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50568494 No.50568494 [Reply] [Original]

and it's only tuesday so far

>> No.50568766

rookie numbers, unironically

>> No.50569433

yeah I'm already on

>> No.50569483

me but I'm on that weed

>> No.50569509

blog it.

>> No.50569515

I don’t understand what jobs you people have where you can do this. I’m WFH, and I get raped every day.
>53k salary when rent is $1500 avg
>Have 30+ tasks a day to complete
>Have retarded gorillas barking at me about their call center goys not coming back to work

Where the fuck do you get these mystical ez mode jobs?

>> No.50569536

just drink IPA and wear sandals and it's like you're at a startup

>> No.50569546

Reminder that the only drugs which are worse than alcohol for your physical and mental health are meth and crack cocaine. Yes, alcohol does more damage to your body and brain than heroin

>> No.50569556

I’m in an illegal weed state but somehow these fuckers can make delta 9 THC out of hemp and turn them into gummies with cbd and delta 9 thc that get you high as fuck and it’s legal. I ran out yesterday but I want more today. Have to resist because I can feel myself getting addicted (again). I love weed. Wish they’d fucking legalize it so I could just grow the shit myself without worrying about cops.

>> No.50569575

Stop that shit. Start injecting ETH and MATIC into your system. That's on some other shit.

>> No.50569624

i work in corporate accounting. for the most part people leave me the fuck alone unless it's the first 4 business days of the month.

>> No.50569679

How do I find a good weed dealer?

>> No.50569684

My dad works from home and is an alcoholic. He's drunk every day from 8am to whenever he passes out at night. He hides the fact he drinks by saying he's going to Wawa or something but we can track the Volvo he drives and he's always going to the liquor store.
Recently he's become extremely abusive towards my brother and my mom. I've given him so many opportunities to admit he's drinking or to ask for help but he always chooses to lie instead, promising he isn't drinking and isn't abusive. He's always sort of been an alcoholic, but after covid everything got so much worse.
I've tried to take away his keys after catching him drunk driving a few times but it just ended with him beating up my brother. Recently my mom told him she's considering divorce, so when me and my brother were out of the house he let the dogs outside (so they wouldn't bark) and why up to where she was sleeping and hit her and pinned her down while yelling at her.
I've tried every possible way to help him, I've offered therapists, I've offered to be a therapist, I've offered group counseling, I've offered help from his brother (a former alcoholic) and he always denies it all.
From the bottom of my heart, don't drink. He literally can't quit even if he wanted to, and his liver is already failing him (he's 57). I know this is probably some joke post, but for the sake of having anyone listen to this, do not form a habit of day drinking. I'm 23 and I can't move out until I know I can also secure a living place for my mom and brother. I'm trapped here until then, and it's a very real and daily pain.

>> No.50569687

Same senpai life is fucking good except we are on a 5 day close.

>> No.50569720

What the fuck if my dad touched my mom the wrong way when I was 23 I would have beat the fuck out of him and my dad is not a pussy.

>> No.50569749

alcohol is poison

>> No.50569800

only reason alcohol is legal is because of its cultural significance and if it was banned there would be riots. if alcohol hit the market 30 years ago it would have rightfully been lumped into the same category as heroin, crack and meth

>> No.50569841

If you’re European genetically it’s fine as long as you aren’t getting shit faced every day

>> No.50569878
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i live in WI and seen some pretty crazy looking gummies i think of the same variety, it really works?
>t.not wfh but shitposting and stoned physically at work

>> No.50569906

It’s one of the worst neurotoxins out there whether you’re of european descent or not. I dont promote total abstinence because life would be boring without mind altering substances, but there is no doubt that alcohol is pure poison

>> No.50569913

I'm waiting for help with a nodejs library permission issue only a senior dev can grant me but he is in a meeting for 3 hours and the rest is on vacation

>> No.50569925

Yeah we had a fight after that happened, but the problem with fighting a wfh alcoholic is he is extremely vindictive and has tons of free time.
He tagged my room while I was at work, found my personal safe key and made a copy. Then told me if I changed the lock he would throw the safe into a pond.
It doesn't matter how many times you fight with an alcoholic, they will forget about it and always assume they are in the right.

>> No.50569944

welll. that's what i do

>> No.50569947

I already waste my company's time by shitposting, reading and lifting during working hours, I'd feel like a full degenerate if I was boozing/smoking. And I fucking love drinking and getting high.

>> No.50570018

I use to drink on occasion while working but eventually it was just too much work it self. Just makes work harder. Its really a retarded thing to do all around. I enjoyed it for a short while as more of a novelty then anything, but I've been long done with it
t. WFH for 5 years.

>> No.50570019

dude just beat him up

>> No.50570045

He won’t consider stopping until he hits rock bottom, and for him to get there you, your brother and mom need to cut ties and let him know why, and that if he ever decides to get serious about quitting that you will be there for him. Been in your situation and it’s terrible, but it’s the only way

>> No.50570050

I work in the public sector. I unironically do no more than 15 minutes work each day. I get paid £40k (not sure what that is in dollars). If you work it out per hour my wage is outstanding.

>> No.50570252

Yeah public sector 61k eur here, i got so much free time, any ideas for a side hussle???

>> No.50570447

first 15 years of my life was with an angry drunk father and it’s like being in a nightmare you cant get out of. when i see kids under the age of 10 now with dark blue circles under their eyes i just know they are living in that same nightmare and it fills me with rage

>> No.50570524

Hallucinogens literally make people retarded

>> No.50570534

Yeah they work really well I was surprised. I don’t know how it’s legal or what they put in the shit but it’s bretty good. Think I’m going to get more today lol. Helps me with feeling nauseous and helps me shit and helps me sleep. I could easily get a medical card but we don’t even have medical weed here. I hate this state sometimes.

>> No.50570569

You mean psychedelics? They promote neurogenesis which is the opposite of what neurotoxins do. The only downside with psychedelics is that if you are already crazy it will make you even crazier

>> No.50570596

>be me
>been wfh full time at new job
>only work 5 hours a week
>spend rest of time playing kenshi even during video meetings
>get call from ceo out of nowhere
>hey anon you're crushing it. We want to give you a 15% raise after when you finish first quarter

>> No.50570599

are you in WI too fren? i don't really like edibles but might have to try it out

>> No.50570626

wtf based i never thought about this i should start daydrinking while wfh too

>> No.50570637

Is $1500 rent that bad on $53k? You have more than half your monthly income left for whatever else, and you're not burning it on daily commute gas or even work clothes. It's not a good wage but it's not paycheck-to-paycheck, unless you have kids or debt

>> No.50570645

>anti-wfh threads

>> No.50570677

I hope you're not actually proud of that, youre going to be the first one on the chopping block when the recession hit bud

>> No.50570694

>wfh only twice a week allowed at my company

What skills can I build upon while I pretend to do nothing ? I want to be full remote.

>> No.50570714

Lol we are in a recession you moron.

>> No.50570741

Biden cancelled the recession sweaty

>> No.50570768

Do what i did. Make your company a fuckton of money and then tell them you are working full time remote. They won't fire you if you make them cash. If you can't touch a profit center then engineer a core system that only you understand that'll crash the company if it stops working.

>> No.50570780

youre either an injun or a mormon. i can fucking smell you through the computer.

>> No.50570786

Hello fellow colleague.
Do you think you'll be hireable in 3yrs if your wage stagnates vs inflation?

>> No.50570808

> 3.6 percent unemployment
> thinks bear market is a recession
on top of being lazy, youre also a midwit.

>> No.50570823
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Wfh sucks... The office had open bar...

>> No.50570830

You don't even know the definition of recession. Lol.

>> No.50570847

$1500 rent plus utilities(extra $300). So, $1800 total. Add in other bills like groceries, phone bill, etc. and you have basically nothing.

Yes, two kids and a wife. Also debt. Medical bills that I’ll be paying on until I’m dead.

>> No.50570875

Jc if you will be paying forever then just declare bankruptcy you fucking mong. Thats why it exists. Your credit will bounce back in 3 years.

>> No.50570903

The downside with THC is that it fucks up your REM sleep. Constant usage is the equivilent of chronic sleep deprivation and that obviously has a negative effect on your brain

>> No.50570909

You play BIDEO GAYMES, opinion discarded

>> No.50570933

How embarrassing for you that you're a try hard and yet don't know the definition of simple economic terms.

>> No.50570944

Please consult a bankruptcy lawyer. You can save so much money and stress.

>> No.50570978

Unironically considering it at this point. I was a homeless teenager and did the boomer meme of “bootstrapping”, but fuck this shit. It’s just brought stress and financial ruin.

Y’all niggas are real as fuck.

>> No.50570992

> be so lazy and retarded that i expect everyone to spoonfeed me terms and definitions
Go back to your goo goo ga ga baby games

>> No.50571016


>log in
>go to meetings
>midwit engineers make a mess of everything
>not my problem
>fire up a joint
>work on open source project
>collect $200k salary doing the absolute bare minimum

>> No.50571029

You are both posting on a japanese cartoon forum for social rejects. Calm down

>> No.50571256
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>call goy
>make 60 hang ups
>work maybe 30 minutes a day
>watch finance videos all day
>stoned the first 5 minutes I am awake

Its a weird kind of hate your job. But fuck do I love the free time to do my own shit

>> No.50571362

based and WFHpilled

>> No.50571481

Doing the bare minimum is usually a based strategy but it can quickly backfire when we are headed into an economic downturn. Execs tend to get very creative when they enter survival mode and have to start trimming the fat. A lot of people have gotten complacent and assume they will be able to get a new job in their field. Meanwhile only 13 years ago we had highly educated and experienced people competing for bottom tier jobs just so they could pay their bills because everywhere else had hiring freezes

>> No.50571495



>> No.50571554

Yeah but I have 300k in the bank and my cost of living is low. I can remain solvent longer than the government can destroy the economy without a normie uprising

>> No.50571770
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i make slightly more than you at $55k, i live in NYC and my rent is $1030 + $80‐$100 in utilities (sharing with roomies ). but we have a backyard and basement, FIOS, only occasional pest. granted i have no family but you have to find a place that's cheaper. i moved around a lot until i found my current place and stayed an average of 1.5 years the past 6 years or so. spent a good 2-3 years living with parents before that.

i want to say i lucked out but if you keep making the effort to move you'll find a place. i'm living near the hood (brownville) but police make patrols often enough on my street. it's so peaceful and quiet, it feels like i retired. i'm actually really bored, i'm used to more rowdy places and room mates.

i spent a significant part of my life being rentpoor (incl. chuldhood), and just constantly reducing spending and looking for better places to live. i've seen a lot of people barely putting effort into aligning their lifestyles to fit their incomes. bruh, landlords are scum but you're also lazy and hooked on instant gratification coomsuming. maybe i'm just old and bitter but i find it hard to sympathize with 99% of people that exist to coomsume and bitch and moan about cost of living.

>> No.50571772

I agree totally but this can be alleviated by either taking regular breaks or by abstaining for several hours before going to bed.

>> No.50571804

>300k in the bank
So you don't really have it? Never underestimate the tricks uncle Sam has.

>> No.50571828

The fuck are you complaining about? I literally quit my job to go back to school and get a work from home job

>> No.50571865
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Do you realize our food supply could run out really soon, and there are people homeless shooting up to deal with the pain of being in poverty and you're complaining about working from home and drinking? I bet you're the guy I could cut in line and you wouldn't say shit.

>> No.50571889

AA is gay as shit, but sadly, unironically, it's the best thing you can do right now. That is, YOU should go to some AA meetings, or one of those Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents meetings. I wish that normie shit didn't help so I wouldn't have to recommend people to it, but it does.

>> No.50571890

Drinking feels horrible the 3rd day in a row. Best to get blind drunk once or twice a week than be an actual alcoholic. Plus work is slightly easier when you’re not drinking

>> No.50571956 [DELETED] 

>make 500 usd a month
>live with mom
>mech engineer
>groceries are 300 a month
>gas is 1.4 usd
>currently trying as hard as possible to get a good portfolio of codemonkey shit so I can go somewhere else

I wish I was making this up, fuck south america

>> No.50571999

you need a data analyst job son
i've been showing the same thing to my boss for 2 months with slightly different charts and he's impressed every time

>> No.50572096

How the hell do you people drink this much? I have one beer with dinner, another beer 2 hours later, or just sip on a couple glasses of wine throughout the evening. If I'm going really wild I'll have a scotch and a couple cigarettes before bed. Anything more than that and I wake up feeling like I'm dying of AIDS. I could really put it away when I was in my 20s, but ever since I turned 30, even 4 drinks over a 4 hour period will fuck my health up hard.

>> No.50572211

It takes dedication.

>> No.50572253

I feel like no matter how I say my assets are held I will get people saying it's not safe so I simply will refuse to elaborate

>> No.50572315

just took beer #4

>> No.50572331

elizabeth olsen is best olsen

>> No.50572344

a lot of times the "star" high paid engineers is let go too, because they cost more and might quit if they see the rumblings of a layoff

we midwit minimum workers needs to keep the lights on

>> No.50572576

This is what the company I work for did during the last recession. Got rid of the highly paid engineers who also happened to be the only competent ones.
Then wondered why we kept having high rates of engineering problems.
Didn't affect the executives though, they got bonuses for saving money.

>> No.50572682

I keep stacks of cash in my house, about half of my total.

>> No.50572704


Any remaining, outnumbered smart engineers also check out and let the midwits drive the bus. Once you’ve entered the talent spiral there’s no clawing out of it - you’re stuck in permanent maintenance mode. Even bringing on new talent won’t help as the short sighted midwits left sabotage any attempts to keep the bus from careening to insolvency to keep their meager salary.

>> No.50572842

yeah, a lot of tribal knowledge and hidden documentation lies with us long term guys. why onboard some instagram zoomer dev witha brocooli haircut who will leave in 2 years anyway?

this is our job security

>> No.50572949

Change your life. Repent and ask Jesus Christ to liberate you. Start with a simple routine, as soon as you wake up do this:

*Wake up
*Thank God for being alive.
*Go to the bathroom
*Wash teeth
*Go downstairs and drink lemon watewr with himalayan salt
*Take some sun (while maybe eating a fruit)
*Read proverbs of the day and pray
*Write about things I'm grateful for... because ...
*Lift or cardio


>> No.50572982


Says the midwit who will be unemployed when his zombie company can no longer rollover debt and unemployable when every interviewer realizes your skillset is limited to occupying space.

>> No.50573020
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>> No.50573059
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>> No.50573083

>gets circumsized like a good goy

>> No.50573121

>I would’ve done this or that
You realize anyone in the world can say that online right?

>> No.50573212
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We don't do that in my country
pic is you btw lmao

>> No.50573222

>>50571016 works on open source project, he'll be fine

>> No.50573981

I have a bs media job, dont do shit at work most of the time.

>> No.50575843

leverage your remote job to get another one . keep remote job hopping until you find one that is chill

>> No.50577278

swinging and scalping for months for easy money made me pick up drinking. what's your favorite beverage op? for me its freezing cold pure vodka.
if qom doesnt perform well im going to pick up meth by the way wish me luck.

>> No.50577833

i just prefer some normal pale ales honestly

can't slurp them fast and they don't need to be cold, so you can take 3-4 per day and feel good

>> No.50577949 [DELETED] 

Customer service director making $120k/year
Just say yes or no to questions all day from my employees.
Sleep in, work from bed.
Smoke, day drink, swim in my pool.
Used to take it super serious until I realized no one was monitoring me and I do the monitoring.
Might catch up to me, might not.
Just always make sure I’m on time to meetings and look very presentable and put together.
Respond to emails and questions on slack from everyone immediately no matter what I’m doing and always act like I’m busy.