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50560411 No.50560411 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get this person fired /biz
I need your help. This roastie is out of control. Give me your wisdom please.

>> No.50560480

Stop being a beta faggot
Go back predditor

>> No.50560565

just give up

>> No.50560642

I got a 32yr old roastie fired who was plain out of control (was hot maybe 10 years ago, getting fucked by half the staff, cunt of a human) by slowly building sentiment against her over a period of months. Started provoking her when people were watching & when things were at their apex the CEO (multinational company) was visiting. In front of all the managers I pulled him aside and point by point laid it all out without emotion. All facts, times and events noted in my head. CEO asked the managers (most who were fucking her) on the spot if its true. They all couldn't deny it.

She was demoted next week to a 12hr on 12hr off overnight position, basically the place they put retards & people who they want gone. She left a month or so after.

As soon as she left I openly told people what I had done. Figured it would be better than rumours. Made only one real enemy out of it, the guy was a mexican manlet who she ended up having kids to a few years later. But that was that.

Few years later saw her working at a hotel lobby in reception. I guess I killed her career. I fumble so much in life but this went so smoothly I cant help but smile about it.

Office roasties think they're god but they can be undone. You just gotta play it smart.

>> No.50560705

The only wisdom I have for you is that you don't belong in a place where roasties are allowed to go rampant anyways. If you do the natural thing and try to put her in your place you will only be punished by your bosses and coworkers.

Men weren't meant to live this way in their work life, surrounded by gender so-called "equality."

>> No.50560739

>I fumble so much in life but this went so smoothly
Sounds like she lived rent free in your head. Do you still get upset thinking of the times you were emasculated by a woman?

>> No.50560772

Lol try harder incel

>> No.50560849

Kek you really were a beta faggot. I was just spitballing but hey, if it sticks!

>> No.50560878

Cheers fag
This is on my mind.
Nice anon. I’m collecting all evidence. Any other tips on handling or getting roasties fired? Kudos you just have felt amazing.
This. I don’t have enough money however to quit anon.

>> No.50560883

seduce her and begin dating her. After years together, marry her and start a life together. After a few more years, suggest that you be the sole breadwinner and she stay at home to cook and watch the kids that you're gonna have one day. Then she will quit

>> No.50560895

Sounds like you were just jealous of her getting to suck the boss dick

>> No.50560947

She only does anything because you allow it. Be a fucking man and take a stand. Call her out infront of everyone. Be a tightass with work you need her to do, cold hard professionalism. Don't be the beta simp faggot you clearly are being. Like your friend who devoted a section of his brain to this retard shit. You are weak and she knows it. Learn to be above it.
This is a life lesson, you're going to hit this problem again and again until you figure out how to not be a bitch.
You're ego will deny all you wish but deep down you know.

>> No.50561029

imagine putting this much effort into useless workplace drama

Do people like this create any value at all?

> This is a life lesson, you're going to hit this problem again and again until you figure out how to not be a bitch.

could also make it and not worry about bullshit

>> No.50561069

You need a basic level of self respect regardless of your position in life. Being a roasties punching bag is pathetic.

>> No.50561114

Yeah, based. I just think once you start getting stuck in the weeds with them its time to think of options. I know how petty they can be for sure.

>> No.50561133

Attention seeking off topic thread.

>> No.50561155

You are a gentleman and a hero.
I proclaim you a coward. I wager you consort with hebrews.

>> No.50561209

imagine not WFHmaxxing

>> No.50561210

You're encouraging their victim mindset.

>> No.50562164

God i got a raging justice boner from reading this. Doing the Lords work anon. Thank you

>> No.50562233

Glownigger fuck off back to preddit
Fuck you whore

>> No.50562284
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never thought Id get see a real life version of this fag

>> No.50562397
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>> No.50562467

hide shitty panties around your workplace

>> No.50563284

Play the game they’ve created back at them is all I can think of. Remember this is a long campaign and a single word to a friend will mess it up.

Get creative.
Piss her off in the lunch room in front of others while she’s cutting food so she waves the knife around. Opportunistic things like that.

Remember they’ve spent decades tailoring the workplace legally, professionally and socially to their whims.

All the comments about charging in or dominating are idiots who’ve never worked in an office. The girls there want you to do that so their overlapping systems obliterate you and they can laugh about it with their friends after. They enjoy it.

Women are surprisingly bad at the games they play, it’s just men for some reason don’t play their games back at them.

Fuck that cunt up and gloat about it in /biz/ when your done.

>> No.50563286


and manufacture fake complaints