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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50545244 No.50545244 [Reply] [Original]

Your bans are impotent and powerless, as are you. I've posted every day since this ban, and will continue to do so. There is nothing you can do. Also, nice to know the jannies here are literal redditors which will selectively enforce rules in order to propagate normie collectivist anti-thinking basedence dogmas.

>> No.50545280

Go back to /pol/

>> No.50545281

>Also, nice to know the jannies here are literal redditors which will selectively enforce rules in order to propagate...
first time ?
jannies are trannies doing it for free, always were, always will be

>> No.50545290

eat shit tranny janny lel

>> No.50545302


>> No.50545305

>this is a niche stance and I’m certainly not part of a whole herd of people with the exact same beliefs
The level of self awareness is honestly a sight to behold

>> No.50545316

Bump. This is certainly the most important thread on /biz/ right now.

>> No.50545321

>I BELIEVE the basedence

>> No.50545337

Checked, based.
I was there in that thread with that post of yours. It made me kek, this too does, good job.

Fuck the jannies and fuck the vax juicers.

>> No.50545361

Fuck jannies
Based antivax poster
Jannies banned me 2 weeks for the hunter Biden threads on pol but I have multiple phones and a vpn plus a 4chan pass
Crazy thing is I’m not even a conservative or ever browse pol
I just hate pedos and left a comment
Jannies are pedo protectors and big pharma shills

>> No.50545367

>What's that? You believe something different than the vast majority of the public, the mainstream media, corporate America, and social media??
>W...well you just have a little herd mentality of your own then!!

>> No.50545377

Get off 4chan bitch
Pol and biz are on the same website dumbass

>> No.50545379

How can jannies be this incompetent? 4chan admins should cut their pay as punishment

>> No.50545389

based. fuck jannies

>> No.50545456

fuck off, we're trying to make money here. you're just spreading your baseless chud talking points.

>> No.50545465

Lmao jannies are vaxcucks
The state of this site ffs

>> No.50545475

100% unequivocally true. They are trannies, and so naturally find themselves allied with of all kinds of lgbtqp+, blm, and other intersectional liberal arts 101 causes. Kys jannies

>> No.50545496
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Based. I just got done lifting weights and eating a massive steak, now I'm going to go spam trannyjaks on /lgbt/.

>> No.50545519
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>tranny janny took the clot shot for free

>> No.50545583

Not for free anon. Remember, they got a good goy treat in the form of a single doughnut from Dunkin. To be fair, that would be literally their entire years salary for being a janny times infinity

>> No.50545584

Literally 90% of people I know think exactly what you do lmao

>> No.50545613

Wow really? And what is that exactly?

>> No.50545638

You trust big pharma even though they have multiple class action lawsuits for medication they push on you every year?
You’re a cuckk

>> No.50545647

>propagate normie collectivist anti-thinking basedence dogmas.
this shit anon, you literally wrote it in this thread

>> No.50545748

Your greentext is not a complete thought, it is a partial quote that you have taken purposely out of context as a very general idea so you could try to weasel your way out of explaining EXACTLY ( your words) what it is you believe I think (about vaccines?). You are full of shit, and a pilpul invoking jew.

>> No.50545766

>you're a jew for quoting my own words as evidence of what i believe

>> No.50545773

of course. didn't you see the vax card requirement on the last jannie applications?

>> No.50545775

I don’t think you understand green text or sarcasm

>> No.50545791
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>slimy little rat continues to dodge his question

>> No.50545804

>You believe this EXACTLY
>What exactly
>Pastes partial random quotes that have no meaning on their own
Go read the Talmud moshe

>> No.50545805

Lol i been banned on /x/ more than i have on all the boards put together. /x/ jannies are the most sensitive fucking troons on this planet. /x/ used to pretty cool before it became a G-rated bigfoot blue board

>> No.50545813
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Oh look all of the "free thinkers" with identical beliefs and language are here lmao

>> No.50545821

The janny is a NIGGER

>> No.50545845

Checked and based.
Fuck trannitors.

>> No.50545864

You got em anon! Now tell us your beliefs :)

>> No.50545874

>be me
>white, prood of my heritage
>get handed a gun
>need to either shoot a nigger, kike or janny with it
what would you choose /pol/?

>> No.50545883

Both sides are an engineered psyop. Overton window management and partisan forcing to create two artificial sides. News watching vax retards and anti-vax pol cattle are two sides of the same coin and both completely guzzle the kool aid which is equally poisonous but in two different flavors.

>> No.50545886
File: 57 KB, 528x432, dccjo0j-142d0303-126b-4f82-87ff-ad06768a764f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck is that board and why it exists holy shit.

>> No.50545888
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>> No.50545890
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/sp/ jannies are the biggest fags, but right now they are allowing a favela monkey's thread about police killing another monkey up so that's nice. i've been banned more on /sp/ than every other board put together despite the fact that i rarely use it.

>> No.50545901
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>Go back to /pol/

>> No.50545936
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>> No.50545962

I think out of all boards jannies here are exceptional. They are allowed to discern shill threads and can bait /biz/ users into investing in their promotional shit.

No one jannie had powers over finance than /biz/ jannies, and at least they are bribed.

>> No.50545979

Well, the fact that Tucker Carlson is allowed to say what he does on mainstream corporate news does speak for your position.
What does it mean though for both the vax and anti-vax people being cattle? I mean, it's not like there's really a third position on this one.
Didn't one of those simulations they did also cover the rise of the anti-vaxxers and people getting mad at governments once it turned out that vax wasn't entirely safe?

Anyways, what's the purpose of creating these sides to fight? What new order is meant to come out of this chaos?

>> No.50545994

Truly a wise and enlightened middle ground enthusiast. So how did you exercise your reasonable ideas? Did you tell the nurse to only inject half of each dose of your COVID vaccine? Or did you only show up for half of the scheduled doses?

>> No.50545997

Tranny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Tranny?
Tranny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Tranny?
Tranny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Tranny?
Tranny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Tranny?
Tranny are you ok? Will you tell us, that you're okay?
There's a thread on the first page
And he dabbed you, a biological vagina, Tranny
He came into your report cue,
Left the Pepe, saying "FUCK YOU"
And then you cried to the mod too,
You were dabbed on,
It was your doom

>> No.50546014


>> No.50546048
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>> No.50546076

>it's not like there's really a third position on this one.
The third position is that the false information matrix is so powerful that you can't actually reach properly informed conclusions on anything.
Both the vax and anti-vax cattle guzzle down an information stream tailored only to reinforcing their beliefs, without question, because having your beliefs reinforced feels good to your ape brain. The fact that one info stream comes from "the nice people on the news" and the other one comes for "dedicated anons working in my best interests" is a trivial distinction, and equally delusional.
There is no longer any general truth, so there is no general truth to discern. The only way to win is not to play, and to detach yourself from grand dialogues to the greatest degree possible. The apogee of this is going off grid. That is the eventual goal, and the freest option.

>> No.50546093
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What a fucking fag holy shit

>> No.50546103
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>> No.50546108

Have you experienced a situation in the last year or so where your comprehensive understanding of medicine and epidemiology was suddenly supplanted by a comprehensive understanding of global geopolitics especially in relation to Eastern Europe and Russia?

>> No.50546116
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>> No.50546120
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Thanks for the thread, put a big smile on my face.

>> No.50546128

Getting off the grid sounds nice. But you still have to pay property taxes, and if they ever impose having all ownership being registered in their digital ID system that requires you to collect good boy points.. well, what do you then?
>There is no longer any general truth
So we can't even know what the purpose or endgame is?

>> No.50546138

>Truth is difficult to find so there is literally no truth
This is intellectually lazy cope.

>> No.50546164
File: 392 KB, 617x347, 8D51BA6C-04D0-4167-A367-3A28BB3034D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me janny, if you hadn’t consumed the hot pocket, would our roles be reversed? Would I be doing it for “free,” and you being a /fit/ /biz/ NEET Chad who trolls me daily for funsies? Let’s settle this.

>> No.50546167

Answer my question first midwit. Did you get the COVID vax or not?

>> No.50546180


>> No.50546192

>I hate everyone
>only I’m right
You’re worse than both sides of the argument
Mommy didn’t hug you and tell you you’re special?

>> No.50546196

There is no investigation into reality that ever comes up with an answer at its end. Each putative answer breaks into a smaller fractal of further questions. It's why post-docs who have spend 10 years studying the most trivial detail of the most constrained system still just say "it's complicated".
The vast majority of people can't handle this sort of fundamental ambiguity so they plant flags down and say "this is what I believe in and this is true" but it's more about mollifying their own need for certainty than it is about making any sort of definitive ontological statement.