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50597035 No.50597035 [Reply] [Original]

The only reason I want to get rich is to compensate for being a manlet

>> No.50597114
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I want to get rich to compensate for being not rich

>> No.50597138

I know a 5'5 with a banging girlfriend but he locked her down in HS before she could realize her value on the open market. Now she's just naive and doesn't see it. I think this is the only chance at happiness for us manlets.

I wan to get rich so I can move out into the woods away from anyone, but in a mansion where I can grow my own food and life a self sustained lifestyle without eating the poison currently being fed to us.

>> No.50597168
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>> No.50597192
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I don't even want to get rich I just want to gamble

>> No.50597220


I want to do the latter as well. I agree with you that HS is the best time, every ugly guy I know irl who has a hot gf met her in HS or college at the latest. If you are short/ugly and 25+ it’s fucking hard out there even if you have $$$

>> No.50597241

incredibly based

>> No.50597259
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i dont even care about sex, i just dont want to go homeless

>> No.50597279

Im tall and handsome with a big cock so I have no reason to compensate, I will die in poverty

>> No.50597285 [DELETED] 

'manlets' are incredibly overly buff dudes trying to compensate for beings shorter than 5"8
you guys are just short

>> No.50597316

One dude got Bitcoin rich, then died during leg lengthening surgery. Lots of articles on it from his sister

>> No.50597317

you guys aren't 'manlets' unless you look like tyler1
you guys are just short, and it's ok my buddy is a 5'9 asian guy and his girl is a 6 foot blonde

>> No.50597330


OP here I’m short with a big cock, one of the few cool things about being short is that women underestimate your cock size and it looks bigger on a small frame so I often get funny reactions when whipping it out before sex

>> No.50597359


5’9 guys are barely short, anyone who is 5’8 or taller has no legitimate reason to complain, that’s still 4 inches taller than average woman height and very common

>> No.50597461

This really speaks to the state of society.
Everyone is just coping.

>> No.50597466

I'm a 5'10 manlet. The cut off height seems to be 6'1 now so not even 6'0 "men" are safe anymore.
I did some maths and you need a million for each inch below 6'1 so I would need several millions which will take forever. I will die alone, it's over.

>> No.50597498

The only reason I want to get rich is that I'm lazy and don't want to work at all.

>> No.50597513
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I just want enough money to fuck my cat and it not be weird

>> No.50597525


I would wagecuck until 85 if I could become 6’3

>> No.50597533
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The only reason I want to get rich is for mental tranquility.

>> No.50597587 [DELETED] 
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he isn't 5'9 we were always in boots I don't know the number
there's hope even without money, this bitch is tall that's for sure

>> No.50597647

Yeah thats one of the downsides of being tall, your dick will look smaller
Im a bit over 8" but look closer to 6.5" or so in pics where my body can be seen

>> No.50598209
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>be manlet
>making more money than my peers thanks to $qom and $bnb trading, $eth/$btc shorting @ binance on a daily basis
im not american btw

>> No.50598239

I'm borderline a midget (5'2 something like that) and i dont even want to get rich i just want enough so i dont have to interact with society as a whole for as long as humanly possible (go live innawoods or something along those lines)

>> No.50598251

Based dwarfmaxxer, my goal is to go back to my elvish roots as well

>> No.50598982


Being tall is the greatest unearned privilege known to man

>> No.50600433
File: 50 KB, 576x438, 77FC7095-C7B0-4B8B-9E11-1CC3A77033BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6’3
>good looking
>5.5 inch meat
>starting to bald at 26

how much money do I need broooos

>> No.50600574

How much for hair loss treatment? I dunno maybe 10k

>> No.50600612

what about dick loss treatment

>> No.50600666

5'7 is perfect because it's on the absolute low end of looking normal-sized but also provides motivation to max out every other aspect

>> No.50600746


>> No.50601478
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God only allows gnome mode for the strongest of souls. Your higher self will be beautiful for having lived through this. Maybe not in this life, but you're going to make it little gnome.

>> No.50601910

I want to be rich so that women will overlook my autism. All i really want is a cute gf who loves me