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File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1000, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50552936 No.50552936 [Reply] [Original]

Gayest coin ever, what kind of retard holds this shit
>extremely energy-intensive PoW mining, terrible for the environment
>atomically encrypted by nuclear fusion inside of stars, meaning there is an uncapped supply out in space
>secured by a network of dealers and holders with $10k verification nodes called "sigma verifiers"
>wallet is literally a wallet, or a safe, or wherever you put the tokens - you can't just memorize a seed phrase and keep it safe from house hackers
>theoretically unlimited TPS but holders have to transact the tokens physically or via trusted third parties, severely limiting its utility
>CEXs spoof literally hundreds of tokens for every real token in their custody, price is constantly manipulated downwards, exchanges are too big to fail
>central banks are already balls-deep in this shit to keep it from threatening their centralized shitcoins
>massive market cap, around $11 trillion, even grandpa shitcoin has more room to grow
Can anyone make a single good argument why I should stack this garbage

>> No.50553010

It even has a gay litecoin equivalent called "silver" which is even more trash, fees to purchase are like 30% making the spread absolutely retarded in practice but boomers and chuds have been stacking for the last 40 years fantasizing about a big short squeeze on Nex-- mean COMEX

>> No.50553097

More stable than any human civilization
If you're buying silver at a 30% premium you're very retarded

>> No.50553115

I just think they're neat

>> No.50553134
File: 56 KB, 310x326, you lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50553172

You also forgot
>unlimited supply

>> No.50553234

>uncapped supply out in space
>unlimited supply
You tried so hard to pin crypto issues onto it and not only failed, but lack knowledge.

>> No.50553252

Let me guess, space is fake

>> No.50553330

mining space gold won't be feasible or profitable in our lifetimes

>> No.50553379

You can get generic 1oz rounds for less than 20% premium, and it's only that high because the silver demand is so high rn. Also if you aren't a retard who sells to dealers, you get the premium back.
In conclusion, kys nigger

>> No.50553386

Where did I say otherwise? You boomers are super retarded and touchy about your bags

>> No.50553398

>mining space gold won't be feasible or profitable

>> No.50553430

There is more than enough of it here on earth

>> No.50553573

reminder that gold's price is hard capped by the copious amounts available on earth already.
if the price tries to go up too much against inflation, all that gold suddenly becomes worthwhile to mine, pushing the price right back down until it isn't.

gold does not make any sense as a money in a modern technological/engineering world. it's following the same path aluminum did from precious metal to industrial commodity.

>> No.50553586

>literally and unironically FUDing gold

>> No.50553861

i collect gold coins for their beauty and because they have outlasted all paper money. there is a history in a gold coin. they are also part of stars because all the gold on the planet came from space. besides holding a woman's breast, holding a gold coin in your hand ranks up there.

the fact that they might allow me to survive some day in the future when the USD collapses is gravy.

>> No.50553910



i am not a gold freak, but what you are saying is incorrect.

>> No.50553921

that's actually an argument for gold as money. you want some inflation in your money supply especially when that inflation is linked to economic growth because it prevents hoarding. what you're saying is that gold is relatively stable and not a good speculative investment

>> No.50555230

all in boys