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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50586412 No.50586412 [Reply] [Original]

14 years in and it doesn't do anything meaningful. Reality will catch up.

>> No.50586452

>governments have started seizing assets of dissidents in the west
>inflation is at all time high
>systemic threats to the entire financial system
Nothing useful, right.

>> No.50586596

>governments have started seizing assets of dissidents in the west
That's why we have the judicial system. Sue them. However I think not so much will be fruitful. Trucker "protest" in canada was much less a protest than it was criminal activity. Go try and block a road or bridge somewhere, see where it gets you lmao
Besides, since Bitcoin is traceable it's not like you can hide from the gov. You got to use the money somewhere at somepoint, and that's where they'll catch you. There's no way around fixing it via the government, rather than trying to remove the government.

>>inflation is at all time high
>>systemic threats to the entire financial system
Bitcoin (BSV) does all this, while also scaling & being Turing complete (smart contracts), ie it replaces BTC+ETH in their entirety.

>> No.50586629

>sue tyrants

>> No.50587107
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>> No.50587212

>>sue tyrants
It's possible and what we have the system for. But I guess you are a little too schizo. It's ironic, really, how you live under the protective umbrella of government, safe to shitpost on 4chan, and then you bitch about that very umbrella which makes all this possible to begin with.

>> No.50587340
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Quit it, no one cares
BTC to 3 million

>> No.50587385

No one cares? Look at Tulips and Dotcom crash. People DO care.

If BTC can't become *actually* useful, it will be just like Tulips. And that's before we bring in Satoshi Nakamoto aka Dr Craig Wright.

>> No.50587421

I doubt it will go to zero, even craig himself has said they can keep their "digital gold" meme. But the reality is BSV is Bitcoin, will become known as Bitcoin, is the only one that can scale and work as p2p electronic cash, and will become the #1 coin and probably one of very few "cryptos" to exist in the future

>> No.50589828

>I doubt it will go to zero, even craig himself has said they can keep their "digital gold" meme.
Who will want digital gold when you can simply buy Bitcoin which does everything it does and more and better? Maybe Max Kaiser so more people buy his bags and Saylor so he can save face but that's about it.

>> No.50589856

You're an abuser. No one elected you. Kys fednigger.

>> No.50590076

It'll probably become a hobby chain that idealistic nerds and criminals use, much like monero but less useful.