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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50578880 No.50578880 [Reply] [Original]

just dropped. /biz/ BTFO.

>> No.50578906

only a matter of time before solar panel and inverter firmware is sold as a service

>> No.50578909
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>just dropped. /biz/ BTFO.

>> No.50578926
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>> No.50578941

stunning and brave anon
keep coming with these genius facebook posts
i'm looking forward to them :blackthumbsup: :blackfist:
#environment #blacklivesmatters #suckgovernmentscock

>> No.50578959


>> No.50578960
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They should have just been honest and said it like it is "We own the Sun".

>> No.50579026

>We own the lithium

>> No.50579039

>we own the silver
t.jp morgan


>> No.50579073

You're not entitled to anything, seething commie.

>> No.50579107
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>You're not entitled to anything, seething commie.

>> No.50579140

The thing is, he DOES own the lithium and cheap plastic oil products that go into this tech.
He just ALSO owns the enviro lobby outfit he pretended to fight. The cool thing is, it's actually your tax dollars that got laundered to create the ecologist sinecures that flooded university with environmentalists who sold you the need for his junk, so he didn't even pay for his own propaganda.

>> No.50579192

My country is renewable, coalfags seethe and dilate

>> No.50579252

Yes, good goy. Keep voting against your own interest and bending over for the elites.

>> No.50579277

>we own the uranium
nope you don't
you can mine uranium anywhere on the planet
that's why kikes are so afraid of having practically free energy
it also lowers costs for high end products
meaning that instead of paying 100usd for a plastic shithole product that breaks every year
you can just buy a 110usd one that lasts a decade

with nuclear, everyone wins
plus arab countries can finally have nukes and bomb a certain place

>> No.50579311

>Implying it's against my interests
I've made six figures on XOM and others, you dumb poorfag communist.

>> No.50579420

To be fair both parties in America are 99% aligned on economics; the only real differences are on social issues

>> No.50579450

>You want solar power? We own the manufacturing plants and also control the government and will force carbon taxes on people not using solar power

>> No.50579789
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>just dropped. /biz/ BTFO.

>> No.50580987

Lel no you can't, faggot. You think India is importing it while they could be sending some $10/week pajeets underground to get it?

>> No.50581261
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/Pol/ chuds hate solar. /biz/ is all about SUNMAXXING

>> No.50581298

As opposed to you carrying out WEF agenda? Who do you think is funding your little commie obsessions?

>> No.50581480
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>We own the materials needed to produce solar panels, the companies that make them, and the lithium mines
Finished it for you.
The right, through their media grifters, have convinced the tools that listen to them that there is a communist boogeyman threat, much like the left fears nazis, and anyone who criticized capitalism is a nazi. The republicans must protect their donors and use retards as their internet defense force under the guise of fighting the heckin' commies.

>> No.50581545

>after 50 years solar STILL has embarrassingly bad efficiency
the ones pushing solar should focus on making it not terrible instead of making inane cartoons

>> No.50581573

>tree hugging green euro faggots shivered all winter because of their oh so feasible renewables
Muh big oil!!! it just werks soicuck. Come back when your puny dick solar shit can power anything more than a waterboiler.

>> No.50581578

>the jews in washington love money
such revelation

>> No.50581597

and also we will lobby government to force you to use solar as your only option via carbon footprint laws, and you will be taxed extra for being “environmentally unfriendly” for using alternative methods of energy we deem unfit.

>> No.50581681


they'll make the panels out of basketball american finger nails

>> No.50581693

they own the lithium mines and plants that produce them, feasible smaller scale in frequently sunny areas, but that reduces reliance on power grids.

>> No.50581718

they own the solar cell production facilities and lithium mines

>> No.50581764

Well solar shouldn’t be entirely free. I wouldn’t mind paying a tax so long as a technician can come out and update the firmware. After all taxes are important for a functional society.

>> No.50581789

geothermal energy is the way to go but you probably need to own the land to do that whole set up

>> No.50582816
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>> No.50582843

bot reply
uranium is mined everywhere
you're a literal drone, why am I even replying

>> No.50582974
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>just dropped
>this 70s cartoon

>> No.50583025

this is fucked up... real sh*t tho goes hard. Needed to be said!

>> No.50583045

I agree


>> No.50583088

I think in the near future that new homes being built will have solar panels installed as a standard. They may not be good for appliances and heavy loads, but you could save a ton by using them for electronics and lighting.

>> No.50583124

Solar energy is incredible inefficient and fucks much more the earth by occupying too much space and from the material mining.

>> No.50583150

Wrong faggot. You're delusion

>> No.50583624

Solar isn't feasible. Neither is wind power. It's supplemental. Either we get nuclear plants back on track and replace coal and gas with those or we return to full capacity with our old fossil fuel based energy or shit's just going to get worse.

>> No.50583641
File: 233 KB, 600x400, solar-panel-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2022 and solar power is still a meme.

>> No.50583704

>You want solar power?
>We own the lithium mines

>> No.50583727

You can't lock physics behind a firmware

>> No.50583755

Bought a 6.6kw system amd a 10kwh battery last year for 20k and have literally not pulled any power from the grid since then. All my excess power, which I have a lot, gets sold back intothe grid to you non-solar plebs.
You dumb fucks, stay poor.

>> No.50583771

>You Solar Power
>We manufacture the toxic sludge used to make the panels

>> No.50583826

No its not. If solar power was feasible ot would have replaced everything else by now. Just as the internet and piracy upset the old models of media distribution and forced them into streaming infrastructure. Do you think those in power wanted to change to that model? It cost them billions. If solar was feasible, it would have forced a similar change in the energy industry by now.

>> No.50583836

Nuclear power kicks ass

>> No.50583846

We’ll find a way

>> No.50583862


>> No.50583884

20k is 10 years of power bills for me, this reminds me of people buying a new car for fuel economy

>> No.50584098
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coalfags dilate, best investments i've done in my entire life was buying solar panels and an electric car. First two years were hard, but now, five years in, i don't pay jack shit on energy. Literally all of my zha0 gains go directly to my pocket and not towards big money

>> No.50584175

The main difference is that no one wants nuclear energy now.

>> No.50584251
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>just dropped. /biz/ BTFO.

>> No.50584557

The government had substantial price controls and ownership of oil fields until 1982, which not by coincidence, is when oil crashed and inflation rapidly ended.

>> No.50584778

Who the fuck doesn't have solar panels yet? Oh, you rent your appartment? Yikes..

>> No.50584828

Also thorium

>> No.50585864
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Wow commies are mentally retarded huh? Can you like read?
sealed train by michael pearson
disinformation ion mihai pacepa
Roy Brewer

>> No.50585988
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>Wanting to lower MY taxes mean I support the elites.
Wow, Americans and their low IQ, it's priceless.

>> No.50586729

You are brown and own an electric moped. Here you are on a foreign frog fucking forum shilling your shitcoin for 5cents per post and praying that you will have an affect on the price, not realizing that your shitty project is dooomed to fade into obscurity. You will never have white intelligence and wit, you brown fuck

>> No.50586742

Ironically, they didn't own the uranium but they did own the rare earths.

>> No.50586770

whats the problem?

>> No.50587063

Found the redditor.

>> No.50589306

yes solar power just appeard magically and requires no resources

>> No.50589350

>he thinks his electricity bill will not do an astronomical jump upwards in the upcoming years

also, it's not only about money. It's about freedom. Unlike the anon above, I don't sell extra energy, I'm completely offgrid. If the grid goes down, I don't give a fuck. Until the hungry hordes of niggers come looking for heat, I guess, but still.

>> No.50589533

>Your panels/MPPT are only going to reach 80% efficiency without our ITCPro+ membership
What are you smoking? Of course they can

>> No.50589634

you can always reverse engineer, flash another firmware and/or build the shit from someone who's not a faggot. He meant that the principle behind it can't be locked down, like you can't lock down gravity

>> No.50589662

I hate leftists so much, it's unbelievable. Anyway, follow leftist environmental zealotry and become Sri Lanka.

>> No.50589683

I really do wish it worked that well. But it doesn't. High overhead cost to install and then runs at a far lower efficiency than fossil fuels and nuclear. Only feasible as a supplement.

>> No.50589702
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>It's 2022 and solar power is still a meme.
Is it tho? My dad has elec and heating from panels, he literally doesn't give a fuck about rising oil prices

>> No.50589795

What the fuck do oil-derived products have to do with the electrical grid?

>> No.50589910

Uranium spot prices 30-200$ for the last three decades, even reactor grade enriched stuff is 3k/kg. 1kg of uranium in a reactor is like 960'000-23'000'000kwH, the price of the uranium is essentially a rounding error in the price compared to fuel rod (((contracts))), (((regulations))), and (((lobbying))) needed to build a power plant. Luckily modern designs with open source fuel specifications or rodless designs basically make the fuel free. As for regulations just remember coal kills 1 million people from all the air pollution every year, Chernobyl killed 4-40k people total, it's literally no worse than coal safety wise until we have 25-250 Chernobyls a year.

The real reason is because it solves both energy scarcity and climate change making everyone richer in cheap energy and removing a nonsense crisis they can beat everyone over the head with.

>> No.50589987

>according to lord
>a writer of the time
You trust this politician?

>> No.50590012

Oil man is correct.

>> No.50590089

Aha, sure. That 100k usd fine sure will be worth it! Lol.

>> No.50590121

Solar panels=silver
Buy my bags liberals

>> No.50590211

This nigger thinks solar panels come close to 80% efficiency. Fucking solartards.

>> No.50590271

>What does oil have to do with energy prices?
Are you retarded?
Even if your power isn't from oil, EVERYTHING involved in the process around making it happen still uses oil.

>> No.50590345

2x1 combined cycle Hydrogen powered gas turbine - 570 MW at 65% efficiency. Zero emissions, infinite fuel, startup time to full load <15 minutes.
Gas turbine energy and nuclear are the future. Solar is just another chink scam which will pollute our oceans and landfills forever for a measly 20% efficient piece of shit which can't even be recycled.
Compared to a Pratt and Whitney gas turbine from the 70s that still runs perfectly and generates over 10MW instantly, solar even loses to that by a huge margin.
Solartards permanently BTFO.

>> No.50590367

that cant be true because i own uranium.

>> No.50590408


>> No.50590418

Correction - a 2x1 combined cycle puts out up to 1700MW at 64% eff.

>> No.50590597

Opened thread to post this. Fuel for a coal or gas plant is an enormous part of the levelized cost of energy coming from that plant. In nuclear, the long term storage of waste is greater than the cost of new fuel, and both together barely register on the LCOE. A nuclear plant pretty much has a fixed price for the energy coming out of it, even during times of extreme economic strife.

>> No.50590632

You did it bro you found the perfect power source, now use that and only that, make sure your country relies on nothing else. Do it, what's the problem?

>> No.50591691

80% of the efficiency of the cell, restricted by software, YOU retard

>> No.50591757

Solar power is extremely inefficient and takes more Kwh and CO2 to make the same amount of energy long term. It's absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.50591823

I own the trees that are the nature's solar panels. I win the jews.

>> No.50592044

Top of the line cells which haven't even left the lab yet barely scrape 40% you homopox infested fag. Average cell efficiency is literally less than 20% before trying to transmit that energy to a load. After 1 year of use? That'll be 10-15%.
You can't fix solar panels or recycle them if they break btw. Ask me how I know you have zero power production experience.