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50554363 No.50554363 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to see more traditional games releasing. So far, the only one I've actually enjoyed (raged at) is ev.io.
This next trend is going to mint some new millionaires and the key is fun. So what are you playing for fun?

>> No.50555129

Mario 64 on icp
Oh wait

>> No.50555166

>playing games
Web3 is all about pussy bro

>> No.50555193
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Waiting for bitDAOs game7 proposal to go through. I really want you to shill me a fucking web3 game that isn't crap. I wouldn't play most of these games even if you payed me.

>> No.50555795
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Bought a shit ton of $CHAMP bags. Token released today (first time looking at my investment doing anything to a chart KEK). Game comes out in like a month or something like that.
I don't know if I'll actually play I only really care about the cards to be honest. Once normies pour in I can start trading retarded Cristiano Ronaldo cards or whatever.

>> No.50555805

axie fun

>> No.50555813


Bro nobody fucking gives a (real) shit about blockchain gaming its all about min maxing how much you can make on them lmao

>> No.50555818
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yeah? what do you do on your spare time bro? lift?

>> No.50555819

Videogames are for children and I'm no longer a child.

>> No.50555828

>football game
the moment it releases and i see their tweets gain more traction ill hop in.

>> No.50555835

For what? these people (euros) already got fifa and pes milking them dry.

>> No.50555846


>> No.50555854

Is that similar to Gamefi or


>> No.50556689

The idea of tokenization in-game assets isn't new. I know that devs have tried to store their assets on the blockchain back as early as 2014, but ended up feeling 'scammed' because Ethereum only stores meta and reference data on the blockchain little tiny bits of code (no actual data is actually stored on the blockchain itself, only meta and reference data) Kinda like how NFT's are just referenced.
Most devs feel that blockchain is a meme, not actually useful at all other than to store tiny bits of data. I feel that ICP is really trying to build something useful that game devs can use.
Many developers are just unexcited to touch anything related to blockchain. I really hope that I can convince them that ICP is really trying to make a difference in this scam infested nigger market.

>> No.50556843

on ftm, its a small team but so far the game is decently fun if not extremely barebones. The devs are launching an update to give each of the NFTs that you play with stats, which will influence various aspects of the game.

>> No.50557625

tried it out. bit fun. anymore shooter web3 games like this.

>> No.50557796


nifty league

>> No.50557965

the fact that you faggot laggard 4chan niggers missing out on splinterlands fills me with joy

>> No.50558533

I have a splinterlands account, and playedfor a couple weeks, but I honestly didn't enjoy it, the gains were miniscule, and I sold all my cards and left

>> No.50558609
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This looks like it's going to be fun. Strong community too.
Meta-ops is out. I haven't played so I can't really say anymore.
I see where you're coming from. For me, it's gotta be fun.
If I could shill you a gem, I would. We're clearly very early still. The best looking games are barely out of alpha.

>> No.50558638
File: 353 KB, 1170x2009, B70102CB-D213-40EB-9B16-8221F238D88E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.50558652

Universal Island

Looking forward to COD and some games development on Ankr SDK tool

>> No.50558662

Kek it’s an age of empires with klaus Schwab, but what do you have to do? I’ve walked the map and visited all stones but found nothing

>> No.50558692

I'm in this one called Mortegard. Its a game where you build your own kingdom with resource nfts, and I'm waiting on a big update for it.

>> No.50558858
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Has some great artwork too.