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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50556121 No.50556121 [Reply] [Original]

People aren’t defaulting, they are just forgetting to pay their bills. Nothing to see here.

>> No.50556153

>they have money. they're not just not giving it to me.
what's the system behind this kind of pathology?

>> No.50556176

the spin doctor propaganda "journalism" in main stream media is getting to levels previously unimaginable in tabloids. These guys make Ripley's believe it or not loom like a serious publication. Used car salesmen are beacons of trustworthiness next to them. Fucking utter human trash.

>> No.50556178

Next title: "they don't know how to pay the bills".

>> No.50556197

Who manually pays bills these days?

>> No.50556369

that would not surprise me at all. maybe 1 in 100 zoomers know how to pay taxes but i can't blame them for not knowing that since they teach jack shit in schools.

>> No.50556431

Honest mistake! We'll just have to raise prices for the people that remember.

>> No.50556461

i've autopaid my CC bills for the last 15 years

>> No.50556514

so you're saying it's not that private debt has ballooned out of control, it's that the vaccine is making people too retarded to pay their debnts

>> No.50556593

But why? What's causing the infrastructure of control to act like this?

>> No.50556669

exactly this
>fuck the fagjews

>> No.50556805
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>> No.50556869

Last ditch effort at controlling the narrative as everything crumbles around them. They wouldn’t be this obvious if they had the domineering control they feign to have.

>> No.50557648
File: 61 KB, 1013x590, 1658778149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CHAMP's finally out
>I can finally sell my NFTs
>Literally having a 20x right now
>Don't have to worry about bills anymore
>feels good man

>> No.50557658


>> No.50557741

The Wall Street journal was bought my Rupert Murdoch some years ago. It's gone to trash since then. ESPECIALLY the opinion section with is just a Fox News news outlet now. Newspapers shouldn't even have opinion sections.

>> No.50559403

People are saying they forgot to avoid the embarrassment of admitting that they're out of money. Banks are happy to push the "people are just forgetful" story because it helps them push automated payments.

>> No.50559466

opportunity cost

only pay bills at expiring date

>> No.50559862

pretty sure you'll be in default if you "forget" long enough.

>> No.50559927

i forget that im married long enough to go to the asian massage parlor and then i remember about 90 mins later

>> No.50560108
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>> No.50560988

Yeah, Mr. Kike, I've got the cash, and no I didn't forget to pay you. I'm choosing not to pay you.

Did I mention I have the cash on hand? Just, uh, not gonna pay, faggot.

>> No.50561145

Edgy articles that anger people get more clicks than truth

>> No.50561181

This is legit fucking scary.

>> No.50561207

only cuckolds know how to pay taxes