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50536504 No.50536504 [Reply] [Original]

They were so rude to me so I just argued back, I'm starting to think maybe the error is me? But why would it be

>> No.50536623

If they are being rude then fuck them, you should argue. People think they can get away with anything these days.
The problem isn't you.
The problem is with these zoomer faggots thinking they run shit. A good beating is what they need, shame their dad wasn't ever around to give them a good old fucking belt.

>> No.50536866

Is this why jews are destroyed the world economy to teach zoomies a lesson?

>> No.50536881

i havent spoken to another human in 2 years

>> No.50537675

how do you get food?

>> No.50537732
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Zoomers and millennials are the worst you can come across, old timers are usually the only people I hang with since they usually have an interesting story to tell rather than screeching ebonics, unfunny memes, or globohomo shit 24/7.
>t. millennial

>> No.50538503

so you have finally learned an appreciation of the anon status of 4chan
did you at least get some alpha from those discords or was it mostly ego bullshit

>> No.50538897

I hate that retards here don't get the joke

>> No.50539153

This board is filled with normie scum.

>> No.50539179

I know.

>> No.50539347
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Since you've been thrown out of 109 discords, perhaps the problem lies within jew?

>> No.50539371

109 is not a joke, I hope I don't get kicked out of the 110th at least :(

>> No.50539380
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>> No.50539535

Most crypto discords or telegrams are full of lemmings who wont let any discussion or criticism of there precious token be allowed. I was kicked out of a few and later found they were closed down because I was right about most things I was warning them about and they wouldn't listen

>> No.50539544

Im aware this is a chosen people joke but in case its nots not then >>50539535

>> No.50540230

Don't try to ruin good things and you won't :)

>> No.50540518

I once got kicked out of a newgrounds discord server for having a pepe profile pic