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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50543818 No.50543818 [Reply] [Original]

LUNC, GME/AMC, GOD THE AMOUNT OF DOGESHIT TOKENS, ETC ETC! The numbers of these community made ponzis is growing over time. The worst part is each of them attracts a desperate fool in their own way, and each of those poor fools is trapping themselves in worsening poverty. They cannot see that for every single time a bagholding "community coin/stock WAGMI APES TOGETHER HODL" that dilutes them all and disempowers the efficacy of each's goals.

I used to always troll them and make fun of them whenever I'd pop on here and see a thread they had up and running, but as time goes on I only feel really fucking depressed at the human condition. The absolute state of what's going on in this world.

I see comments from people who are the usual copers that just make me angry like the piles of shit who will claim they can't wait to just fuck women all day and whatever else pitiable nonsense they can dream up as the perfect lifestyle once they've made it. They'd just become the same garbage parasites at the top if they struck it rich. The only people they're fooling is themselves... however...

From time to time you see comments of desperate poor people who are living the ultimate dead end life style, or have themselves trapped or even actually are trapped.
>I just want enough money to get my teeth fixed
>I want to be able to take care of my aging mother
Stuff like that, it's not quite that uncommon. But what has me feeling terrible about it all is that it's easy to say these people should just have gone into the trades, gone into tech, etc... If people genuinely all worked that hard and strived for success in such a way earlier you yourself would find it all that harder to acquire such a good career. We can't have winners without losers. Not everyone can be a programmer because it destroys the job market and we have a terrible problem where the employers have the advantage.

Anyways, I see these bag holding schemes as becoming more common this decade as desperation grows.

>> No.50543846

i know things seem bad right now brother, but
they're gonna get way worse

>> No.50544017

GameStop is a better hold than SPY right now

>> No.50544045

LUNC $1 eoy

>> No.50544070

I wonder how many people said the same thing about BTC when it first came out.

>> No.50544074

I don't. Financial Darwin awards

>> No.50544081

I know it’s a sign of the times. Greed is so corrupting its hideous how it distorts ones view of the world. People will believe anything if they want to. And now they find their salvation in financial instruments instead of their communities.

>> No.50544183

A valid argument, but only for the moment, to use that as your basis as investment however is extremely flawed. It might be better than SPY RIGHT NOW... but in a year? Five? Is it truly worth holding something for five years that will then underperform only because for now it's a decent investment due to the extreme amount of people holding onto it with such fervor? Vast majority of such people believe they will become many multitudes of a millionaire. When that dream collapses it will crash like few bubbles before it.

The greatest strength, that none of these other speculative assets has is:
1.) First to market advantage
2.) Extreme scarcity

There WAS indeed a time you could get rich off BTC, DOGE, etc... but realize the amount of money that will now need to move into these tokens to make the average man rich with his newer investment is insane.
BTC does still have the first adoption advantage, and with strong belief in it's eventual return and rise to higher heights. If these meme tokens do not reach new ATH's they edge close to a dangerous collapse as confidence in them as speculative assets wanes. There will be, for a long time I believe, people who will continue to buy the dips and lows on them however. But only big money can make big moves.

>> No.50544382

haha desperate attempt from the citadel shills by lumping us in with the ACTUAL ponzi cults in an effort to make us sell Monday before the MOASS on Tuesday. Face it Ken you WILL be paying for my lifetime supply of prostitutes

>> No.50544405

not my problem
not yours either

>> No.50544535

I think so yeah, and I’ve been right more than everyone telling me I’m wrong so far.

>> No.50544576


This is the problem with baggie cults
Over time all the reasonable people realize they've been swindled and quietly leave
Only the loud unmedicated schizos remain

>> No.50544629

nope nigger. Im comfy holding forever but the moass is literally on tuesday its been proven. Have fun staying poor though nigger

>> No.50544739


Where is the proofs?
MOASS will not happen on tuesday. Enjoy your bags nigger.

>> No.50544757

hahaha eat shit nigger some guy got quints in our general saying its tuesday. if you aint buying monday have fun staying poor

>> No.50544776

Is GME a stock

>> No.50544779

Idk I buy into the idea that it’ll take off like Overstock, where up to a month after their NFT dividend it exploded. Or Tesla, we’re it exploded a month or so out from their dividend split. Idk I don’t just blindly dismiss things because I deem myself too intelligent to invest in a company I dislike for missing out on insane gains by not investing in though.

>> No.50545095


>> No.50545101

Yes and AMC.

>> No.50545163

All of these are decent projects you're just fucking stupid.

>> No.50546402
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people are just fucking stupid man, end of story

>> No.50546592

gme's 5 year chart mogs SPY even worse

>> No.50546670

I'm still waiting for shills to simply explain why the borrow rates are at 127% for a stock which all shorts allegedly covered on, and why a significant number of retail investors received "GME TEMP" instead of GME Class A stocks as their dividend. I could go on, but the simple fact of the matter is that the amount of evidence the GME schizos are actually right massively outweighs the "evidence" they're wrong, (Said evidence being UHHH BAGGIES YOU'RE BAGGIES I HAVE NO ARGUMENT BESIDES YOU BEING BAGGIES)
If anyone has any actual proof to refute their points, please educate me.

>> No.50546829
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So has nothing to do with this?

>> No.50546864

>quietly leave
>there is actual data proving that not only is that not the case but there are more people buying and direct registering their GME shares than any stock in the history of the market
Huh? Me thinks you haven't done your research. One of those things in the OP is not like the others and it's GME.

>> No.50547007

>It's ANOTHER meltdownie that tries to appeal to emotion to get people to sell
It's amazing to see how /biz/ suddenly cares about someone else's investment.
You absolute fucking newfaggot, this place invented the term loss porn. Imagine thinking anyone on /biz/ actually cares about someone losing their life savings.
Nice disguise too, no one even makes Shiba or AMC threads.

>> No.50547085

Don't bundle gme in with those scams, retard.

>> No.50547111

Yeah I think that's just a scam coin I'm assuming was propped up because of the attention to stock ticker GME.

This thread isn't for you cultists. You can choose what to do with your wages.
YOU WILL lose everything on GME.
YOU WILL NOT be rich.

But it is YOUR choice to invest in it. I'm simply stating how bad I feel for the people who are desperately trying to escape poverty that got roped into your nonsense. It's not going to happen, and the poor people who invested into these scams after they pumped will only ever become more poor as a result.
I DO however laugh at people like you and will enjoy you losing everything. I promise you when this shit crashes and burns I'll be there laughing at you idiots pumping tens of thousands into this only to lose a years worth of savings or more. You deserve it desu.

Also people here gave up shilling for shiba and AMC thankfully due to the ridicule they faced, the scams are still on going. We need to get rid of you GME freaks next so you stop ruining the lives of poor anons who could be making better decisions.

>> No.50547121
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>> No.50547127

the worst part about baggies are how new they are to the space. they likely have never bagheld before, or believe bagholding is a temporary setback toward a greater gain. unfortunately for bagholders they will be bagholding to zero

>> No.50547214

i tea baggied your mom does that count?

Verification not required

>> No.50547401

That's what this is all about, isn't it? This is just an anti-GME thread disguised among other dubious projects. Nice try, hedgie shill. Not selling for less than $2.5MM

>> No.50547445

No this was a thread for the issue of bagholding, but you nutjobs came rushing in here to defend your specific bags making it about you. Look at the shills for GME in here. See shills for any of the other tokens? There is a reason you have a general so go there and ramble at each other about MOASS and being a multi billionaire or something in two weeks.

You aren't wanted on /biz/. So how about instead you go back to plebbit and scam people there. Stop shitting up other threads with your schizo nonsense.

>> No.50547458
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>> No.50547505 [DELETED] 

and you banghold only fiat because?

>> No.50547524
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>Dedicated fud threads
>Gubbmint trying to redefine what a recession is

>> No.50547537

and you baghold only fiat, because?

>> No.50547542
File: 219 KB, 1300x960, close-up-of-dead-cow-on-field-WPXJTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you make this post inside the /gme/ general talk directly to those gme baggies ?
why do you care so much about the financial well being of others that have absolutely nothing to do with you at all ?
why do you care if people lose money on anything its not your money their losing are they ?
or are they ?

>> No.50547577
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There's no point in reasoning with retards (as you can see). Enjoy the ride and the cope before you go insane.

Plus, the only retards still buying gme are legitimate retards and newfags, not /biz/raelis. Let them burn.

>> No.50547618

why didn't you include the XRP and link fags ?

>> No.50547628

Do you think I WANT to talk to them? They're completely free in how they spend their money. It's just sad to see so many get suckered into it.

All these people are going to lose their money, and the worst is all the poor people who actually think they will be able to buy a few shares, or that if they sacrifice what they have and make themselves more financially unstable and just hold that they'll wake up rich soon and it will all be worth it.

They have fucking plebbit threads I recently found out where some of the bagholders will beg for money to keep the lights on so they don't have to sell shares.... unfuckingreal. How is this a fucking thing????

I told a guy above. I don't care about the fucking retards buying in with tens of thousands who have a stable job. Your loss, but there are enough people getting roped in who will be so dejectedly impoverished by this they'll have nothing but suicide to think about. I admit fully I enjoy plebbitor/twittard slaves killing themselves like the greedy fucks who put in god knows how much money into CELSIUS and the likes because they honestly thought that 10% return on their hundreds of thousands was safe and not greedy.

We are on /biz/ why would anyone of us be in fiat?? Are you dumb?

>> No.50547653

> why would anyone of us be in fiat?
what do you baghold, and why?
you seethe against bagholding while you're a hypocrite; you don't seethe against bagholding; you seethe against bagholding that you don't do.

>> No.50547658

I just didn't have them on the mind at the time, but yes, XRP is the same mindset of GME. Link will probably pump but yes they're bagholding hard as fuck too and it's sad to see.

>> No.50547699

It's none of your business. You know why? Because I don't go on /biz/ and try to sucker people into holding what I do. I don't make excuses and false theories on how I'll be rich because I hold what I hold in such a stock or crypto or precious metal because in three months the squeeze/collapse/melt up/etc will "JUST HAPPEN!!!!".

I have my investments. Periodically I will give input in threads on my investments (the ups and downs) and offer advice I have and learn from others. There are still gems of information here to be found.

If I was a hypocrite as you state then I would be making generals for a get rich quick stock/token and come up with schizo nonsense on why people need to hold it over DOGESHIT #394 or why LINK will make you poor but my Token will be needed or why GME is for idiots but AMC IS WHERE THE SQUEEZE WILL HAPPEN.

You sound completely angry irrationally.

>> No.50547708

> It's none of your business
than fuck you bagholder
we established you are a bagholder; shut your mouth now you stupid hypocrite; you're just another bagholder like everyone.

>> No.50547714

>All these people are going to lose their money
Lmfao. When? It’s been echoed nonstop for over a year now that it’s a worthless stock and yet they just keep delivering on promises. GME NFT marketplace in BETA is a superior project to the biggest fucking crypto exchange based in the US. My issue is you fags can’t objectively argue against GameStop, only bitching endlessly because you missed out the first time and now hold a feel bitter about anyone making money with it.

>> No.50547787
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why make a thread about it tho ?
most of that shit is well contained in the /gme/ thread anyways
I don't think some GME holders are you average leddit faggot or even avg 4chan retard
I simply don't care what happens live or die rich or poor I've already died like 7 times and was resurrected each time though quantum immortality

I don't even care that much why do you care ? about other peoples portfolios its not like it effects you in any meaningful way at all
you can even come and kill me and my whole family my wife and kids too
if someone investing in a shitty rick and morty store means that much to you
put your money where your mouth is and start murdering people

I welcome death or life rich or shit zero

>> No.50547809

Yeah, I saw the NFTs being peddled on their marketplace: ugly anti-American JPEGs that profit off of terrorism. This is GameStop's big transformation? It's just a desperate cash grab riding the dying NFT hype. They need to focus on improving the terrible working conditions in their stores.

>> No.50547810

Who also thinks OP isn't a shitcoiner or meme coin lover as much as I do. I just want to buy some solid gems that has versatility at every point and this I have seen in AxlToken, one of my fucking buys that is undervalued and I'm scalping it to the fullest with other tokens.

>> No.50548013

I work in the trades and I gamble my life savings on shit coins to care for my aging mother. There is no other way to get the money in the time required. (Death)
Gambling is my only way out.

>> No.50548073

Tbh I'm so deep in it and bag holding its hold or loose all the thousands I put in.

>> No.50548279

Nigger shut up you're a seething bag holder who can only cry, "N-NO Y-YOU ARE TOO!!".
I have my investments. I only go for staking in crypto, and dividends in stocks. I enjoy my passive income and that's my stratagem for years now.

NFT's aren't going anywhere so it was a wise decision on GME's CEO to expand into it. It's extremely low cost to profit margin.
I don't feel bitter for "missing out" on the squeeze. I've missed out on all of these pump and dumps and not once have I tried to invest in them thinking "SURELY ANOTHER IS COMING!". That's the problem with you, and everyone else who invests in these assets. You're holding in hopes another crazy upswing will happen because YOU missed the first one. Don't fucking lie and try to swing it on me.

This thread wasn't about GME bag holders you all came crying to me. Also you are clearly deranged, seek help.

I feel for you.

>> No.50548331

>maybe if i keep paying (((doctors))) they'll fix my mum
you sound like a retard

>> No.50548347

Tbh I still don't understand NFTs.

>> No.50548639

OP is definitely new to /biz/ yeah?

>> No.50548894
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>I feel bad for the people who invested in this stock and who may potentially lose money
>I also laugh at the people who hold this stock and hope they lose money
>here's more of my appeal to emotion because I'm a pearl clutching fucktard who can't argue in good faith
Top fucking Kek meltdownie you're so transparent. Better luck next thread you drooling retard.

>> No.50548964

You're a shill who can't even differentiate me making fun of scumbags like you trying to drag people who are financially hopeless into your scam(s) and feeling bad for your victims.

I WILL laugh at you as you lose a ton of money. Fuck you.

I will not laugh at all the poorfags you people fucked over even worse because you took advantage of their lack of financial experience and their desperation to climb out of poverty.

Die shill.

>> No.50549056

You're going to need a bigger wall for that projection slugger.
I've never shilled gme before, and have only posted about it in threads that directly mention it.
Imagine being such a fucking newfaggot to think ANYONE on /biz/ gives a fuck about how someone loses their money. You are the definition of a website tourist. Anyone investing more money than they can afford is their own personal risk. They are adults who can make their own decisions and face their own consequences. You being an overly emotional cuckold will never change that.
>inb4 gme is le CULT
This isn't Jonestown you fucking retard, it's a publicly traded stock, one that everybody has the freedom to invest in or not.
Literally go the fuck back to felating your butt buddies r/meltdownie.

>> No.50549132
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I still hold Fringe Finances (ticker: frin)

>> No.50549297


>> No.50549307

hes not a shill he's a mentally ill moron in gme who thinks everyone is paid opposition specifically to fud him. he's not well.

>> No.50550293

If you don't act like a retard then you won't make it in this clownworld. I was once like you OP but ever since Trump managed to play the mainstream media like a fiddle and win the presidential election back in 2016, common sense flew out the window. Plenty of my parent's friends and coworkers did everything right, they worked hard and saved up enough money to live out the their remaining years on this planet in luxury but they dropped dead after a couple months once they had retired.

>> No.50550379








People who use the word baggie are the biggest retards.

>> No.50550710

When your argument boils down to "oooooooooh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggies", you can no longer state that you are reasoning or reasonable

>> No.50552627
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>crypto 'staking' is your 'investment'
>pretends to worry about the bags of others

Projection of this intensity is a novel invention, you may actually be able to secure a patent on it if you submit screenshots of this thread to the USPTO or whatever your regional equivalent is.

>> No.50552891

>some guy got quints in our general saying its tuesday
>he actually takes digits seriously..
lol lmao

>> No.50553030

The era of normies like (you) has ended, retard. Schizos rise now, LUNC to $1. Your fud cannot stop whats coming.

>> No.50553443

You should research on them more. NFTs have been used as royalties, music rights, vip tickets and collectibles. They are even used in the sports metaverse to secure access to sports events.

>> No.50553897 [DELETED] 
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>huh so this is the power of gamma ramp
>not bad...

>> No.50553913

The shorts have covered

Hold accordingly

>> No.50553967

what's the ideal broker/drs ratio?
asking for a friend.

>> No.50554015

No miracle will take your shit Luna to $1. You better take your loss while it's still early and move to secret NFTs

>> No.50554053

>Hear about a conspiracy involving some murdered kids in America that supposedly involves a US president
>Immediately know it's Billy-boy
>Seconds later Arkansas and Hillary are both mentioned
Pattern recognition skills are working fine boys. Stay frosty.

>> No.50554138

Dog. Hedge funds don't care about your three shares or whatever. They shill to Facebook boomers if anyone.

>> No.50555250 [DELETED] 
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if you hold shib do picrelated. deposit shib for dc, dc's oven cooks the shib for weth, pumps dc

>> No.50555748 [DELETED] 
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For me it's $ZHAO.

>> No.50556042

I sold half my stack at 30x profit and continued to hold 100 shares (now 400+ today) because if you see that price action and think there isn’t fuckery going on you’re absolutely blind. It had one day literally a month ago where the price got halted at 200 and the next orders were in the 400k range. Remember the nickel short squeeze where CME said “shut it down!” Because too many short HFS were getting fucked? The evidence is right in front of you, the real squeeze hasn’t happened yet. Keep coping. Either way GME has been an insanely solid hold, which is the entire point of investing.

>> No.50556165

>recycled talking points
Not worth discussing if you can’t argue in good faith.

>> No.50556244
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if it wasnt a threat to them they wouldnt be trying so hard. simple as.