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50593036 No.50593036 [Reply] [Original]

Everything including stocks just won't stop pumping so damn hard.
I know the markets are supposed to front run the recession but this is insane. It feels like we're getting 10% green candles every day after a 5% red candle

>> No.50593058

how do I buy a girl like this as my sex slave?

>> No.50593077

-20-25% downside in equities
-70-95% downside in crypto
Does that sound insanely bullish to you? We're consolidating you coomer retard

>> No.50593082

Invest in btc and icp

>> No.50593085
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How does it feel like bros?

>> No.50593128

DOW dropped -20% from ATH and is currently -13% from ATH

We will probably see another -20% from the current place of (-13% from ATH) would put the DOW at 25k, which is still 6-7k higher than Covid low.

>> No.50593141

Overrated. Blowjobs are better. Most foreplay is better. Girls really LOVE being fucked though and they want it badly, but the actual part where you stick your dick in their vagina is the worst part of sex. Everything else before that part is amazing though.

>> No.50593356

Insanely bullish.

>> No.50593405

What are you fucking gay? I get insanely horney when I'm banging a hot chick from behind and she arches her back downward with her face in the bed. Nuts slapping against her cunt and clip.
You're a faggotaajtry

>> No.50593406

>consolidation isn't bullish
brain damaged?

>> No.50593428

Stupid phone

>> No.50593450

>preferred blowjobs
you sure sound like a raging faggot

>> No.50593524

>why is everything bullish
because everyone knows the dollar is fucked and the price action for the past 8 months has been one long bullshit exit pump for usd

>> No.50593546
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It's called bear market rallies. Hard upward swings happen all the time in bear markets. You can think of them as corrections to the upside after markets have oversold too much.

>> No.50593555

it's a magazine, retard.

>> No.50593571

How is sticking your dick into their vagina the worst part? That doesn't make any sense. The whole point is to stick it in their vagina.

>> No.50593583

This, only high iq people understand at the moment you're pounding a girl that you didn't really want to do it, you just loved the idea of doing it. Reality is often disappointing. You have to be a below two digit IQ monkey with a brain word to seek instant gratification to find satisfaction in the actual act of copulating. 130 IQ or more schizos just fap to hentai, damn i wish Starfire and Raven were real, i love Frozen Futanari as well, never watched the movie but damn those girls (don't even know their names, one is Elsa i guess? ) and their humongous futa cocks pounding each other and sucking reach other dicks are sexy as fuck. Who the hell wants to fuck a real woman? See you later biofags, I'm going to fall to some overwatch porn. Those girls take out up the ass like is nothing, wow. (Didn't ever bother to play the game btw way)

>> No.50593584


>> No.50593604

checked but it's actually called a clintaurus

>> No.50593748

I’ve never in my life had a blowjob that make me cum from that alone. most girls are really bad at it