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File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, dvj0fcd4q2k31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50575368 No.50575368 [Reply] [Original]

If I invest $100k during this recession do you guys think I'll become a millionaire a couple years after it ends?

>> No.50575399
File: 19 KB, 536x479, D2_4HyXQAA9z25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after it ends

>> No.50575404

Depends what assets you buy and on what level of leverage. Crypto might not be the moon ticket you think it is anymore.

>> No.50575440

what car is that and why does it look so cheap and poorly made?

>> No.50575447

>after it ends
This, I've never seen anything as bearish as I see when I look out into the world today.

>> No.50575464

Most likely a corvette.
>Pointy nose and a fat ass.

>> No.50575471

It's a Corvette aka American boomer wet dream.

Yes but an average house will cost $1 million.

>> No.50575642

I thought it was some fiberglass body, china made electric car lol. I get it's just following the same trend of other supercars but it seems unnecessarily fat and those lines scream 14yo. Saw a db11 last week and although I found its curved lines sexy as hell I couldn't get over how fat the car was. what a shame.

>> No.50575659
File: 1.14 MB, 2880x1800, 2880-1800-crop-hennessey-venom-gt-c882917112012222901_1-4135131184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's american, even expensive american cars look cheap.

>> No.50575686

Thats British

>> No.50575923

It's based on an Elise but gets sold as American supercar.

>> No.50575972

Still British design

>> No.50575987

The corvette costs like $50k

>> No.50576021

Honestly I want to put 50% in btc and 50% in eth

>> No.50576044
File: 712 KB, 1920x1080, czinger-21c-6-2156251566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'm posting more expensive examples.

>> No.50576202

thats why you are poor and will always stay poor you filthy bobonigger

>> No.50576463

Let's see, I'm dca:ing into btc/ltc - sold everything else and would sell my gold if it wasn't for the fact that it is cumbersome.

>> No.50576657

Yes, you probably will at some point reap insane rewards if you have the balls to buy risk on assets during this period of uncertainty. But everything is about to get so volatile that the markets will probably shake you out. Just set buy limits for ETH at like $600 and $400 and then let it ride, probably best odds outta this mess. Otherwise learn to trade and then you can make money no matter what, that's what I'm doing

>> No.50576683

It's a Mclaren.
The backdrop is just confusing you. Just throw it in front of a yacht or some curvy driveway with a fountain and it'll make sense.

>> No.50576841
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Only if you buy my bags. Otherwise, no.
>healthy stack of BTC
>NO ETH!!!!!
>I repeat no ETH.

Thats it. Wait and see. Perhaps wagging in the middle witll be necessary.

>> No.50576857

Based list

>> No.50576862
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1498931123078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no

>> No.50576909

buy signal

>> No.50577176
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, 2838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too early
>also burgers cant into supercars

>> No.50577270

>this ugly flat piece of shit that nearly touches the fucking ground limiting access to many areas
Keep dreaming eurofags

>> No.50577472
File: 176 KB, 960x640, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our autobahn is smooth so we can have em that low
while you still wangle your american rubbish around

>> No.50577489

yeah, if you make good bets and don't get liquidated or panic sell

>> No.50577521


>> No.50579044
File: 51 KB, 576x702, 16382048293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not at all, invest it all on Vita Inu, the only dogcoin that's TOP 1 on Gate.io

>> No.50579090

Anon do you REALLY think blacks and browns are going to drive a thriving economy? It's all downhill from here.

>> No.50579186

the only new vettes I see are always that flashy blue
it's nice but I want to see other colors too

>> No.50579238

That is a serious brake cooling scoop

>> No.50581799

It boils down to which crypto you're investing in chad. Privacy solutions are a good place to start as they would increase in demand with the coming regulations.

>> No.50581937
File: 86 KB, 1080x609, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Porsche the only company making supercars that aren't ugly as fuck?

>> No.50581953

thats a ugly ass car i rather drive a honda

>> No.50581963

dubs of truth. buckle up faggots. at least btc has found a floor

>> No.50582503

gay car

>> No.50583831


>> No.50583946

Yep. Post recessions = giga bullruns

>> No.50585794

It all depends on where you invested the fund on
If in crypto projects with use cases and solution driven, you will make it anon

>> No.50585816

can not even drive over a tiny rock. great car there. really useful.

>> No.50586124

maybe move away from your 3.world country after you made it, so that there will be no rocks on the road!

>> No.50586173
File: 93 KB, 1200x600, de-tomaso-pantera-gt5-archived-instrumented-test-car-and-driver-photo-630379-s-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a DeTomaso Pantera. My whole life centres around buying one of these things. I would kill for one. Any investment opportunity that could get me one of these, I'd take. Unfortunately I'm a retard who went into ETH like 500 under ATH.

Maybe if I hold them long enough, they'll get me a Pantera. No GF, no friends, no home. Not really many prospects either. Maybe, just maybe, I can have this Pantera.

>> No.50586540
File: 28 KB, 500x300, plastic-speed-breaker-bumper-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could not even afford to live where i am.

>> No.50586570
File: 155 KB, 553x261, McLaren GT Bronze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel, aim higher

>> No.50587071

Depends on what you invest your money into. If you buy Utility tokens then you will make it. SCRT, ATOM, ETH are some good ones you can invest into.

>> No.50587254

If you buy anything other than Bitcoin, it will go to zero eventually.

Just buy Bitcoin. It'll probably take ten years to hit $200K, but it will get there eventually.

>> No.50587256

when it ends is a long thing, brace for impact , i think project like lox network , zil and plug are developing, low caps can really give a lot of returns.

>> No.50587277

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.50587285

You can always make a lot of money through crypto , just be fair enough mate, dips hiot every financial markets

>> No.50587362


Your 100k will be gone and you'll be rationing mres in a hole behind a 50 cal.

>> No.50587377

I've got these low caps and looking to get more should the market tanks. Security projects are top of my list.

>> No.50587387
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, naom_61669823f1728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely one of the few. These days is mostly straight razor tier lines or demented oversized front grills. They're going for le edgy look.

>> No.50587496

>Crypto might not be the moon ticket you think it is anymore.
This. If you wanted to moon with crypto, you should have entered while BTC was still below 500 dollars. In other words, if you entered after early 2016, you were too late.

>> No.50587520

Are these really actual cars or just baby boy toys?

>> No.50587590

What a totally uninspiring looking car.
Unlike this which is totally fucking cool, now i want one

>> No.50587606

Try a hundred trillion

>> No.50587625
File: 559 KB, 2539x1184, lotus-esprit-v8-c587330042020004301_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats a car

>> No.50587829

>goes up driveway—brrrrrrrtttt!!!!

>> No.50587870

I think so. If you invest in BTC, ETH and MATIC. You're going to be making stacks next bull run anon. It's happening.

>> No.50587916

privacy is needed at all times.
are they coming up with another major airdrop, saw a trustline on xrp ledger.

>> No.50587938
File: 83 KB, 600x450, 66E4BCC6-D642-4C9E-BCF9-A05EB44DCA12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s costs 50k you fucking losers. Meanwhile in eurocuck land this is what 50k gets you. 210 horsepower. It’s so fucking pathetic that you’re posting 500k+ cars to compete with something ordinary American 19 year old teenage boys buy/drive.

>> No.50587955

I heard about it when the Hurrian network was airdropped.

>> No.50587979

i own a e46 and everything after is pure garbage. get real.

>> No.50588021

Everyone will be a millionaire after this recession ends. And bread will cost $50 a loaf.

>> No.50588176
File: 522 KB, 1440x1206, Screenshot_20220727-080042_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please point me to the nearest $50k corvette that looks anything like picrel and I'll go buy it right fucking now

>> No.50588202

You have no idea how long this recession is going to last. The economy was "booming" this long because of the world reserve status that we had. The entire world was flooding us with goods so they could buy oil, and the government and banks were able to use that money to leverage up the economy for decades. People fail to understand that there will be no returning to those previous times where we had seemingly endless food, endless goods, high paying jobs, etc.
America is still a big economy, but we run a $700BN trade deficit. Historically, you always need to have a Net-Zero balance of trade or else capital would be fleeing your economy with the money supply/economy contracting. Do you have any idea how much you can leverage up $700BN into profits, jobs, taxes etc. When this shit goes away we're all going to feel just how poor we really are. Leverage is not real, and will be eaten as losses.

>> No.50588278

The E46 is nice but the B58 in the newer models is beastly.

>> No.50588282

I'll tell you this - doomposting has ALWAYS been a thing. tHiS cRaSh Is ThE rEaL oNe GuYz We'Re AlL gOnNa StArVe!

It's just simply not true. It might take a long time, it might take a reeeeeeally long time, but fact of the matter is that US companies are incredibly profitable - some moreso than ENTIRE CONTINENTS.

Unless you meant "iNvEsTiNg" into shitcoins. Those will actually never recover. Bitcoin will probably be crabbing until the break of dawn too.

We'll continue this cycle of booms and busts, fomo and doomposting, until the sun no longer supports life on Earth. Might as well get in today if anything.

>> No.50588400

this isnt about budget cars
the new audi a3 is only 27k

>> No.50588450

Yea, but much of this profitability is subsidized by our trade status and propped up with leverage. The majority of Americans are bankrupt or under severe economic distress, and that is not a good consumer base for "profitable" corporations to be doing business.
You are right, this economy WILL collapse in a big way. No amount of accounting tricks or money printing will make this economy more functional, and we are certainly not going to be honoring $100TN in unfunded liabilities.
It is going to take a debt jubilee and the destruction of the dollar get things humming along again.

>> No.50588595

if america sneezes, the world gets a cold. No economy can replace it.

>> No.50588628

lol I don't think this crash in particular will be too extreme. My guess is that a few smallcap firms go under, big firms will consolidate further, and the cost of basic materials/gas will permanently increase across the board for everyone.

>> No.50588652

I agree that we are a major trading partner, manufacturer etc. But if our domestic budgets are requiring us to exponentially spend more money just to keep the economy afloat we won't last very long. No one is going to be sending us $1TN worth of goods when we just make all of that value up out of nowhere. The East can consume their own production and develop their own markets and comparatively we will be getting fewer goods for more money. There is no going back to the glory days for America.

>> No.50588674

im afraid to say everything turbo pisses me off. i dont need 350 + hp and i love the sound of the old straight-6 naturally aspirated engine even if its a snail by todays standards in sports car terms.

>> No.50588714

what a shame i pass u motherfuckers in my FOUR cylinder b48 kekekekk and i fart on u on upshifts KEKEKEKKE

>> No.50588739

lets see if you drive it for 25 years then.

>> No.50588852

I disagree. We are talking about the reckoning of a bond market that is almost the size of the U.S. housing market. Somehow, there is "value": stored away in paper form that needs to be paid back. And that value can only be contained with interest rates that actually destroy capital formation and prevent an economic recovery. Actualizing these losses, overtly or through inflation, is going to be knocking over a shitload of businesses and governments.
Sure, the global economy will probably play "ball" and keep this thing going for YEARS. But this is going to be serious shit.

>> No.50588966
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 458897-4145361067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are US "supercars", in the million dollar price-range,
one is a heavily modded lotus elise (Hennessey Venom GT), more than 10-folding the price-tag for adding horsepower and making it look cheaper than is originally was.

>> No.50589023

>Actualizing these losses, overtly or through inflation, is going to be knocking over a shitload of businesses
Gotta breathe out to breathe in. Like I said, that should manifest as smallcaps going >NUUUUUGLEAR

Well I guess the only way to see is to wait. I'm personally invested in capgoods and semiconductor manufacturers at the moment per my above hypothesis.

>> No.50589048

Any suggestion

>> No.50589144

Thats a euro car dumb fuck lmao

>> No.50589190
File: 215 KB, 1212x332, Screenshot 2022-07-27 095944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not, Audi website lists it at $31,000. If you mean used and at 30,000+ miles than maybe it's 27k.

>> No.50589284

thats what you and me both pray for OP.
I have 6 figures in craypto right now and all I can do is hope for it to tun into 7 figs after the next halving (in 600 days) so yeah. I keep investing every month but my wage is so fucking shit that it barely makes any difference (800€ a month into crypto right now)

>> No.50589303

Low cap tokens with huge potentials and use cases has high potentials to do well than high cap, that's why I'm looking at LOX

>> No.50589416

all in ETH it is then, thanks chief

>> No.50589552

He can't drive it for that long

>> No.50589610

Idiot, you must be a motherfucker to invest such amount on a shitcoin with no use cases

>> No.50589787

A car that makes you seethe.
Tell us what you can see that allows you to deduce the build quality.

>> No.50590103

bobos are fucking delusional. they’re ready to gloat whenever BTC is only up by 100000% but not 300000%

then there’s the fact that we’re seeing more adoption than ever before with major companies like Google, IBM and UbiSoft working with crypto organizations like HBAR foundation to establish a Web3 presence for themselves

>> No.50590158

Oh no no no no no no

>> No.50590168

LOX is a good one to grab now anon, they will join the metaverse soon

>> No.50590203
File: 36 KB, 491x559, Jim_Halpert_Explains_05062022201934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you stake 1 million dollars worth of MAXX finance for 80% APY and lock it for whatever time the calculator on the website says you need.

>> No.50590246
File: 462 KB, 800x532, Hennessey_Venom_GT_270.4_mph_KSC_800px-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a modified Elise sold as American supercar with a 500000+ price-tag.

>> No.50590294

Goddamn I love the new Vette. That shit is sooooooooo dope.

>> No.50590590

You own lunc, shib and doge but not eth? Anon….

>> No.50591015

Kek, everyone knows ETH is based anon. I'm planning to try my hands on the lands on sports metaverse since I stand the chance to find hidden rewards like world cup tickets on them.

>> No.50591095

I'd rather buy a luxury minivan and a Miata for that price. When you're in a minivan, everyone on the road treats you well. When you're in a Miata, the world is nothing but simple fun. It's like a street legal go cart.
When you drive a corvette, people are dicks, your paint will get keyed, and honestly driving one isn't all that enjoyable beyond flooring it for the engine noise and g force.

>> No.50591217


And if you drive a Miata people will 100% unironically think you’re a homosexual, which doesn’t matter to you since it’s true, but not all of us are.

>> No.50591575

When I was in high school there was this fat kid that everyone picked on, his nickname was bitchtits. For our senior prom he pulled up in a super fucking nice bright red pantera. Guess his dad is a righfag

>> No.50591593

How old are you?

>> No.50591613

>Money line go up/down forever.

>> No.50591641

Shiba inu is to lower ETH gas fees, dumb fuck.

>> No.50591661

Giving a fuck about what normal people think is low IQ poor person thinking. Miata is wild fun at just 40mph and you can beat the fuck out of it without caring.
Imagine limiting the fun in your life just because you don't want to look gay to people who are simply jealous, coping assholes. It's pathetic.

>> No.50591683

The junk might be on weed for such a stupid suggestion. Who gives a fuck about betting on shitcoin? Diversification works much better on alts likeETH, MATIC, ADA and a few undervalued projects like FWT, REN, and DYDX.

>> No.50591702

Dont conned into investing in shit coin.

>> No.50591716

Fuck off pajeet, most projects in the metaverse are offering services, what the hell is this fucking project doing there?

>> No.50591720

I also have an eye for platforms with potential and relevant use case. That's why I see Railgun coming out stronger during the next bull run as the demand for privacy protocols increases.

>> No.50591937

Shitcoins has no use cases, as such it's not a good investment to ape in, they are a lot of projects offering good services like giving security to phone users, creating a global IMEI blacklist and other services

>> No.50592293

Agreed. BTC and ETH are bluechips for all investors. I've also acquired assets in the metaverse like ICON and THETA which I'm holding for the long term.

>> No.50592377

Hennessy is a Texan garage that makes custom cars for people

>> No.50592441

are you investing it in can food and bullets? otherwise you are fucked anon. the new jew order is coming.

>> No.50592519
File: 174 KB, 683x797, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open the thread to see if anon is getting the advice he wants
>it's just burgermutts arguing with eurofags and shitposting the thread with low effort supercars to outlet their mega cope
/biz/ness as usual, i see

>> No.50592725

the workers get paid $17/hr to build these pieces of shit. if you want a car that actually lasts buy one that pays their workers decent

t. live next to the factory and lol at their wages

>> No.50593235


> to build these pieces of shit

>t. 33 year old loser who drives a rusted and faded 2010 Honda Civic and gets made fun of by the kids at the local high school every time he passes

Imagine driving a worse car than a literal teenager, I could never. Less time shitposting more time working, guy

>> No.50593253

Still too expensive for a car made out of fiberglass, cheap plastic and looks like shit.

>> No.50593294

saw this car the other day they goo so fucking good.

i plan to get one but idk what color to get

>> No.50593310

lmao what a tryhard shit design

>> No.50593397

Imagine caring about the opinion of teenagers. Holy fucking shit that's sad. Although, you're probably a teenager yourself. You're over 18, right? You're not allowed to post on this site if you're not. Just an fyi.

>> No.50593400
File: 111 KB, 1200x600, 0BC4D968-64A1-4B22-9959-8968E4429D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still too expensive

50k for 500 hp, track performance, and normie retards can’t distinguish it from Luigi’s overpriced 3m Ferrari

Okay. Meanwhile 50k in Europe gets you…

>> No.50593423

the transmissions are literally grenading off the assembly line my guy, they are pieces of shit that only boomers buy

everyone knows that 6 figure+ people daily clapped out hondas or teslas if they want to flex

>> No.50593440


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, it once you get a job higher than McDonald’s you’ll realize that EVERYBODY is judging what you drive. They judge how you dress, they judge how you act, they judge how you smell, and they judge if you’re a fucking weirdo or not. SORRY, THAT’S LIFE. You can keep reading Meditations and practicing le stoic lifestyle while watching anime and playing video games all day, but in the big boy world, appearances DO matter.

>> No.50593455
File: 53 KB, 403x448, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right??? btc has only mooned like 4 times since then. now you're looking at x3, x5 AT BEST in the next 4 years. pathetic returns, you need to find the next shib!!!

>> No.50593472

Sell videos of you pooping on stuffed animals

>> No.50593512

imagine how fat and brown you'd have to be to drive one of these matchbox cars lmao disgustingly garish

>> No.50593722

I see ETH going up more percentage wise than bitcoin, its getting adopted into more digital marketplaces/NFT meme pits.

>> No.50593735
File: 64 KB, 736x736, 9b4bce93a777c40e35c570d043c159a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restored FJ for me.

>> No.50593773

That's only coz you're 14

>> No.50594137

>pathetic returns, you need to find the next shib!!!
This, but unironically.

>> No.50594197

I take the Merc everyday. Fiberglass body, lol.

>> No.50594316

Which privacy gems are you into? I'm just holding onto my SCRT bags for now. Good thing that I'm earning passively on it from my keplr wallet.

>> No.50594360
File: 89 KB, 830x738, green wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest 100K into $SPIRAL and print millions in a months time. Financial advice

>> No.50594397
File: 2 KB, 118x125, 1651597876929s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always diversify. Aside from SCRT and ROSE now my biggest bag, I still have some bags of FLUX, ORN and TSUKA just to spice things up.

>> No.50594505
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1658743669514040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like LOX. There have been a lot of loopholes in the centralized blacklist. Wtf is taking these guys so long to release the decentralized IMEI?

>> No.50594554

Wtf is this? Another shitcoin?

>> No.50596344

I'm in on Railgun and I staked my RAIL to be a member of the DAO and earn governance rights.

>> No.50596376

what a master piece holy shit

>> No.50596658

It's LOX
Why is LOX not a good investment anon?
Tell me, which other projects offer decentralized global IMEI

>> No.50596671

only if you buy GME


>> No.50596728

most ferraris look fine when you see them in person if you don't have utter pleb taste

>> No.50596772

I don't fucking care about those shitty projects. It is wise and always preferable to invest in solid projects, especially those that are building and hiring. They stand a better chance to bounce back.

>> No.50596825
File: 17 KB, 474x373, bloomer wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO check the chart man, ive been shilling it the past 2 days, unironically itll be 20 mill by the eow

>> No.50596907

this guy gets it, e46 is the pinnacle of the 3series, after that bmw realized people just buy it for the badge and now they have that 2 series family car... shame

>> No.50597646

Did you apply for the secret agent program?

>> No.50598166

>invest in solid projects, especially those that are building
I have my eyes on the sports metaverse as it's fast becoming the home of all sports lovers in the crypto space.

>> No.50599869


>> No.50599900

Kek, what's with the fat description.

>> No.50600209
File: 425 KB, 1162x1824, 20220320_202326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaverse + sports, exciting combo.
Just like holoride is bringing the metaverse to cars.
They're some next level shit coming to the metaverse to look out for.

>> No.50600286

Top 10 ways to get rekt kek

>> No.50600303

ETH leading the market recovery, bitcoin maximalist won't be happy..

>> No.50600348

Has to be the same one one Elrond, big project, still under the radar and could blow up easily.
Elrond has to be the most underrated ecosystem in this space.

>> No.50600407

Based response, and got no interest from these posters. I'm doing the same thing. Waiting for people to sell off them I'm all inning on quality crypto.

>> No.50600425

You anon thinks the bottom isn't in?.

>> No.50600467
File: 446 KB, 710x526, 20210607_142940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elrond, Avax, Tezos
Super underated blockchain.

Based stuff

>> No.50600517

According to bears, we're waiting for 14k bottom, so not in yet kek.

It's exciting, they're building the motoverse which could make cars much more fun.

>> No.50600617

if you want to make serious gains in crypto then the smart thing to do is use the 200k to take advantage of alpha leaks on the hbar foundation, meaning you'll be able to invest early in projects with huge potential

>> No.50601112
File: 21 KB, 200x144, IMG_20220723_001708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got matic and eth anon. Why don't you have any low caps with solid fundamentals like geeq that offers hybrid solution and hps that boosts the billion happiness market?

>> No.50601164

I have good expectations for Avax anon, I'm also anticipating the deployment of Railgun privacy protocol to the blockchain in the coming months.

>> No.50601330

This time it's different because... Just because OK?

>> No.50601369

youll either end up with $1000- or $1000000+
each is 50% prossible

>> No.50601380

Metaverse projects are great, but I still prefer passive income from Freeway's supercharger staking products.

>> No.50601389

> learn to trade

how? what are some resources or tips or anything to get started learning

>> No.50601923

Some users on the metaverse can still earn passive income. Lucky land owners on the sports metaverse that find an Eth gold mine on their property would relax and watch their profits pile up.

>> No.50602059

I don't know geeq exists in the world

>> No.50602795

Go fuck yourself retard

>> No.50602838

I'm guessing you'd find these things on youtube for your consumption.

>> No.50602883

The fact that he knew it was a corvette and that obviously corvettes are made with cheaper materials than shit like Lambos and Ferraris, which is also why they cost only a quarter of what those cars cost.

>> No.50602894

REN is efficient and has good potential. I'm also aware of Railgun's partnership with REN to achieve interoperability. A good innovation for the privacy protocol.

>> No.50602918

Let me guess you are a brit cuck? Btw the new vettes are much better pussy magnets than your fucking Aston Martin. Anyone who sees you in a db11 will just think its some random luxury car.

>> No.50603007

If you're too focused on meme and short lived coins, then you wont noticed geeq as it's build for long term. Their data storage will be everyone's choice.
Lol, it's too expensive and can't afford it

>> No.50603627


>> No.50603913


>> No.50604649

I call your BS

>> No.50604677

NFTs are the future fren. I can't wait for the cinematic NFTs Lukaku would be dropping where he would share his career journey with fans.

>> No.50605172

You are fucking right anon
A project with no use case is a shit project
But Lox network offers security solutions to your phones, and that's the service they will offer in the metaverse.

>> No.50605210 [DELETED] 

Not at all, is it still on, and how do I apply?

>> No.50605389

C6-C7s are better looking than these shitty C8s