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50560137 No.50560137 [Reply] [Original]

What is a realistic price prediction for LINK within the next 2-3 years?

>> No.50560155

Look at the predictions for today's price from 2017

>> No.50560602

As this anon >>50560155 (checked) pointed out just go to the archives, everyone was calling for 1K and we are here soooo, we will most likely go to 3$ and stay there, since speculators will be leaving the space.

>> No.50560759

we can consider it an absolute 100% certainty that it will go to multiple thousands within the next 10 years. but there is no accounting for the state of the economy in the next 2-3 years. nobody has this information, they never have had this information, and they never will. even sergey or anyone who knows the exact timeframe for every single thing related to the project could not make an accurate guess due to outside factors

>> No.50560825

Newfaggot here, what was the ico price???

>> No.50560833

People were calling for 10 cents back then.

>> No.50560848


>> No.50560854

bro stop this delusion, if i told you we would be at 6 fucking dollars 5 years after the ICO you would've laughed it off and said the same thing you just said, it's a complete failure and a huge shortcoming for all of og biz

>> No.50560909

$30K of course.

>> No.50560917

$60 was top this cycle. So maybe $120 next cycle at min if it survives that long. People worry about what shitcoin to pick. It almost doesnt matter when the bull is on everything moons. 10k x 10 gives u 100k. Spread out 30k for a avg 10x return maybe another 5k in random shit. Or just bet all on red idc

>> No.50561057

Link has failed

>> No.50561066

Wow great midwit plan bro

>> No.50561079

you had 2 years

>> No.50561785
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>> No.50561872

Fudders never mention staking kek

>> No.50561898

it will be in the hundreds, not sure about thousands
staking changes a lot but the big one will be ccip if it works long term
but most will not make it that far
so many got out of btc and eth ($1300 to $80) early on

>> No.50561976

This apy shit is such a scam. Id rather dump inside a liquidity pool.

>> No.50562249
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1000 us dollars

>> No.50562334

it is objectively the single biggest success of crypto as a whole. nothing has accomplished 10% of what link has. nice try though faggot, gotta keep your paycheck coming i guess. kys

>> No.50562443

>nothing has accomplished 10% of what link has
What do you mean? Celsius also hired useless whores

>> No.50562456

they haven't even turned on the tokenomics
it's taken a long ass time and I'm fucking tired but the technology and the company haven't been failures

>> No.50562600

Chainlink will reach $1000 in 30 years, you’ll still be a faggot by then though

>> No.50562726

$115 EOY 2025

>> No.50563003

I'm here for money, not tech. From that perspective, it has lagged behind most of the top 100 over the last 2 years. Still never selling all of it, but what a huge disappointment holding this shit has been.

>> No.50563172

So all og linkies hat will hang out here are in green then.

>> No.50564171

Sergey owns 65% of the supply and constantly dumps. The price will NEVER go above $100.

>> No.50564204

>I'm here for money, not tech
then you're wasting your time, the latter will obviate the former

>> No.50564308

1 dollar per link is in your future. You're welcome.

>> No.50564360
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down dooted x4

>> No.50564437
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10 bazilliongorillian dollaradoodoos

>> No.50565222

LINK's ATH will be just over $200 for the next bull market.

>> No.50565294

fucking checked

>> No.50565988
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I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.

Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Their days of shitting up biz with their astroturfed psyops are over. They've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that they will pay with their miserable life.
The shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing they can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for linkies, the game is over for them.

>> No.50566218


>> No.50566227


>> No.50566268

this is what makes me legitimately bearish. how am i meant to buy in good confidence even at this price?

>> No.50566510

it accomplished nothing, even supplying the defi bubble with price feeds ensured the money didn't go into the stinky price feed token lel
chainlink created conditions for itself to being dumped as all the speculators rushed to the defi scams

>> No.50566578


>> No.50566647
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>what a huge disappointment holding this shit has been
Because of one reason, and one reason only.

>> No.50566683

Then why did Chainlink try to pump on all big news these past years?

>> No.50566686

Wait you guys are still holding altcoins?

>> No.50566768

Totally different now. Back when bitcoin was 80$ or 8$ or even 500$ nobody in their right mind outside of handful of autists thought it would go to 69k or be at 20k like it is now. There was no precedent. There’s precedent now.

>> No.50566965

Yeah and it hit 12c kek. Boy how wrong were they calling 10c!

>> No.50566972

Link is already unnecessary, including for it's use for RNG in possible gambling stuff and it's huge oracle market share will decline and go away.
They have a huge 10+ year treasury.
They have people shilling it on 4chan.
Oh hi.

>> No.50566998

You're the first fucking intelligent and sane-sounding person that I've heard on this board since I came here 2 hours ago. jesus crypto info here is such trash bro. You must find something useful once every 200 posts if it isn't you posting it.
Im not kidding this is utter shit and should be avoided at all costs.
A place for institutions to plant psyops imo.
All research gets done by literally going and talking to the team on their socials...
Maybe the bad info on this site is because twitter actually curbstomps this place so badly.
Needs to be a real based crypto chan but I think everybody would just try to fuck each other worse than they do on reputable social media sites.

>> No.50567022

you mean like the APY you get from a liquidity pool?
Your psyops are fucking weak bro. lmfao

>> No.50567035

this guy needs your help for his exit and is barely holding on

>> No.50567038

How in the fuck does a token NOT TURN ON IT's TOKENOMICS?

>> No.50567067

thank you. I will not be buying this worthless fag shit either regardless of weather or not it leads or closes any bear or bull markets in this fucking sector ever again.

>> No.50567138

Breadcrumbs-bros, how will superlinear-staking affect the price (compared to linear staking)?
I think it would have a positive impact in the form of increasing network adoption due to its efficiency and security, however this would be negatively offset by the fact that super-linear staking reduces the need for LINK to be more valuable to capture more market value / secure greater contracts.

>> No.50567216

If Chainlink had to be worth trillions to secure quadrillion dollar markets, it would be worth zero. Linear staking at Chainlink's future scale is quite simply impossible, and SLS makes the whole thing possible instead of a pipe dream. It's still going to high 5 figures per LINK so who gives a shit.

>> No.50567275

This, bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.50567436

mental illness

>> No.50568176

>please sirs buy anything but Link
>please sirs buy MY bags village hungry
bought more Link because of this thread

>> No.50568289
