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50535159 No.50535159 [Reply] [Original]

How did J.K Rowling become a billionaire author?

Does she own everything about the Harry Potter Franchise?

>> No.50535224
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baby foreskins

>> No.50535291

Right place at the right time.
People love British English storytelling and the late nineties were at a cultural crossroad

>> No.50535307

pretty much this. Peak Britain was 2004 - 2009 (par to the releases of the most popular HP movies)

>> No.50535329
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She wrote a book. Everyone rejected it. But she thought it still makes sense, so she kept sending the script to publishers.

One dude, the 10th publisher, took it home with him, but had just read the first few pages and wanted to throw it away. He left the script in the kitchen. His 11yr old daughter was around. He and his wife went out for dinner with friends. When they came back at midnight, they though everyone was sleeping... but there was a light still. A small light, a hidden light... from the room of their 11yr old daughter. She had taken the script and was on page 96 already. When her worried parents asked what she was doing, she said "reading Harry Potter, it is the best book she has ever had in her hands". So her father published the book and printed like 800 copies, with at first were not well liked. But slowly, word spread, and the nerds of the Earth loved it. And a franchise similar to Star Wars was born.

>> No.50535352


Kek that she got cancelled

>> No.50535357

she created a character that resonated and teenagers could identify with. And the movies helped as well.

>special snowflake invited to hogwarts
>pet (hedwig)
>4 houses (need to part of a group)
>everything is quirky or different

I've also noticed that pretty much every girl is into harry potter. They like to listen to it before sleep, watch movies or make up kink scenarios. Apparently many have a thing for Snape dominating them as Hermione.

>> No.50535388


>> No.50535408

>or make up kink scenarios. Apparently many have a thing for Snape dominating them as Hermione

I have never had a gf or had sex. I rarely interact with women in real life. I've casually browsed various anime forums, discords and anime threads and sub-forums on 4chan. Based on the female posts in those places, I'm convinced 100% of women want to be raped.

This is very puzzling, considering all the outrage about rape in public media.

>> No.50535428

Lots of women wanted to be ravished by the sheriff of Locksley too. This might be an Alan Rickman thing.

>> No.50535454

Sheriff of Nottingham ofc.

>> No.50535484

most of them like being dominated by someone they are intimidated by. Which is often someone they see superior in strength, size, intellect, financial power (this is the truth why employers have a hard time doing equal pay), dress, act, high status job etc.

From experience I can say that you can't generalize but you can definitely say what a majority of a group is attracted to. Usually the ones that tend to deviate have some other underlying character issues.

There is a part where de Beauvoir (ironically the famous feminist) describes in her book what she considers to be manly. Where she describes that women aren't necessarily attracted to men, but to the ideals of men. Seeing men as gods. (I don't remember the exact passage otherwise I would have posted it).

They definitely play with the idea of rape as a fantasy and I've heard from many that they fantasize about it when they're at their doctors/physiotherapists. But they still won't let that old dude hit, they want to roleplay rape with chad if anything.

>> No.50535564

Sounds like it was known to be shit and had to be given a dozen extra chances until people gave up on call it out for being shit.

>> No.50535688

here I found it

"the naive young girl is taken in by virility. According to the circumstances, male worth will appear to her as physical force, elegance, wealth, culture, intelligence, authority, social situation, or a military uniform: but what she always hopes for is that her lover will be the summation of the essence of man."

>> No.50535719

No its shit, but kids like it, but kids arent publisher

>> No.50535837

DID YEW??!!?!

>> No.50535838 [DELETED] 


A real butterfly effect I hope that girl burns.

>> No.50535846

A real butterfly effect I hope that girl burns.

>> No.50535847
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>> No.50535905

How is a good christian lady with a bunch kids writing a book steeped in occult ideas?

>> No.50535924
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>> No.50535935

Harry Potter books were written by the Devil. JK sold her soul to have her name put on them. Reject Satan, repent and pray to our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.

>> No.50535956
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Another popular series with 'magic' and children fighting evil. What's her name?

>> No.50536048

She owns all the rights

>> No.50536312
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>She wrote a book. Everyone rejected it. But she thought it still makes sense, so she kept sending the script to publishers.
>One dude, the 10th publisher, took it home with him, but had just read the first few pages and wanted to throw it away. He left the script in the kitchen. His 11yr old daughter was around. He and his wife went out for dinner with friends. When they came back at midnight, they though everyone was sleeping... but there was a light still. A small light, a hidden light... from the room of their 11yr old daughter. She had taken the script and was on page 96 already. When her worried parents asked what she was doing, she said "reading Harry Potter, it is the best book she has ever had in her hands". So her father published the book and printed like 800 copies, with at first were not well liked. But slowly, word spread, and the nerds of the Earth loved it. And a franchise similar to Star Wars was born.

You will never be a woman faggot.

>> No.50536347

It's not just luck, her novels are without equals on how it nails the themes and archetypes of the hero's journey and coming of age stories, she's a very good writer for kids.

You need her approval to make anything Harry Potter related, so she's able to get royalties everything a product is made

>> No.50536362

It's a brilliant story really. I'm not a female or a gay zoomer but I still appreciate the harry potter saga. I like it better than lord of the rings altho I'm prolly the only person over the age of 25 that thinks this way. Also JK doesn't agree men than cut their dicks off are women which used to be logical but now it's based since the left hates her now while loving her franchise lol

>> No.50536394

>I like it better than lord of the rings altho I'm prolly the only person over the age of 25 that thinks this way
No I agree, I respect lotr for the influence it had but it never appealed to me in a deep way, and the fact it's archetypes have been reused to death for the last 100 years makes them seem bland now.

>> No.50536404

>her novels are without equals
Imagine thinking that after thousands of years of writing fiction humanity never created a work that captures the "hero's journey" as perfectly as HARRY POTTER. It's popular because it's a book about posh huwhite school aimed at poorfags who will never get to attend a posh huwhite school. Magic is only there to make those poorfags less aware of what the book is really about, you don't want poorfags actually realizing their perfect "fantasy" is just rich people's reality.

>> No.50536417

She has a Solve Coagula tatoo and is deep into satanism and alchemy

>> No.50536424

Yes yes it's actually because they're amazing novels anon, you're the only thinker here

>> No.50536458

luck doesn't exist

>> No.50536499

Yep, some people just work very very hard to be born into rich families. I inherited a large sum of money from my grandparents, that's obviously because I worked very very hard to be born their grandson, luck had nothing to do with it. Fact

>> No.50536837

Your grandparents became wealthy, probably preserving it, making sure it became generational wealth i.e you inherited. You see this as luck and good fortune from your atomized perspective. You can waste your fortune or pass it down to future "lucky" generations.

>> No.50536872

All wrong. She's peerage. The books are ghost written intelligence garbage. Her entire back story is fake.

>> No.50536908

Peak Britain was the 90's. Anything british related was huge back then in pop culture, and it was also before London turned into a third world shithole.

>> No.50536917

>me smart me deconstruct basic concepts in order to make language less useful
Newsflash faggot objective reality doesn't exist, everything you experience is just a model created in your brain. So technically, my "atomized" perspective is the only thing I know to actually exist. There you go, I deconstructed everything, me smart me win the argument but make basic language impossible to use

>> No.50536969

>Half bloods are Jews
>Deatheaters are SS
>Muggles are the goys
It's literally Jewish propaganda.

>> No.50537030

>tfw they literally had brown shirt goons in the movies

Laziest shit imaginable

>> No.50537068
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MI6 backed her. The CIA pushed them out of Hollywood (movies) and Burbank (porn) so they tried their hand at Brit/pub/lishing.

Rowling is Grand Orient (freemasons for wahmen) so has fairly deep knowledge of occulted subjects. MI6 gave her the basic plot and she did the filler.

Pretty based actually.

>> No.50537145

1890’s sure

>> No.50537186

If that's how you want to view life.

>> No.50537209

>The CIA pushed them out of Hollywood (movies) and Burbank (porn)

>> No.50538157

she had a really good agent.

>> No.50538232

But trannies hate harry potter

>> No.50538256

>And a franchise similar to Star Wars was born.
lol star wars is shit

>> No.50538303

No, peak Britain was mid 90s to 2003 (Iraq war)

>> No.50538508

But why though? To make something about magic?

>> No.50538535

The only thing good about the movies is Emma Watson

>> No.50538545

It really was just that successful (whether its actually good). People from far away countries like China associate England/Britain with Harry Potter before anything else

>> No.50538566
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Fucking kek

>> No.50538768

>Nooo!!women can't be successful!!!

>> No.50539026

You're a stupid commie and will never make anything of your life with this mindset

>> No.50540414

Star wars is incredibly profitable.

>> No.50540610

it was the movie rights that made JK rich.


It is not better than LOTR.

If you think harry potter, a book written for children is better than LOTR, you either are a child, or you cant actually read.

Probably both.

>> No.50540637

i bet you're american

>> No.50540662

It's a book for kids growing up.

It's shit because it's meant for kids and teenagers.

>> No.50540700

Take your medications immediately

>> No.50540716

you're dumb. literally to stupid to understand a two line post

>> No.50540755

you shouldn't compare the LOTR and Harry Potter
LOTR was never made for kids. Different public

>> No.50540929

nope, youre really stupid
>grandpa studied law but had shit luck, no matter how much he saved it all went away in time
>grandpa's friend, same age, didnt went to college, got a loan, started a business and skyrocketed its profits, now has multiple restaurant chains across the state, the friend could barely do math

its all luck, anon. And its up for grabs

>> No.50540989

In terms of success you can compare them, their movies were released around the same years. And both movies were enjoyed by adults and children.

comparing the books? nah, fuck that. Thats for troon

>> No.50541018

Why was the business successful?

>> No.50541081

opened up right around the time plenty of factories began popping up. Again, luck