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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5056584 No.5056584 [Reply] [Original]

reminder, this is your last chance to get into REQ,
I'm an oldfag on here and I genuinely think REQ
is the most promising coin long term, here is why: >Use cases:
>Billions of invoices are shared each year between companies, with most of them still being sent in paper and
email format, which have to be copied. This results in a large number of errors, particularly when advanced
payment or tax rules are applied.
With Request, companies can share these bills directly via the ledger; there will be no more duplication,
as accounting systems will be immediately plugged in and updated.

>Request allows the
digitization of accounting systems
, where one currently spends time
to duplicate efforts through repetitive documentation and frequent checks. These manual tasks can now be
automated. Request will transform the role of a CPA into consulting and support activities. This system
leaves more time for value-added tasks, such as analysis, estimation and strategy.

>With Request, audits become a simple algorithmic check, thanks to the immutability of the system. In
comparison, in 2014, Microsoft paid $46.2 million in audit fees to Deloitte
. Similarly, Bank of America paid
nearly $100 million. In total, the 100 biggest companies in the United States paid $2.5 billion in audit fees.
Henceforth, audits will be carried out in real time
. Let’s call them Smart Audits
. Blockchain auditing
solutions (”smart audits”) will likely become a reliable and inexpensive alternative to today’s manual audits.

>With Request, expense reports are easily shared between employees and businesses, without getting lost
or altered. A system of expense management will allow employees to select and send, in real time, their
professional expenses to their manager, who can accept and refund them when ready.

>> No.5056604
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reminder that if you post a "this is your last chance" thread, you're not supposed to post it fucking again.. come on, now. logics 101.

>> No.5056631

How long do you expect it would take for req to be adopted by companies?
Any price prediction for next year?

>> No.5056657

Sitting on 50K REQ. No need to further promote it here - those who have not already bought simply hate money and nothing will convince them.

This stack of mine will not be enough to make it, but I am sure it will reach half a million at some point.

>> No.5056659

$5+ next year

>> No.5056675

i need like 5 2x's the coming months before i can consider holding something for a year.

whats the point in long term investing if you cant do it for a minimum of 10k$

>> No.5056728
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I predict 0.5 by sunday,
2-.2.25 EOY
2018 q1: 2.5-10
2018 q2 10-50 (no joke)

>How long do you expect it would take for req to be adopted by companies?

I think this will go faster than most expect, holidays will be huge for crypto and BTC market, expect a lot of progress in mainstream adoption of crypto in beginning 2018

I have a solid source, this is my early christmas gift to /biz/ since /biz/ has helped me gain my fortune
and has supplied me with nice memes over the years.

t.someone who actually works in the financial sector and trades crypto for easy gains after work, REQ is definitely long term though.

>> No.5056757

REQ has the potential to go up to 80 per REQ
since it is an improved version of pay pal

if you buy at 0.25 that's x320 (!)

>> No.5056821

Do you even know how high the mcap of 80/REQ is? I mean come on, chill a bit

>> No.5056952

I'm optimistic about REQ, but this is delusional

>> No.5056972

depends on how fast tokens are burned, i agree it's not going to 80 in the next years, but you also have to think of how fast they burn the tokens so they rize in worth with the same marketcap

>> No.5056979

don't say nobody warned you 8)

>> No.5057006
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Wait, so it's doing what Expensify does, but with a token? Digitize receipts? That's it? Are you all insane?

>> No.5057043

3$ eoy

>> No.5057064

I am under the top 100 token holders, but this is whole thread is just disgusting.

Impossible. Approx. half of the network fee will get burned in REQ and will decrease rapdily over the time. Token burning is a great mechanism, but the burning will never lead to those crazy numbers

>> No.5057099

what is your price prediction for the next few years ?

>> No.5057163

POS, Invoicing, accounting, auditing, financials and a fuckton more.

Read the white paper and educate yourself

>> No.5057187

just bought 10 ETH today but sold 2.5 for 10k REQ because FOMO

did i dun goof?

>> No.5057207

When the crypto mcap keeps growthing at this rate, i can see a possible peak at 1-2B mcap next year But desu i would already be happy enough with 0,5-1,00USD.

>> No.5057215

lowly poorfag reporting in
bought 130 REQ
hoping for at least $5

>> No.5057252

Seems like a realstic prediction

>> No.5057256


lol at this poorfag acting like he knows anything

REQ will hit above $1 this year. screencap this so you have something to look at when you kys for not getting into REQ when you had the chance

>> No.5057278

$1 would be a 650mcap right now - i know that all the pajeets want that $1 so badly, but it wont happen any time soon.

Imo it will even dip / crash (call it like you want) after the test net release

>> No.5057297

You’re not gonna make it. All in to make it.

I’m optimistic yet realistic - nowadays a couple 100 million market cap seems so easy to achieve (considering IOTA’s 2-12bn in a day). We’ll be getting a massive fuck you dump after test net which will shake weak hands, 22-dec (bi-weekly update) till EOY I’m hoping for a good 300m market cap

>> No.5057349


you stupid fuck, req's market cap was 65 million a WEEK AGO. it's gone 2.5 in a week. Stay poor lol

>> No.5057379
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>did i dun goof
Probably, not because I think REQ is bad but you need to wait for dips to buy. Buying in when a coin is super pumped is the classic beginner mistake.

Don't listen to Indian shills telling you it's your "last chance" so they can make $100 from a pump, because chances are that coin is going to tank in the next 24 hours anyways.

>> No.5057397

I legitimately think REQ will replace paypal sometime in the distant future. Paypals market cap stands at 89B so an $80 target is not impossible

>> No.5057401

Anything under 50c for REQ is a steal

>> No.5057408

hey cmon if REQ reaches 10 dollars thats pretty much making it for me.

>> No.5057421
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>$10 eoy

>> No.5057432 [DELETED] 

https://discord.gg/b6q9bZh join premium signals discord server

>> No.5057461

Look I really don’t think that a 3 month project (even a 3 year project) will be replacing a multi billion dollar established company that’s been operating for 19 years.

It’s safe to say that if Request does what it promises and this thing kicks off (and replaces OMG in POS), we’ll all make it.

>> No.5057462

doesnt matter to me wat the ATH tho i dont sell.

and watching these other alts, new paradigms are being reached. its my first shitcoin but better to get ripped off than never to have the balls to buy at all

>> No.5057466

Realistic predictions
$0.2 - 0.33 after testnet (EOY)
$0.6 - 0.9 by Q2 2018
$0.9 - 1.5 by EOY 2018

This is assuming roadmap deliveries, crypto market cap growth and modest adoption. If mass adoption is achieved, price will be much higher.

>> No.5057525

Sure, but take a look at the ETH/REQ charts, if one is patient they could have secured pretty significant discounts on REQ. My only point here is to not FOMO in at whatever the current price is, but wait for a good entry point.

Looking at the charts, in the last 24 hours alone you could have paid either .00039 or .00032 ETH per REQ. Depending on your investment, that could mean a huge amount of lost potential gains if/when REQ goes up.


>> No.5057717


leave reddifag

>> No.5057766

I've been coming to 4chan since 2004. Go back to your call center, street shitter.

>> No.5057812


>> No.5057823

They don't have a contact number

>> No.5057886


>on 4chan since 2004

>uses punctuation

end it irl faggot

>> No.5057903

This is your last chance as in this is not going to considerably dip and once it moons it won't go back past a certain threshold, and OP is right about that. Thankfully I'm comfy holding since .15$

>> No.5057989

yeah, yeah, yeah...
>a poo never goes alone to the loo

>> No.5058154

Netflix managed to replace Blockbuster and Facebook killed MySpace. It may happen, we just need to give it time.