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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1703x927, smartcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50565720 No.50565720 [Reply] [Original]

>64 days until my life either begins or ends

>> No.50565858

honestly what do you expect? we have all the details for staking, it's just a question of when during the next 5 months, who cares if it's September or December? most likely you're not gonna be eligible to stake in v0.1 anyways, so what could they possibly announce? Eric Schmidt and swift bro talking about big but value ideas? More details on ccip? Maybe, but do you really think even if they published super bullish tokenomics anything would change? The market is fucking retarded, everything's priced in for LINK there's no new money coming in. we literally need Swift and Elon musk to buy our bags or get some serious ponzinomic competition between the existing nodes to start

>> No.50565882

Chainlink will be 1k before smartcon

>> No.50565893

*vague instead of value

>> No.50565986

>most likely you're not gonna be eligible to stake in v0.1 anyways
My LINK have been in the same cold wallet since November 2017, they better be fucking eligible.

>> No.50566016

I fucking hate you so much but it’s most likely true

>> No.50566023


>> No.50566136

this is actually true

>> No.50566185

Probably not much will happen when this shit is released, link will start to pump and btc will dump it again, then we will continue to crab

>> No.50566215

Eth at 30% of ATH
Link at 10% of ATH
Cardano from 6c to $2.
I am at my wits' end

>> No.50566284
File: 287 KB, 794x951, 423958239512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural to be negative and bearish after what we've been through but i do think people seeing staking turned on will get a lot more eyes on the income potential and give momentum
from what i can see, staking will be coming in q3
the big unknown though is ccip and the associated abstraction layer and if it launches with anyone decent
the use of present tense in this recent tweet is certainly interesting
also the eric schimdt talk is likely to be empty babble but may be interesting

>> No.50566328

>staking goes live

>> No.50566337

>just can’t get this coin off their mind want to talk about it so much with others.

Imagine the amount of thought energy wasted on this coin by incels

>> No.50566347

Sergey agreed to actually go eat and talk with a couple of LINK holders. The Sergey community Big Mac eating matters more than anything else

That alone tells me that they will announce something in some way, I doubt he'd agreed to do it with literally nothing on the table, v0.1 staking anything. Otherwise he'd just get in a fight with the schizo anons lmao

>> No.50566348


>> No.50566361

Jesus also broke bread with the people

>> No.50566362

interesting... they deleted this tweet
probably just a marketing team being a typical marketing team by bullshitting
but maybe something else?

>> No.50566368

dude do you seriously believe they are going to let some random internet retards be in the same room with Sergey alone? He'll have security, double masked, 10 feet apart, 15min talk everybody can ask one quirky random fact about Sergey and that's gonna be it

>> No.50566371
File: 68 KB, 851x230, 3425452625215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staking will be before smartcon

>> No.50566402


>> No.50566615


>> No.50566695

If our linkies are that important to them and they want them so badly they should just build one those oasis smart cities in the desert exclusively for all of us to live there for free forever with Asian girlfriends that they give usz

>> No.50566696

or realistically stays exactly the same as smartcon 3 is a boring let down as all the others have been but you get strung along with vague promises and we wait for the whole crypto market to turn around late 2023.

>> No.50566697

v.0.1 is the alpha phase that will enable great things

>> No.50566728

If you've seen any of the community AMAs you'll know the team is more than happy to fake community outreach. Expect to see the fan be adelyn in disguise and they just use it to demonstrate Sergey's irresistable charm as over a big mac he turns the meeting into a date into a gunt grunting gangbang a deux.

>> No.50566842

You'd have more luck soothsaying with the produce of a teaspoon and your ass than listening to the team's time predictions.

>> No.50566910

the team has only ever given one time prediction? and that's staking before the end of the year.
(and yes, i don't know why i'm actually replying to you)

>> No.50567672
File: 466 KB, 1400x787, 1_vNHeeKQDJ_ARxyevtag2ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullrun starts by the end of Shemitah

>> No.50567690

they didnt release anything during smartcon for like 2 years now
why do expect something big from this nothingburger event every single year

>> No.50567698

They had SWIFT, Google Cloud, and AWS reps talking last year. You have a strange definition of "nothingburger".

>> No.50567752

I want to see Charles at Smartcon since chainlink have an ADA partnership and maybe Vitalik could comment on how the ETH merge affects Chainlink DONs >>50567672
>smartcon starts at the beginning of the new seven year cycle
>$777 tickets
>seven marines get to eat big macs with the big man himself
massive if factual

>> No.50567774

>ar cycle. BUT, this coming 7-Year Cycle has Biblical significance! It will conclude exactly 2000-years since the beginning of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) Ministry, a period which began in 27/28 AD during a Shemitah year …and will conclude in 2027/28 a Shemitah year.

>> No.50567784
File: 42 KB, 526x933, FB_IMG_1658818167877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27th September 2022

>> No.50568282

Dont forget Celsius. None of those “partnerships” are real and you know it. Just because Bezos sent over an intern to be a “speaker” doesnt mean they are working together. Amazon prob prefers to partner with companies that actually do something (not one that cant release a single feature in five years after fleecing billions from investors)

>> No.50568519

>imagine waiting so many years for a news exit pump
missing a single bullrun wasn't enough for linkies, huh?

>> No.50569319
File: 259 KB, 933x1024, 1608076022968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe. But I'm confused as people say conflicting things about the end of the Shemitah. One says that after the end of the Shemitah is when the great turmoil happens, another says that the ride up to the end of the Shemitah is the great turmoil and after that it becomes reset, prosperous. I understand that the end of the Shemitah is when the jews forgive all debts to each other but also the end of the Shemitah or the last Shemitah year is when great world changing events happen.

Not sure why you /biz/tards aren't talking about this but (P)redditors are talking about it


>> No.50569366

I just need a little bit of hope because it’s been over a year of intense despair.
Even going back to $20 would be fine this year.

>> No.50569387

It’s pretty fucking sad that we’re at the point where we hope we could hit $20 after 5 fucking years of holding this piece of shit.

>> No.50569391

We had staking in 2019, then in the next year in 2020. Now we had this year in 2022 but we're already at the end of july and haven't even had the v0.0.01 limited testnet beta staking. So yes, soothsay from shit and a spoon.

>> No.50569415

>people say conflicting things about the end of the Shemitah
because it's all pareidolia intended to misdirect you while they just do whatever is convenient

>> No.50569425

Big Mac post was a /biz/ dog whistle in order to throttle the death threats for in person convention.
Sergey's own head of security came up with the idea

>> No.50569462
File: 203 KB, 1024x836, BEC48A0F-10E3-4124-BCB9-6E4BE1A128B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls Sergey…no more betrayals

I am so hungry

>> No.50569463

End of the year is when Polygon zkEVM drops. That is when we're all going to make it big king. Not one day before.

>> No.50569507

bros why did they delete it

>> No.50569550

I keep saying, the biggest link pumps have not come from the team. Coinbase listing? Google posting a blog? Huge spikes that changed lives. SmartCon last year did nothing. Two years ago, the price died in both the eth and btc pair after SmartCon 0

>> No.50569563

You could look at the past charts, its not always %100 but we might see some continuance to the drops even in 2023...Im just targeting this token's bottom and I dont care much if it falls below that also...would get it sub 10m mcap

>> No.50569578
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1514049456548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they also deleted the statement about staking coming this year

>> No.50569682

no they didn't

>> No.50569741

I was in the office at the time they took it down. Sometimes if Schmidt gets too much coffee in him he will go on one of his "hiding sprees". I can tell when he's had a couple espressos because he gets these wild eyes and he comes around to each of our cubicles and he asks us what we're working on. Regardless of what we tell him he simply nods his head and says, "Yes, good.. good...", then he points his finger at us and exclaims, "Hide that!! Now!" and then we have to hide whatever we're working on. That's what happened with that tweet. I'm new here but they tell me it's part of our corporate strategy and to just play along. :-/

>> No.50569786

>We had staking in 2019
Go back

>> No.50569796

>only laggard retard idiots who didn't recognize Bitcoin early on are going

>> No.50569961
File: 784 KB, 861x499, 1657632697926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is that it's not always related to the financial world. It could be something that significantly changes the world stage that the financial sector feels it. Not to mention that the Fed, after the this next rate hike, will be in out of session until the end of September. It's a schizo take, but it's something worth mulling over it a bit. Most of the schemita posts on reddit were made last year and everyone guesstimating what was to come(with a near accuracy), though it can be partly argued because of obvious repercussions Fed/Biden hijinks. Though I don't think they could have predicted the RU/EU/US/Ukraine situation.

>> No.50570558

>They had SWIFT, Google Cloud, and AWS reps talking last year. You have a strange definition of "nothingburger".

lmao like any of that shit even matters in crypto when this entire market is just pure speculation and there is no real world use for it anway

>> No.50570649

Never pin your hopes on a smartcon
Just look at what happened to the price each previous smartcon
not to mention we're in a bear market and recession on the macro scale
They would have to announce the exact date staking goes live for a pump

>> No.50570932

So? Fidelity was there too. Did they announce a node or API? What about Oracle? Or MSFT? Did they say anything bullish?

No. None of the above, everyone talked vague hypotheticals and things that could happen if your aunt was your uncle

>> No.50571027

If you keep waiting around for your real life to begin, it never will.

>> No.50571168

Your life can ONLY begin if you are financially free or at the very least you love your job more than your leisure time.

>> No.50571296

link turned me into an incel

>> No.50571318


>> No.50571342

>link dumps after every conference/event
>anons are still hopeful for smartcon
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

>> No.50571473


>> No.50571508


>> No.50571532


>> No.50571562
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 21210013-5551-44F2-9D45-3679669E486D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirgay will be there in person for this event? Say no more senpai I’ve got a few questions for him myself.

>> No.50571812

It’s not wrong. You’re just a slave in denial.

>> No.50571845

not on mainnet. keep in mind that according to their messaging they will progress to v1 by q1 2023

>> No.50571984

I’ll be satisfied if they post video of the Big Mac eating contest.

>> No.50572077

you don't know shit. i'm financially free and now that my life has supposedly started i'm stuck learning fundamentals that i could have learned 10x easier as a poor young man if i weren't a shutin vidya coomer. your real life begins when you begin to internalize and act in the realm of power dynamics, regardless of wealth.

>> No.50572103

Not true, start working on your goals like you've already made it, don't say that you'll wait until $1k EOY to start exercising and eating healthy or learn a new language/hobby. Your mentality needs to change before you have generational wealth or else your money will be wasted on you being a NEET shutin.

>> No.50572380

Did you read that in a self-help book?

>> No.50572748

>everything's priced in for LINK
Weak fud/10

>> No.50572857

How do I short "begins"?

>> No.50572971

He’s right you know. But it’s not your fault because literally everyone is programmed to have slave mentality.

>> No.50573162

Nobody said we were waiting for $1k LINK to hit the gym. The fact remains that waging at a job is soul-crushing in the long term, I don't want to be enslaved to putting in 40+ hours of mentally laborious work on a weekly basis under fear of homelessness and starvation. That doesn't mean I don't want to do anything productive with my life, but currently I don't have the option to just stop working for 2 months and fuck off to some remote place to learn something new or expand my horizons. I fucking hate my job but if I quit then I will make even less money and have less freedom to do what I want with the remaining time.

>> No.50573295


>> No.50573565

They never said "staking in 2019/2020" retard. Someone claims this in every link thread but can never show any evidence

>> No.50573584

checked! wagmi apes!!!

>> No.50574089


>> No.50574221

Sorry i forget that if you suck enough cock you can pound out your brainstem so much things like "next year" or "upcoming" start to not mean what normal, non-cock marinaded, minds think they mean.

>> No.50574275

Can you please post the source where Sergey said staking in 2019, 2020 etc.

I cant seem to find em

>> No.50574292


>> No.50574895

it's always the same talking point. they are referring to this article where in 2019 Sergey mentions that they are "finalizing their implementation". That's it.

>> No.50574904


>> No.50575059

>None of those “partnerships” are real and you know it.
lel you better go tell Swift, Google Cloud, AWS, Eric Schmidt, etc.


>> No.50575205


>> No.50576427

Staking v0.1 will be released thursday of next week.

>> No.50576735
File: 55 KB, 575x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe scams like hex, doge, shiba had so much bigger marketcaps than LINK. Jesus who on earth here is delusional? retards buying into scams or us holding to link?

>> No.50576749

YAYYYYYY fake partnerships. Fucking lying faggot. Whats your cope for smartcon price being cut 50% you fucking loser? ZERO demand. We missed the window. Muhhhh fud = saying what is actually happening

>> No.50576833

someone who adheres to master morality will become rich and free starting from nothing. it is a mindset that develops and works at every stratum of material circumstance.

>> No.50577271

August 5th, no?

>> No.50577345

None of these institutions have used the link network, the proof is easily found on chain.

>> No.50577366

Those are no institutions bot, just companies and cooperatives

>> No.50577399

Ok so show me one on chain transaction of e.g. Google

>> No.50577435


>> No.50577451

Easily find us the on chain proof that no institutions have used the Chainlink network.

>> No.50577474

If you go to the google contract you can see the only transaction is the contract creation.

>> No.50577515

Easily prove that Google has ZERO usage anywhere on the Chainlink network, as well as all other institutions.

>> No.50577574

Are you deliberately retarded? There are enterprises in the space using chainlink and other companies partnering in different ways with the protocol, be it by offering documentation on how to use chainlink with its products (google) or offers features for chainlink to be used with its products (amazon). Nothing special but also not nothing.
The token is used so far only by blockchain enterprises, like pcs, gains, and 1000 others, which funnily makes chainlink to be the most integrated tech in blockchain, even before eth with 900 integrations

>> No.50577603

>Are you deliberately retarded?
If you answer that question you can save yourself writing the wall of text afterwards/

>> No.50577640

HASHSHAHAHAHAHAHWHAHAH BROOOOOOO SO MANY INTEGRATIONS. Dude theres just soooooo many to even count, do you even research breadcrumbs bro. Brooooo are you a Bulgarian or something??

Lady Luck

>> No.50577664

Duuuuuude there are ENTERPRISES using it to make TUTORIALS.

Hahahahaha what the fuck does that mean. I fully admit I got scammed here. Not selling over 30 ruined my life

>> No.50577677

>Chainlink has 1500 integrations
>Remove Lady Luck and MOAB for being scams
>Chainlink has 1498 integrations
It's truly over this time bros.

>> No.50577706

Scams need secure oracles, vrf and price feeds as well. Who are you to discriminate against ways to make money from retards

>> No.50577794

cope and seethe

>> No.50578157


>> No.50578182


>> No.50578190


>> No.50578227
File: 8 KB, 204x204, pt cu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure you're back in if you swung

>> No.50578317

Sell signal

>> No.50579406


>> No.50580068

Do t systems count?

>> No.50580082
File: 448 KB, 1170x2024, 6EF206E5-AA0C-4E45-929D-883C19268B48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.50580196
File: 439 KB, 1170x1761, C5D17BD5-AE48-4A9D-9611-68B7FCAA3745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is lexis nexis an enterprise? What about Swisscom?

>> No.50580529

Smartcon has never had any drops or good news and this is the one i have least hope for as well. I'm honestly unlikely to even watch any of it and last time i even made time to do so whilst at a friends wedding lmao.

>> No.50580836

>thinks people referencing the same quote multiple times over a long time frame somehow makes it less reliable or relevant