypto.


It will no longer be about changing the world and create wealth. It will be camwhores wanting attention.

>> No.5059727

I don't care where the dollars I make come from

>> No.5059762

lol they are going to lose so much fucking money

>> No.5059763

oh goodie, normies but with even less money sense
can't wait to unload my steamy bags onto these roastie's faces

>> No.5059788

>dat pic
How can anyone take this seriously? Poe's law in full effect

>> No.5059796

>women now control more than half of the wealth in the US
>completely irrational, cant into logic
>highly volatile market where even experienced traders get rekt

lol cant wait for these dumb hoes to piss away their money

>> No.5059798

But that is the thing, there is no power to grab.
They literally cannot influence the market negatively because they won't be able to manipulate people.

>> No.5059824

How mad will roasties be when they realize you can't use government to bully men out of their wealth anymore?

>> No.5059859

I can't wait for bitcoin to get out of the hands of FUCKING WHITE MALES

>> No.5059867

I thought that #cryptochick thing the other day was just a meme. Fucking Christ.

>> No.5059896


>> No.5059914

This isn't a thing in real life...get off the internet you insecure faggot

>> No.5059967

This. These articles are always fake.
Remember the one saying how women were a majority of gamers now?
Haven't met a single one that plays them in the time it was published.

>> No.5059971

How do you advertise bitcoin to women?
You make it the next big thing that "girls are better than guys."
Trying to rally against women can only hurt bitcoins.
Stop trying to be edgy and start another gamergate.

>> No.5060031
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Whatever. You're all single, virgin and friendless bigots who can't accept that women are better at handling the money. Women taking over Bitcoin? What worth does Bitcoin has for women to take initiative?

>> No.5060046

I'm a woman but I hate these cunts. I've invested in litecoin on coinbase because it was cheaper than Bitcoin and now I'm waiting on returns

>> No.5060089

>great series like Mass Effect

>> No.5060186
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gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.5060530
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we don't need women

>> No.5060595

Women are literally the majority of gamers if you count playing farmville once as being a gamer, which they do in those surveys.

>> No.5060625

> 40k
They thought underpresentation of women in a militaristic antiutopia is smt bad?
Also, what about all those Slaanesh semen demons? I pretty sure many of them used to be female

>> No.5060667

Imagine being so fucking angry at your birth-assigned gender that you make it an issue in every single industry.

>> No.5060688


>> No.5060711

for once i am 100% in favor of women flooding my hugbox. the more bodies, male or female, into the grinder, the higher my hodlings go

SJWs, niggers, kikelords, all are welcome to the crypto hellmouth

>> No.5060714

You guys should be happy.
We WANT more inexperienced, emotional, and irrational traders in crypto. We need easier marks to take money from. You should be celebrating.

>> No.5060741


These - It will be GLORIOUS

>> No.5060762
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews are trying to ruin crypto by forcing women onto it. Maybe they'll accuse one of the bitcoin core developers of sexual harassment.

>> No.5060790

>"We are going to redistribute all Bitcoin so that ownership is 50/50 male-female."

>> No.5060817

yeah but at the end they gonna cry for more regulations again with their small brains.

>> No.5060837

Good cant wait to take retarded skw libtard money. An excellent transfer of wealth desu. We should meme this.

>> No.5060892

They are going to accuse Vitalik of sexual harassment because they cant handle his autismo

>> No.5060921

nothing of value will be lost that clown is a liability to crypto

>> No.5060988

open bob pls

>> No.5061010
File: 38 KB, 770x420, bitcoin-on-fire-dreamstime-770x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When women finish taking over male workspaces they are going to get fucking mad just by watching us (men) in our lambos. Women will never understand shit, and they will be our wage slaves sucking our dicks to get our crypto which, btw, cannot be confiscated by a judge or by the state, they need our private key to sign a transaction. They are going to get rekt big time. Screncap this.

>> No.5061047

You do know that in general women are better traders than men?

>> No.5061060

>which, btw, cannot be confiscated by a judge or by the state, they need our private key to sign a transaction.
Can you imagine the face of the fat slut divorcing you when you destroy what she thinks is the only hard drive containing the private key for your 200 BTC in front of her?

>> No.5061081

too bad he's openly pedophile

>> No.5061096

Shh cucks, just think about it. Women fuck everything up, you think a woman is going to understand how the fuck any of this shit works? They are literally the prime targets for bag shilling.

>> No.5061099
File: 230 KB, 864x720, jen scrafice copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over lads

>> No.5061141

Woman will never be part of crypto. They invest in 8 years of worthless arts degrees have no spare money until they attach themselves to man.

>> No.5061146


>> No.5061150
File: 272 KB, 484x305, #bitcointoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5061151

You know that crypto is about to crash when women are getting in.

They are naturally conservative about risk taking. They are only getting in because crypto seems like a "sure thing".

The christmas crash will be an absolute fucking bloodbath.

>> No.5061169

I feel like these articles are written just to get a rise of /pol/tards. Quit giving them clicks.

>> No.5061174

>make a currency that doesn't care anything about your identity or characteristics
>im a girl btw

I fucking hate everything.

>> No.5061176

>I've invested in litecoin on coinbase because it was cheaper than Bitcoin

are you baiting or are you really this bad with money?

>> No.5061188
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>> No.5061212

incoming SHREW SLAUGHTER 2017

>> No.5061262

Good, considering everything has been turned on its head as far as law and economics go for men and women. These dumb cunts will buy crypto instead of handbags.

Just like how women are better football players than men, right? Numbers don't like.

>> No.5061331

If you're triggered by female characters in Warhammer, you're a fucking loser and you should kill yourself.

>> No.5061339

My gf is interested in it. One because I do it, but two she wants to have more money.

>> No.5061354

That would be hilarious. Imagine if women slowly but surely became the large majority of the workforce, meanwhile, the men become wealthy NEETs through crypto? Biggest transfer of heavy bags in history.

>> No.5061355

>you know women are better blacksmiths than men
>you know women are better gamers than men
>you know women are better fighters than men

Said every beta ever.

>> No.5061364
File: 30 KB, 720x554, 25289181_899896500185695_5548535042848366339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do media make this out as a good thing, a triumph of feminism? It's little more than an admission that women always follow in men's footsteps and only get into something once men have made it great and workable, and socially acceptable. Couple that with the fact that it is looking more and more like we're looking at a bubble and you can almost link women joining crypto to the possibly impending crash. So therefore all articles like this process is that women do, in all actuality, ruin everything.

>> No.5061384


think again, faggot

>> No.5061407

My normie gf heard about BTC when all the other normies did. She wanted in. I then began to explain it all to her and halfway through, with a glazed look on her face, she gave up. This is how the typical woman will respond when you try to explain anything remotely technical to them.

>> No.5061449

>tfw already stay at home while gf wagecucks and comes home to suck my cock while I count my crypto gains

>> No.5061472

its time we all become traps

>> No.5061493

That's pretty much how everyone reacted when I showed them, man or female.

>> No.5061522
File: 376 KB, 1466x1762, Jvd2zqE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A womans job is to carry babies and they struggle at that, that joan of arc bullshit that the edomite jew comes to mind, do you really think a woman can cary 15 pounds of metal and wave it around with accuracy?

>> No.5061540

This is said about everything.

Women are "better" because they take fewer risks. Men are ACTUALLY better because they take risks that sometimes pay off HUGE. The men who do this more consistently end up being paid more and being more employable as traders. Women don't.

>> No.5061552

Oh yeah same happened to me when I tried to explain some of the technical as to what bitcoin is and why it works. She had no clue what I was talking about, but was still interested in getting some. All based off of its current performance.

>> No.5061580

Are you referring to the pic I posted? It'd unrelated. The guy just has a funny face

>> No.5061591

Women can't handle this volatility.

>> No.5061595


Under god damn rated post.

>> No.5061606

>show me one successfull crypto woman that isnt a banker kike ill wait lmao

>> No.5061623
File: 717 KB, 1400x999, 1503004125566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait and sage

>> No.5061635

> this

>> No.5061779

So basically the article says anyone can get/be a part of crypto, even the loser in the basement. But now that it's gaining popularity, it's time for women to act like they care or know what they are getting into.

I don't give a shit one way or another, but they better buy some fucking alts.

>> No.5061796

>women in average a lot less interested in tech then men

>current year victimhood mentallity
mean neckbeards keeping women out of technology with insenstitive comments. we need to control speech and stop men from being like men so that more women get into tech MEN ARE BAD

>> No.5061816

Are you me? That is literally,my life

>> No.5061836


>> No.5061991

While women are better in school and office jobs than men, crypto- and stockmarkets are the equivalent of the modern world going mammoth hunting.
Do you see women effectively replacing jobs that have to do with killing, protecing or fighting people?
No there will be extra new standards made for women so they may not be spitroasted by simple male genetic advantages in those categories.
Men and women were created for their certain roles. No kind of ‘progress’ that you will see will change that in the next 250 years.

>> No.5061997
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>> No.5061998

They said the same thing over vidya when it became more popular.

Its great, but scary at the same time. I'm still under half a mil, so should probably get a job soon.

>> No.5062019

>in those early days there was little room for women in the ecosystem
What a fucking retarded statement. It was open to literally anyone with a computer.

>> No.5062033
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>In those early days there was little room or scope for women in the burgeoning technology ecosystem.

>it’s women who’re stepping into the breach, making successes of themselves in a market that has no preconceived gender roles or prejudices.

I would prefer if they kept 2 completely contradictory sentences spaced apart rather than one following the other for a full on retarded shitheap.

>> No.5062048

If you want something to go away. Stop buying it.

Give them no attention and they will shrivel up and go back to sucking Tyrons dick. Like that camwhore thread yesterday. You tools could have just said, fuck off cunt and reported her but you fed her like the filthy cucks you are.

>> No.5062110
File: 44 KB, 759x635, 1497036514369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that finger

>> No.5062185

This is bait right?

>> No.5062282

Those were 100% pajeets and some western white knights.
Man we really need flags.

>> No.5062513
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>> No.5063344

Good, most of them will lose money to me when they become attached to their coins and don't sell at ATH.

>> No.5063559

holy fuck lmao

>> No.5064310


Who the fuck types it that way?