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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50593473 No.50593473 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50594102
File: 41 KB, 640x810, 51D5E219-1597-4230-B342-39DA060497D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve asked in two separate threads where to buy and nobody has answered.

>> No.50594416
File: 75 KB, 680x643, FYr_LTFUYAAlskt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro the TG has had my attention

>> No.50594442


>> No.50594455

TG inv please

>> No.50594530

What are the make-it / suicide stacks. Am I too late?

>> No.50594584


>> No.50594654

Mate we're not even begun to peak, devs opening move was an innovated auto-lp function that cuts out one less transaction in the process, every crypto is gonaa want to jump in on using this coin, his work history is developing multi-billion MC projects like Floki (evidence on blockchain) and this is all at 4M, we're still so early, easy 100M MC, the dev is wanting to release 4 new innovations as well as an investment launchpad

>> No.50594697

no idea about make it stack because of course its dependant on the investor, but i was planning on taking first profits at 50M MC if that helps with your planning

>> No.50596667

I have 3 million of those little badboys, am I gonna make it?

>> No.50597956
File: 163 KB, 660x330, Wojack-660x330-3757201788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely my guy

>> No.50598038

Community seems decent. Dev seems legit. I've lost so much fucking with leverage on exchanges I need an alt injection.

>> No.50599180

Yeah this gives me RFI, Hoge, SHIB vibes and it’s under 1000 holders. I just aped $1700, please don’t hurt me based spiral dev

>> No.50599452


>> No.50599470

I faded till $5m but I’m in now, this ones legit af wow

>> No.50599501
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Unironically WAGMI

>> No.50599531
File: 334 KB, 893x596, tiredofthisblox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking good, i was tired of this red covered carpet full of shit and piss.
can fucking finally see some moves on metablox when the market picks up

>> No.50599536

Spiral is sending and you anon losers fucking FADED it when it was posted here at 300k, then 800k, then over a million. Idk who keeps trying to be nice by making these threads

And to all the noobs asking where to buy like kek. You are not gonna make it if you don't even know how web3 works

Sitting here at a comfortable 20x and sweaty wojaks like yourselves are just gonna secure my gains. I love mid IQ people <3


>> No.50599545

Token distribution seems a little wonky, but I'm starting to get interested.

>> No.50599585

Why is this not a rugpull

>> No.50599601
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>> No.50599664

Is this Ethereum only or is there a BNB version?

>> No.50599669


>> No.50599680

Liq is locked for 3 months last I checked. Dev could run off with marketing wallet I guess.
Spiral will take me to 6 figures easy. Buy in now for a sure 20x, maybe 200x.
Or don't and deal with never being able to afford your bottom surgery.

>> No.50599706

High IQ chads have bought and bottom of the barrel niggers have bought.
Fading Spiral is a classic example of the midwit problem.

>> No.50599720

lets fucking gooooooooo. i almost felt bad for bears but then i remembered that they had the opportunity to accumulate matic at a cheap price, especially since a pump was inevitable after its team was able to develop a full featured and open source zkEVM in one year, that alone is fucking amazing

>> No.50599751

Where can I read about this token

>> No.50599762

On TG posted above

>> No.50599774

Anyone chatting shit about token distribution needs to seriously sort their sad life out.

SPIRAL was fully stealth launched, no preloaded wallets, no whitelist, just a fucking launch with etherscan trails to follow.
If YOU took a whole fucking week to buy a bag, don't suddenly complain that your percentage you can afford would be much smaller than the people that bought early. Well no shit! Nobody is here to hold your hand for you

And wtf are you considering fool? Buy now or cry later and still buy but receive less tokens.

>> No.50599804

If the Jews decided to start pumping shit again just to double fuck Reddit Celsius holders so they could see the values of their coins up knowing they’ll never have them in their possession again… then I’m converting to Judaism

>> No.50599857

They won't accept you. Best you could hope for is to marry some jewish whore and your kids might make it.
But race mixers are the lowest of the low so I'm sure you wouldn't do that, right?
Also, don't capitalize "jewish"

>> No.50600133

My only problem with this will be where to take profit

>> No.50600359

I don't know what tg is

>> No.50600409
