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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50542316 No.50542316 [Reply] [Original]

not even the WHAT, but if you ask about something with an example or fact they don't like they are like


And I don't even mean something like an edgelord jew joke. but maybe something like

>If we build our product in this way, won't it be a bit when all the hedgehogs getting cut in the wheat fields by machines, since they won't hear them, and our product might not make the user aware it will allow permission X on their phones

So instead of me observing business critical problem, they are upset about me using an example to illustrate a point. I maybe saved them 100s of thousands or something, but no one cares

>> No.50542344
File: 25 KB, 480x439, 1655393101831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to explain to them that you could save them money on their project by up to 15% or more.

>> No.50542367
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i dont know im just a frog dude

>> No.50542391

Well if you talk the same way you write I'm not surprised normies get angry.
I can barely understand what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.50542395

are you ESL?

>> No.50542405

lets say you find a problem you want to describe

instead of using some business buzzword about "picking the low hanging fruit" or "aligning with the north star objective"

I usually give a real world example. Normies get upset by that

same if you talk about the "bus factor".

>So, Max and Daniel is gonna do this thing now in another city

>Ok, what if they drive in the same car and it crashes? Maybe better to send one by train?


>> No.50542421

I'm 34

>> No.50542454

you need meds ASAP

>> No.50542467

you are autistic

>> No.50542472

what's wrong with my example?

I have asperbergers but I make 87k EUR so something I must do right

>> No.50542484

yeah, and? How is this an answer to my question?

Half this board is autistic

>> No.50542501
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Ima not vibin with you bruh on god. Chu got problem u say dis biz not be bussin fr fr no cap.

>> No.50542518

because they HAVE to feel morally superior at all times

>> No.50542573

it means you have no idea how to communicate with normies and it's your fault. normans are there to enforce a narrow band of acceptable thought conducive to making things work okay. when you introduce ideas that conflict with that comfort zone, they react.
if what you've said is a legitimate concern (it might not be, you're autistic) you have to reiterate and dismiss the plebs by affecting an earnest tone, and reiterating to/convincing the person in authority that your idea is important.

>> No.50542591

I literally fucking ASKED about it here. Why are you rude to me for asking?

You are unironically part of the problem. How is it bad to put your job and business first lol

>> No.50542607

>if what you've said is a legitimate concern (it might not be, you're autistic)

and by the way, i'm one our best cloud architects who plan for a lot of outages, migrations set up monitoring and so on , so usually my concerns is very valid

I never forget when one team failed to do a DB backup restore, because guess what, they never fucking tried it IN PRODUCTION

I do one every month just to try how it works

>> No.50542794

post ass

>> No.50542816

use ur assburgers to watch some videos on communication skills, that is the core issue here

normies get uncomfortable around people who arent sociopaths

>> No.50542953

>Why are you rude to me for asking?
That's all you got out of that post? It's rude? You are actually an unmitigated autist, I'm sorry for you in all sincerity.

I told you how to communicate more effectively with normans. They don't understand the scope of your work. They are there to make things appear to operate smoothly and won't go out on a limb to understand your horrific cave troll jargon. You have to be outspoken and direct about your concerns with technical people in authority, whose jobs are affected by fuckups you've noticed (PM? his boss?) In all workplaces, this means cultivating relationships with these people such that they understand you're not just another disgruntled autist, but someone who can save them time and the company money.
work on your social skills man

>> No.50543165

>hurr durr find a video

no one can literally tell me what's wrong. you must be some kind of normie too, why are they always like this?

>did i say something wrong or..?
>anon just dont say it!!
>say , what exactly?
>what do you mean? I have literally no idea

well thats' what i'm trying by giving real world examples. If i told them something like "oh the probability of such a cluster to fail is 5%, and therefore we must have monitoring of type A in place to not run into a halting zombie process problem, as you know"

they would be even more confuse

>> No.50543219

What I'm gathering here is you brought up a potential catastrophic failure that has a low likelihood of happening, and to do that you may have used a particularly jarring analogy.

Think of social interaction like a plate of food - if you see a dog taking a big stinky pile of poop big brown shitnrope slowly sliding out of his ass a block away, it might make your tummy hurt. In conversation, even though "words don't hurt" or have tangible mass to them, you're going to shock people if you say shitnthats shocking. It doesn't need to be a cold logical process, just don't do it simply bc it triggers people and on some level you know the weird shit you say scares people so just use more "light" wording next time. Understand?

>> No.50543223

you need to understand that the normie's capacity for metaphor is extremely limited. they will understand perfectly fine if you say "there is a 5% chance of catastrophic downtime, so we need to do X in order to mitigate that." No elaboration required. ALWAYS wait for them to ask for elaboration, and if they do, don't use metaphor unless it's a very simple one.
As a side consideration, metaphor is a good tool to signal to other intelligent people so that you can meet eachother.

>> No.50543234


im telling you to go research becuase no one has the time or patience to tell you how to be a human, especially on an internet forum. I wish i could tell you to phrase it a certain way and that would be it but it would be like teaching an advanced math problem to a toddler. First I would need to teach you how to talk, how to treat others, how to be responsible, how to empathize, how to lead, how to fail gracefully, how to accept your faults, and a million other basic building blocks. You graduated school, you got the job, you figure it out

>> No.50543235

yes but i want to show the importance of a situation. then i can't just say "oh it's like you miss to go to the store and arrive 5 min after it closed"

>> No.50543254

thanks, finally a good answer instead of being disrespectful. I think my overexplanation might be a problem in general, I just want to make sure everyone knows what I'm talking about and have a plan for all kinds of events we might need to handle

because otherwise, a lot of times the reaction is "oh, why didn't you tell us that BEFORE??"

>> No.50543416

i understand that tension. something i've learned to do is regularly report to superiors your progress on things that you are working on, and problems that could come up which aren't problems yet. i'm mildly autistic too and used to wait for a while before dumping a huge amount of info. that always backfired. people need small bites at regular intervals to catch up and be comfortable.a bonus of doing this is that management types will notice the initiative and funnel you into management if you work on your communication and delegation skills

>> No.50543444

for some reason managers and a bit older(50+) people really like me, and my thorough approach though. I always get good reviews from the manager-manager levels

the ones who seem more sensitive and get angry at me are 25-40 years old, maybe because they have low attention span from all instagramming or something?

>> No.50543509

As a 30yo, millenials were a mistake. Please end our suffering

>> No.50543585

older people appreciate a thorough,
autistic approach because they understand how valuable it is in comparison to the several half assed fakers they've had to deal with in their lives. younger people either don't get it, are intimidated by or envious of competence/intensity, and/or you are aloof and somewhat unpersonable which is a turn off for middling workplace socializer drones.
honestly you're doing it right by being competent first, just consider the social challenge as a puzzle to solve so you don't isolate yourself in your work.

>> No.50544637

good advice, i should tailor my autism to different age groups

>> No.50544742

Hahahahahahaha fucking hell this shit is making me laugh. But I understand anon. You're right and I don't know the answer. They are just very sensitive. You are making a point with confronting evidence/examples. It's the right thing to do so just stick to your guns.