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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 380 KB, 1080x1958, nojob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50553918 No.50553918 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually do real work any more? Or am I just becoming a boomer that doesn't understand the need for these types of job in the modern world?

>> No.50554068
File: 329 KB, 896x1290, dc3280e55e7f4e82931fa932c081473c4bd300c06e653ce9bc3268ec8a1d4766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when central banks create arrificially low interest rates and keep them that way for years. Debtmaxing becomes favorable to investing and now every single son of a whore's corporation thinks they're doing business by hiring thousands of cunts do nothing but post selfies and tiktitok videos. This far reaching financial degenerancy spreads through all pores of society like pitting rust through chinese steel. And now it's normal for 23 year old roastbeefed graduates to be consultants consulting about consulting earning a consultants consulting salary of 200k starting while I toil away as an anguished mechanical engineer.
Don't reply to this post, I've been through all 5 stages of grief. I feel nothing. There is only fire.

>> No.50554072

The need for capable IT people is higher than the supply, so companies have started to hire an army of normies that they put on very atomized tasks in which normies have some chance of doing something useful. This army needs an army of managers and monitors to make sure the normies don't fuck up. So what you could do with 3 aspie nerds now needs 20 normies on atomized core tasks + 10 managing normies + 10 monitoring normies + 20 support staff for all these employees + 10 security staff + ...

It's a bit like the hospital without patients from the show "yes minister" , except that the normies are doing actual work they're just so bad at it that they can only do one small component at the time and you need hundreds of them to keep a full modern IT stack running.

Department heads get paid based on the number of people working for them, so they're happy to encourage this. The shareholders are almost always passive index funds and BlackRock is happy to see hundreds of nearly useless employees as long as they are "diverse", so there's no-one to object to all this.

Except in industries when things HAVE to go fast, like quant trading. Those are still dominated by small elite teams of aspies.

>> No.50554113

So glad I bought link so I don’t have to work at these stupid jobs

>> No.50554286

Most jobs are bullshit, but society needs them so the system doesn't look like a complete scam.

>> No.50554323
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1654018263329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, got rich of ETH and MATIC. Don't need to work. DCA in and maybe you'll stop being a wagie next bull run

>> No.50554355
File: 347 KB, 1080x1818, realjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many of these people out there. It's almost a ponzi.

>> No.50554437

literally fake jobs lol
i thought those existed only american tech companies or gov jobs

>> No.50554447

My main store of value is secret NFTs. My kids won't have to work for money.

>> No.50554777

Lol. Your trading cards will be worthless within 10 years. Buy some fucking land/property

>> No.50554815

They will be worth a fortune. Mind you I have gotten properties as well