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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5058367 No.5058367 [Reply] [Original]

Guys wake up! The population bubble is about pop!

Sell now and buy the dip at 1.5bln

>> No.5058401

Damn I knew I should have went all in in 1927

>> No.5058432

Remeber the bear-market between 1939 and 1945?

>> No.5058439

You're not far off. Global birth rates are falling dramatically. Some populations are falling already, like Japan.

>> No.5058483


You are and idiot, the devs are introducing new features like space travel so there is plenty of space to grow. No bubble

>> No.5058497

nice just aborted 100k

>> No.5058514

As you recall this only affected "man" stock dramatically, "woman" was largely unaffected. Great hedging device desu
Is "woman" still something you could invest in?

>> No.5058518


It's under good development with insane tech.

>> No.5058547
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ssstoor of valjuu

>> No.5058551

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.5058567

>didn't buy pajeets at ICO

we fucking warned you anon

>> No.5058593

looks like an S curve

>> No.5058629

They need to take in a bunch of africans right away or else they'll go bankrupt.

-Doctor Schlomo Shekelstein.

>> No.5058642
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Mfw all in by 1865

>> No.5058653

nah it's overvalued right now, wait for a correction and buy the dip

>> No.5058664

We are a developing technology as well

>> No.5058669

>sell now
Reported for promoting slavery

>> No.5058697

MFW I bought 2 pizza's for 10.000 back in '09

>> No.5058701

>not investing in poland 1939-1945

>> No.5058726

Also MF when I started mining in 1602

>> No.5058749
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Went all in

>> No.5058755

Best thread on biz right now.
Congrats on this. Seriously

>> No.5058760
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>you fuckers didnt get in at 1700
>mfw im already in lamboland

>> No.5058771


>> No.5058799

Lurkers approve of this thread. Congrats.

>> No.5058805

*1st world countries

>> No.5058927

Guys if were at it when will they fix Middle East? Its bugged beyond comprehension.

>> No.5058948
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>> No.5058970

My country national news just made a report on ICBM renewal operation. Get ready for flash crash idiots.

>> No.5059106


Third world country birth rates are dropping too.