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50537890 No.50537890 [Reply] [Original]

buy or seethe

>> No.50537917

seethe it'll be then

>> No.50537950

My gut is screaming this is gonna be HEX level gains with even more seething. Anons have been warned.

>> No.50538117

Why is it pumping?

>> No.50538126

They are about to release a stablecoin. This is gonna giga pump like it did in 2020

>> No.50538596

been DCA for months. this is your last bump from me

>> No.50538636

>brown ID
I'll pass ranjeesh

>> No.50538705

your loss clown

>> No.50538724


>> No.50539182


your last chance

>> No.50539822

Chuck or sneedthe

>> No.50540351

what's a make it stack? I made so much on this in 2020

>> No.50540405

338.54 AMPL is a make it stack

kinda cheap rn kek

(this is mathematically proportionate to a 10,000 LINK make it stack)

>> No.50540463

scample or filth

>> No.50540470

Can I just buy wampl?

>> No.50540539

I bought and I am seething. How do I report you for scamming me ?

>> No.50540557

Bough another bag at .31 and .32, already up now, thanks algo.
Even the last bag I got was buying 1k algo under 50 cents a pop.
Best crypto bar none.

>> No.50540599

> AMPL targets the purchasing power of the 2019 USD. When price is higher than AMPL's target, the number of AMPL tokens in user wallets automatically increases. When price is lower than AMPL's target, the number of AMPL tokens in user wallets automatically decreases.
Lol the fuck are you buying this shit for, it is designed to not moon, look at the complete historic chart

>> No.50541214

I suppose yes

>> No.50541546

Why do we need another stable coin?

DAI has already been operational without any issues for 5 years and is fully decentralized / on-chain.

>> No.50541547

How is it designed not to moon? If more people buy than sell it will go up, and a hell of a lot of people will be buying when the stablecoin releases. Or are you one of those 4chan permabears I've heard so much about?

>> No.50541831

>going all in on a stablecoin

>> No.50541869

Oh yeah bros after the massive collapse of Luna and UST algorithmic stablecoins are super trendy!

Just divorce your fucking bags already your fucking clowns

>> No.50541919
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I will do neither

>> No.50542167
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Imagine buying a (((stablecoin))) that goes down in value daily, how stupid can you be?
2019 called, they want their ponzi back

>> No.50542983
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I bought $200 worth of AMPL back in summer of 2020, ended up netting me 400 UNI and 250ish FORTH, thank god I sold it all last summer.
Not buying more AMPL, but I hope it does well in the future.

>> No.50542993

Sorry bro, not going to buy your unregistered security

>> No.50543046

Threw $500 in since it’s been holding in positive rebase territory for a few days. I hope it’s time again

>> No.50543180

What's changed recently that this coin is suddenly getting attention again?

>> No.50543194

Kek it just dumped 10% in one candle. Thanks for playing

>> No.50543205

Bought after that candle fucktard

>> No.50543805

This is the reason for the pump. Also SPOT stablecoin is being released any week now. Get in or stay poor, chuds.

>> No.50545078

Maybe because every other algo-stable has failed dramatically or has obvious flaws, and people are finally realizing that you can't get rid of volatility.

>> No.50545159

price doesnt moon, your bag grows

>> No.50545179

4chan users are the most pathetic people ever.

>> No.50545188
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Never selling.

>> No.50545196

>that goes down in value daily,
It's up for me.

>> No.50545548

I'm already in on Link chad. Trying my hands on the lands on sports metaverse to see if I'd be lucky enough to find an Eth gold mine as a hidden reward.

>> No.50545742

can someone explain how the spot stablecoin works in regards to ampl?

>> No.50546245

time is running out anon

>> No.50546283

>buying AMPL above .90c
Do biztards really?

>> No.50546526

Why would you buy during the negative rebases? You want to buy in during a positive rebase cycle

>> No.50546546

Meant for

>> No.50547062
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No privacy solution anon?

>> No.50547741

Spot is not a “stable coin”
It’s just ampl without rebase. So expect it to cycle between $0.75 and $1.25 give or take
My main question is how the hell Spot is expected to have any liquidity whatsoever. So it will be even more niche than Ampl and useless

>> No.50547886

Not really. You want to buy when price is low as it guaranteed to go up. Ideally you buy exactly when the negative cycle is about to end, just before equilibrium and hope for a sustained pump into the positive rebase.
The only use so far for ampl is to dump. That’s why you never see sustained positive rebase phase anymore since Defi summer. Everybody realized the only use is to dump, so you better dump quick or else you’re getting dumped on
Aave doesn’t work for Ampl. There’s no reason to provide liquidity to the pool, you miss any positive rebase and the APY in aAMPL is meagre. Might as well do usdc or dai
Spot is great in theory. I can see more market actors inclined to trade the price cycle when rebase is no longer a worry. The problem is how to develop liquidity for Spot. It has to be tranches fromAmpl in a highly risky unpredictable bond mechanism nobody has a grasp on. It’s a niche of a niche of a niche.
Ampl can still dump much lower, slowly bleeding out

>> No.50548255

I'm not selling my bags either chad. I'm considering getting in on the metaverse too seeing as it has caught the interest of big sports brands.

>> No.50549050

It's going to be a volatile week so be careful. I'm waiting for the market to dump so I can pick some privacy solutions like SCRT.

>> No.50549090

Nothing really. it's going to be a volatile week. I look forward to buying more SCRT if the market drops. Privacy solutions seem to be the best now.

>> No.50549122

Nothing really. it's going to be a volatile week. I look forward to buying more SCRT if the market drops. Privacy solutions seem to be the best now.

>> No.50550007

Circulating Supply 36,528,050.62 AMPL 9%
Max Supply 395,345,189
Total Supply 36,674,515

it will go 10x but in opposite direction

>> No.50550044

why would I buy and hold ampl when it's pegged to 1 2019 USD? Surely you mean the governance token not the ampl token....

>> No.50550171

Incredibly organic shilling. Kek. Maybe organize the Telegram better so you don’t sound so fucking desperate.

>> No.50550903

If it dumps to a point where I can buy 1% of the market cap, I will do it.

>> No.50552140

>Lol the fuck are you buying this shit for

i, for one, like having sandpaper rubbed over my taint at the same time everyday

>> No.50552165


bitch ass mfers excluded exchange wallets. hope you enjoyed your gains.

>> No.50553085

for rebase coins it doesn't matter how much the price is as much as how big the market cap is when you bought. Because you are not buying for example 1000 ampl you are buying a % of the total supply. Right now the MC is 39M according to CoinGecko the last peak of the bull run in November the MC was almost 400M which is a -90% from the top currently. That's how I understand it at least correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.50554166

Privacy solutions would definitely increase in demand after the coming regulation. It would be wise to get in early.

>> No.50555509


>> No.50555530

What you posted doesn't seem to be the Hedera logo or the HBAR foundation? it seems you have made a mistake champ

>> No.50557086

No need seething anon. I just bought land on the sports metaverse so I'm good. Even VC's like BTG got one.

>> No.50557107
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Just bought qom like people here told me to i have no more money for more shitcoins

>> No.50559454

After the Luna situation I don't think anyone is willing to deal with algorithmic stablecoins again. As a matter of fact, the safety of funds is now a priority as the rate of hacks and scams keeps increasing. I think platforms that help prevent this would thrive and privacy protocols are one of them.

>> No.50560429
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>> No.50560734

I might consider bagging LINK. I'm currently holding Metaverse assets:


Based for the long term.

>> No.50561858

There is considerable innovation from privacy solutions and Railgun has caught my attention for integrating with dapps and defi for a wider delivery of privacy to users.

>> No.50562938

this is literally the best post in all of biz, incoherent as it should be.

>> No.50563015

I would literally buy shit like qom just to annoy OP, I hate the letter A.

>> No.50563053

Let me take a wild guess here. You are poor?

>> No.50563431

I don't know anon. I guess everyone is considering worthwhile assets. I just got land on the sports metaverse and I'm hoping to find a world cup ticket reward on it.

>> No.50565052

Much wow
Unbelievable. Amplefilth thread has lasted over 24hrs. Usually archived 2 or 3 poasts in much wow
>after Luna
The thing is, all the AMPL heads knew Luna was a scam all along. Pepe soros and all of them were calling it out way before anybody else. “Beware the Coupon Coin”
So I disagree, because the more Lunas and Basis cash’s and Tombs and tomb fork after tomb fork you see come and go, withering like grass, over time it only proves the Ampl thesis
Ampl is obviously durable. The protocol is unbreakable
Wether it’s useful is another question, but Luna crashes are bullish for AMPL over long time horizon

>> No.50565235

“Privacy” is a quaint 20th C notion
Privacy is a thing of the past, like wild megafauna and uncharted territories. There is no way to stop this train. Privacy is fast going extinct, and what’s more, nobody cares
People just adapt. Cameras will be smaller than the eye of a needle, microscopic even. So privacy is dead and gone already. The privacy coins are a quaint joke. The privacy networks and coins require blind faith. For instance, Monero - nobody knows the true supply. Exchanges love privacy coins and quaint privacy suckers who deal with the fraction of a fraction of fractionally reserved so called privacy coins like Monero

>> No.50565421

To make it in this game of life and on the Hellbaked existence we call “life” you must either possesd a natural born killer instinct, or else you must simply survive
AMPL is simply surviving like a cockroach after you try to stamp it out. To the cockroach even the nuclear holocaust is nothing but a holohoax, it survives easily because it’s absolutely durable to the core
Even years after the Merge wen Vitalik and Lubin and their cartel of POS bankless henchmen completely own the network, they can never stamp out Ampleforth, which is already cross chain. Cockroaches have circumnavigated this entire hellbaked world. True survivors
How will Ampl deepen liquidity? It has no killer instinct whatsoever. It’s been around long enough you would think it could have dominated the Curve Wars, or at least put up a fight. Where was it?
Frax entered the frey. It’s doing quite well so far…
We’ll see with AMPL, and Spot. Don’t see the cockroach strategy working for Spot, because you need a killer instinct to tranche AMPL into Spot liquidity, and I really don’t see any sign of predatory warlike nature from this camp. The sit out Curve ear entirely. When will they start to fight?

>> No.50567396

I dunno why u cant see how much of a vol monster Spot has the potential to be. As its minted and has a market its a perfect long term hold but more its the perfect swing trade. Under the peg its a buy and then sell anytime over. All this creates more vol with is a positive feedback loop for Ampl.

>> No.50567609

You have a point about cameras becoming microscopic but we're talking about blockchains here. You might not have noticed but people still care about privacy, it shows in the zkSNARKS cryptography and relayers used to achieve privacy. Not to mention that Monero still has an unclaimed bounty on it meaning it has not been cracked, it contradicts your claims of privacy being dead.

>> No.50568269

Will I make it being a top #200 wallet holder?

>> No.50569252

Depends on what you put in your bag anon. I currently got land on the sports metaverse with hopes to find a hidden Eth gold mine, that would be great for passive income.

>> No.50570148

Ampleforth isn't an algo stable, it just shifts volatility from price to supply. Algo stables try to eliminate volatility, AMPL absorbs it.

>> No.50570459
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lol I have this pic from the last time AMPL pump n dumped. good luck
>inb4 the scAMPLe poster makes his return

>> No.50570663
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Buy or seethe

>> No.50573028

ICON is based. Good to see sports taking interest in the crypto space. This might lead to mass adoption.

>> No.50573048
