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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50535480 No.50535480 [Reply] [Original]

>late zoomer
>about to be kicked out soon
>never had a credit card
>don't know how taxes work
>only had a couple of part time jobs
>don't know how to set up internet
>don't know how even procure crypto or buy stocks
>half of the discussions here sound like jargon thrown around
I am willing to learn however. Is there any study guide or curriculum I go go through to go from zero to hero with regards to financial knowledge?

>> No.50535543

read in this order:
rich dad poor dad
i'll teach you to be rich
the bitcoin standard
dave ramesy's Baby Steps Millionaires
Now you have knowledge on the main school's of thought on how to get rich.
Depending on what you purse, wage cage, real estate, Entrepreneurship, etc you'll know where to start.

>> No.50535598

Is there anything more practical? Bruh I have no idea how taxes work. Does your employer automatically deduct that shit or what fr

>> No.50535622

Everything is a scam. You have to decide which side you're on.

>> No.50535694

You can google literally all of these.

>> No.50535739

Sure but /biz/ tends to have better advice than what you'd find just searching google

>> No.50535771

zero to an hero? maybe try leverage

>> No.50535781

You ask simple how-to questions. There's not much to say there.

>> No.50535821

In a functional society those parents who are about to kick you out would have taught you these things and you wouldn't need to resort to asking anonymous strangers on the internet

But hey I had to learn myself too, at least my parents didn't kick me out due to being europoor. Americans are weird, literally no one else in the world does that shit

>> No.50535823

>rich dad poor dad
easy to buy property in the 70's and 80's when it was cheap. This book doesn't account for today's housing market prices. Sure buy a couple of houses, but you won;t be hitting the numbers this gook did in the 80's
>i'll teach you to be rich
Marketing scam
>bitcoin standard
pure hopium and copium. Already prived wrong by bitcoin tanking alon with stocks
>dave ramesy's Baby Steps Millionaires
marketing scam. rehashed bullshit advice that is out of date.

>> No.50536027

Sorry for not being more specific. Of course I know how to google "how to get a credit card" or how to open a bank account" but I want to know how to critically think when it comes to finances.

For example some bank accounts have transaction fees and some have other kinds of benefits and I want to have a solid foundation of knowledge so that when I'm presented with new information I'm able to assess a situation correctly and pick the right choice.

Right now when people mention savings account this, roth ira that, tfsas...etc it's all just jargon

>> No.50536049


>> No.50536063

>late zoomer
That's a funny way to say "probably 27 years old".

>> No.50536071

The QRD is that you have to work while investing to compound gains, poorfags don't invest they just buy and then get excited for next product.

>bruh fr
How old are you actually.

>> No.50536070

why would anyones parents kick them out
explain it to me like i am retarded

>> No.50536077
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You just gotta wait for prices to go down.

>> No.50536084

I define zoomer as 1999 to 2015

>> No.50536089
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Do you not have a bank account?
>transaction fees
You need a job then apply for the starter credit card that doesn't charge you since you are babby.
>For example some bank accounts have transaction fees and some have other kinds of benefits and I want to have a solid foundation of knowledge so that when I'm presented with new information I'm able to assess a situation correctly and pick the right choice.
You try to sound like you know what you're doing even when you admit you don't.

>> No.50536104

Oh okay so you're like 22 or something. This means 2 things- your parents are dicks and you have more time to learn than a 27 year old """zoomer""" who spent years after highschool doing nothing. You should probably ask yourself what your resume says and if your cover letter is good and what skills you have to offer. Getting bitch wagie jobs is easy now but higher skill jobs are laying new employees and HR off.

>savings account
You can get "high" interest rates of 1%, which is nothing and totally useless.

Incidentally interest rates greater than 5% on crypto are probably scams like how Celsius just collapsed into itself like a black hole of jewish magic.

>roth ira
Usually you have a job when you have this, a 'real' job where you put on a suit and tie.
I am unfamiliar with this, it appears to be canadian. You'll have to just figure that one out yourself.

>> No.50536111

>You try to sound like you know what you're doing even when you admit you don't.
I really don't. I just started looking at these things and all I'm really able to do is create a list of things I have to learn

Maybe I'm autistic but if I don't have a clear checklist and a foundation of knowledge I feel completely lost. I can't just google things here and there and learn on the fly like other people and accept hiccups.

If there isn't a clear foundation or if that foundation is not perfect I'd rather just trash everything and throw it all away. Like starting with math I need to know to be competent at finance, then books about banking theory and critical thinking and how to ascertain which decisions such as choosing which banking account will be most beneficial in the long run. I've always been like this and it's just been a total detriment to my life and I'm stuck in this rut

>> No.50536138

on the other hand if you know it is bad for you why not take this time to snap out of it, you are under time pressure right now and it is irrelevant what bank accounts you get because the interest rate is negligible anyways

even if you found out the mega best jackpot bank account deal of a lifetime, you just have to withdraw your money from your account and move it there, takes only a few buttons with e-banking

>> No.50536144

Thanks for the response. Yeah I'm not 27 and you more or less got my age range correct and the fact that I'm a leaf as well.

Perhaps I'm not as fucked as my OP made it seem but I'm just generally clueless when it comes to finances. I had small part time jobs here and there but when the tax forms came my parents would always handle that because they think I'm retarded. Anyways, I do actually have an entry level job lined up after doing a shit ton of testing and interviews but I just want to know what's the most prudent way of handling the cash I'll be earning.

I know some accounts have a transaction fee and other complications but it seems kind daunting and don't really know where to start. Also I have no idea about buying crypto and stocks. I'm more or less just asking how I can develop a good sense of finances and knowing how to learn and parse out info effectively as opposed to just picking up tidbits here and there from the internet which may or may not be beneficial

>> No.50536172

At your age it only matters what you can earn. None of this advice is even relevant if you're making fuck all. Focus on earning $10k+ per month. If you're stuck waging you're still going to be poor even if your setup is highly optimized.

>> No.50536182

Yeah you're right. I'm feeling the pressure now so I have more of "fuck it" feeling and just gonna try to learn as much as possible even if it doesn't fit my autistic checklist standard

>> No.50536732

Get a credit card ASAP, and ideally 3 of them if you can. Having a good credit score won't be crucial for you at the moment, but at some point it's going to become VERY important, and there's no "fast" way to do it. I just got a job as a leasing manager, part of it involves seeing proof of income and credit reports for apartment applicants. I've seen now a good number of applications come through, people in their mid-to-late 20's, with good jobs, but basically no credit history. Some even into their early 30's and it's fucking them up and they have to have their social-security-collecting parents cosigning their shit to even get an apartment.

It's the easiest thing to do. Get a credit card, pay your monthly phone bill with it, set it to autopay in full every month, and forget about it. If you do nothing else, do that, and it'll make a difference.

>> No.50537834

I work for a bank call centre and I do credit card applications. My advice when you apply for one, open a savings account with the bank you’re going to apply with and make sure you have a consistent source of income going into that account so that their system doesn’t automatically decline your credit card application and fuck up your credit history.

Also don’t waste your time with ‘awards’ points or any of that nonsense. Just get a low fee card and always pay it off on time. Basically only use it if you have the money in a savings account ready to instantly pay off the purchase you just made.

>> No.50537847
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Figure it out for yourself, only true autist know how patterns work.

>> No.50537869

Also don’t lie about what you plan to use personal loan funds for. My bank randomly audits people who take out personal loans and if they catch you using personal loan funds for crypto when you told us it was for home renovations we instantly freeze your accounts and the process to get your money back is a headache because our turnover is so high 99% of people have no idea what the correct process for dealing with this scenario is.

>> No.50537900

That sounds like shit or some eurocuckoldry. As long as your payments are adequate and on time in usa, no one cares.

>> No.50537936
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this is all shit
instead read
>a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind
>gottfried feder
>when money dies by adam frbussin
now you have the rage to fill your heart with the motivation to succeed

>> No.50537979

Taxes are so easy a retarded zoomer cab do it, you literally just download TurboTax or whatever the free version is, follow the instructions and it's done

For a bank account or the internet you just call the company and they will guide you through the process to set it up, for a credit card you apply online

As for crypto, probably best bet is just make an account on a cex such as kraken and purchase some tokens. Then you can look up what wallet you need and they will probably have instructions to transfer your coins to your wallet. Anything more complicated than that, you'd have to learn based on what coin and chain it is