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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50588894 No.50588894 [Reply] [Original]

I managed to amass 8000 € in one year of being a slacker at my first job. How do I get rich? I used to have like 50k on crypto but lost most of it because of this bear market. I want to be able to buy a nice car

>> No.50588925

Buy Toyota.

>> No.50588973

i already have a shitty honda, i want a nice sports car

>> No.50589177

>Keep accumulating.
>Don't buy shit projects / memes
>Don't buy liabilities like sports car, retard

>> No.50589216

Sell everything (not crypto) and just pay your bills while looking for a new job.
Don't spend, don't sell your crypto, look for a new job, sell everything you don't need.

>> No.50589786

Hey anons, I'm completely new to all of this. Are there good resources that breakdown how crypto/stock market works ? Thinking about putting 50 euros into btc but i don't know how to even do that, I'm afraid of getting scammed
>t. Frog

>> No.50589843

basically this. Next bullrun is at least 600 days away (next btc halving) so you got some time to accumulate op. Sell everything you don't need and make money on the side with whatever possible. Push it, one day after another. You can accumulate six figures in crypto before the next run if you go hard and that'll be enough to MAKE IT next time around.

>> No.50589876

How can you know when the next bullrun is ? I'm >>50589786

>> No.50589929

>nice car
pick one

>GaY id
makes sense

>> No.50590147

just get more MATIC
They’re doing the most out of any project right now. Literally outperformed every other top 20 coin this month
When their zkEVM drops they’re going to melt faces

>> No.50590157

history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes. Run will start slowly after the halving and will peak prolly around Q3 2024-Q1 2025

>> No.50590234

Honestly you need to DYOR, learn a bit about crypto and how wallets work and don’t be a retard. You need to be willing to invest more serious money to make good gains, just don’t lose it by throwing it all on shitcoins

>> No.50590249

grow weed

>> No.50590275

The new Supra is pretty bad ass