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50592093 No.50592093 [Reply] [Original]

The marginal revolution issue...

Having quite a debate on Brave in the MR comment section. Take note.


>> No.50592166

What’s the deal with this publication? Never heard of MR

>> No.50592275

Tyler Cowen is an economist that has a podcast called Conversations with Tyler that is very popular. I'd recommend it. The guy is very good at asking interesting questions.

He also started Fast Grants (fastgrants.org/).

The other author on the site, Alex Tabarrok, is sort of into crypto.

>> No.50592342


>> No.50592468

Because everything else is shit.

>> No.50592488

people still hold this? newfags are born every day they say

>> No.50592515

What are the chances we drop to a quarter?

>> No.50592648

If it does it’ll probably take a 12k BTC minimum. BAT has a tendency to hold up well during market dumps

>> No.50593200
File: 261 KB, 828x1207, BD8A999C-38A4-4F70-A182-B04B2401265B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s the heckin Minecraft server today bros? Seriously does anyone actually use it?

>> No.50594822

Why is BAT pamping? Are we finna buss?

>> No.50595199

Threads haven’t been this dead in years. Time to deploy the thotposter signal since nothing else outside of Brave releasing something will revive these shit threads.

>> No.50595269

Its just a bunch of pajeets and 3rd world spics posting memes in the hopes they win 100 BAT during the weekly call.
I love BAT but the amount of shit skins with a stake in this token has me worried.

>> No.50595270
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Checked. Paging TP. Get your bubble butt ass in here, fren.

And no, I did not solded. I bought more.

>> No.50595361

There is a BAT minecraft server? Really????

>> No.50595374

Community calls really need more of my farts. Press F to agree.

>> No.50595401

Yeah, this project is that gay.

>> No.50595482

Its over

>> No.50595572 [DELETED] 

I bought more.

>> No.50595612

This project is definitely not gay. It’s literally the chick- fila of crypto

>> No.50595727

I love the gays. Let them marry! Let them be merry!

>> No.50595807
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 2FA8B8AB-83B8-4F3F-9695-FD502183CCC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can prance around in mesh half shirts, jeggings crocs, and buy all the BAT they want, but no marriage

>> No.50596107
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made some good money trading fomc today. buying more bat with it. still buying a minimum of 1000 bat every day.

>> No.50597852
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BAT pyramid
(Survival mp, there's like 6 players but it's been going for a bit, link's in discord if anyone wants)
No this doesn't compensate for my 75% drawdown but I'm in too deep not to see it through

>> No.50597876
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>> No.50597929

So I've tried to sign up to gemini to withdraw my BAT but when the website sends me a verification code, it actually just texts me a link to the authy app? is this required? because if so I am just gonna stop using brave, I don't want to install some info harvesting app on my phone to use an online exchange, piss take

>> No.50598076

Imagine the state of your brain when you're bitching about a 2FA app. Get hacked and die.

>> No.50598132

>NOOOO you can't just use your own 2FA solution or you'll be hacked, you MUST install this random shit app that can be replaced by a few lines of python code without giving away all your personal data!
Imagine being in CRYPTOcurrency and not having any privacy standards kek

>> No.50598199

I have standards but I'm also not a fag like Richard Stallman. And I look 100x better too.

>> No.50598297

You have to use authy with gemini. Its like google authenticator. Sucks but oh well. Would prefer to just use google authenticator. From a user perspective it keeps retards from using SMS and forces them to use Authy. Im pretty sure coinbase doesn't care and lets retards use SMS authentication. Smart move by Gemini but a bit of a headache for power users.

>> No.50598332 [DELETED] 

Try Life Beyond. The most interesting and gameplay-based blockchain game

>P&E massively multiplayer role playing game
>AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG, made by ex Ubisoft devs
>Participants do not even need to have a pocket to play
>Plenty of the upcoming NFT drops

>> No.50599278

god you are fucking dumb. havent you ever used an exchange before? uninstall brave and kys faggot

>> No.50600229
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I'm going to go away and wait for these threads to become interesting again. Later, fags

>> No.50600507
File: 99 KB, 828x466, 062629C3-5985-4937-9F95-F3CADCE2A1D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude we’ve been crabbing between 35-45¢ for months now. Summer months are especially slow. We’ll see some fireworks this fall for sure.

>> No.50600562

That shit is lit

>> No.50600626
File: 43 KB, 720x648, 1580056402587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno fellas it feels like brave failed to retain its userbase i now see normans using chrome and firefox exclusively again
moved it all to champ for the time being dunno if im mentally prepared for the idea of holding bat till the end times

>> No.50600633

Based and same

>> No.50600639

Is it lit fr fr ong? Is it bussin no cap :fire: :fire:?

>> No.50600647

token not needed else its a security

>> No.50601010

I mean, I hold because I can't be fucked to KYC for an erc-20.

Don't tell me you paid money

>> No.50601081

No one here has spent any money on crypto. Ever. That would be stupid. Besides, it's easy to become a millionaire with $1 in crypto.

>> No.50601110

oh haha my sweet summer sausage

>> No.50601295

Does anyone know what goes on at the Brave Cayman Islands office? How come we never hear from them?

>> No.50603166

>feels like brave failed to retain its userbase i now see normans using chrome and firefox exclusively again
Too bad your feelings are gay and fwrong

>> No.50605075

yeah this is fake and gay

>> No.50605591

Brave users can't even get BAT on Brave Wallet

It's over