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File: 3.81 MB, 2500x1250, 191106-ok-boomer-better-cs-1219p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50532658 No.50532658 [Reply] [Original]

> mom finally thought she had enought to retire
> stock market crashes 20%
> oh fuck now i can't retire

stupid fucking boomers

>> No.50532666

ha ha now they can clog upper management roles for another 10 years.

>> No.50532667

And you are still a stupid incel

>> No.50532668

weird larp

>> No.50532670

she told me her retirement drop by a huge number and i just shrugged. yeah that happens sometimes.

Then i realzied ohhhh right if i were closer to retired that screw up my plans, but im so far away its not a big deal to me

>> No.50532671

Kek must be a white loser. Having this much disdain towards your parents. Absolute garbage

>> No.50532676
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on a less personal note. The boomers are finally awakening.

Anon pls no bulli

>> No.50532685

>disdain towards your parents
cope. they were able to buy a home for peanuts. Meanwhile i'll end up homeless eventually

>> No.50532729

>mom complains about social security going insolvent because social security taxes are suspended temporarily
Really? It's going insolvent in 30 years regardless

>> No.50532828

social security will be insolvent in 10 years not 30

>> No.50532841

How much avocado toast does she eat?

>> No.50532859

more like 5 after all the additional thrift

>> No.50532877

"The projected reserve depletion date for the combined OASI and DI funds is 2035"

source ssa.gov

>> No.50532889

what is thrift in this context?

>> No.50532892

kek the best part is so many boomers didn't bother saving for retirement and are relying on social security not realizing it's probably not going to be there when they need it
The boomers will get their final comeuppance.

>> No.50532897
File: 39 KB, 700x692, ED50D509-E73E-4902-B67C-A18E5F625A70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s the boomers fault

>> No.50532901

social security will never end. Any president who lets it end will be voted out of office and the new president will print money to give to the boomers, oops i mean voters

>> No.50532923

Once social security goes insolvent, do we still have to pay social security taxes?

>> No.50533016

fuck you satan don't they owe you their souls or something?

>> No.50533024

when governments go insolvent you have to pay even MORE TAX. and if you don't you will pay in the form of inflation as a tax.

>> No.50533025

Yes, they need you to pay for as much of the Boomers' retirement as you can. Note that when it goes insolvent that just means that the income is not enought to cover the outflow but it might be 80%,90%, etc.

>> No.50533158

I know, right?!
Why can’t they just die and leave us their stuff

>> No.50533867

Ok boomer

>> No.50533880

Boomers are tards

>> No.50533925

Boomers, please
I agree. And most of them are that bad about managing their own finances.
Do they really think that they can leech off the government and their children till the day they die?

>> No.50533948

my mom has like $50k saved up and she has 9 years until retirement is she fucked? Of course she has equity from her house too but the $50k is all her liquid assets.

>> No.50533975

Bro 2022 she should be worrrying about how she’s going to survive the next year when everything unravels let alone her stupid 9k on paper shit

>> No.50533984

>Do they really think that they can leech off the government and their children till the day they die?
yes. and they will.

>> No.50533987

They will just reduce the payments. It will never go to zero. What goes in every month will go out every month.

>> No.50534025

Nice consecutive posts
Just missed by one for holy consecutive quintuple

>> No.50534038

Yea but the purchasing power of those printed dollars will erode spectacularly. When the Soviet Union fell all those old russia babuska's kept getting their soviet era pensions at 200 rubles as promised except now a loaf of bread was 25 rubles.

They are always going maintain the illusion by giving you the nominal value, but the real purchasing value will continuously erode.

>> No.50534052

what you talking about? They have real estate. They can retire comfortably.

>> No.50534122

They can just use social security since their fertility was so high, the kids can easily support them

>> No.50534186

Pfft, pathetic.

>> No.50534194
File: 743 KB, 768x1132, 1656064190885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lad, their missery is just about to start. It's only downhill for them from now on

>> No.50534200
File: 30 KB, 276x555, TolikSHOC01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If me and the boys see you in the zone we will be sure to roast some shiskla for you, stalker.

>> No.50534217
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Shh, don't tell them.

>> No.50534251

fucking over all the generations after them by selling the country to israel and china was not enough to retire. oh shucks

>> No.50536002
File: 246 KB, 1332x850, s-t-a-l-k-e-r-clear-sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live by the gun in the Zone than waging safely in the outside world, anon.

>> No.50536078
File: 615 KB, 1072x684, 1658398536069099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have real estate. They can retire comfortably.
Not all of them have intelligent to hold their assets. Most of them sold their generation wealth to buy useless shit and some "donate" their wealth instead of give it to their children.
You'd be surprised to see many retired boomers still stuck with 6-7 figures debt.

>> No.50536179

A popular one here in the UK is dog & cat charities and such. They play these adverts during mid week when all boomers watch TV and it really pulls on their heart strings and it's not uncommon for hundreds of thousands to be left to a charity to protect the dogs and cats even though they are more than capable of surviving in the wild as they have done for a millennia.

>> No.50536187

Oh and I also bet they think they'll go to heaven because they gave so much to charity AFTER they died, kek idiots.

>> No.50536222

They're gullible fools who'd rather give money away for unknown strangers than helping their offspring.

>> No.50536244

>50k saved
>9 years till retirement
Yeah shes either not retiring or shes going to leech off you.

>> No.50536246

Dumb fucking boomer fucks ruined this world hope they all die of fake covid scamdemic

>> No.50536276

Depends on how she treated you. If she's narcissistic fuck or has controlling issue, prepare to avoid money talk with her, anon.

>> No.50536316

I still don’t understand how boomers can hate their children so much.

>> No.50536364

It won’t be insolvent, they’ll just cut off white people from receiving benefits to save money

>> No.50536384

>be Christian zoomer
>end up in heaven
>boomers financialized all real estate behind the pearly gates. 1 bedroom apartment in the kingdom of heaven 2100 a month

>> No.50536385

Yeah. Most of them hate their children and don't want to "spoil my child with money" because "You have it easy. I never know any computer/ phone/ internet/ etc."
9 out of 10 boomers are really like this.

>> No.50536432

My parents love me

>> No.50536454

Good to hear that.
It's rare to see someone to genuinely say their family love them in my line of work though.

>> No.50536678

Dude your parents have definitely psyop'd you

>> No.50536802
File: 74 KB, 953x686, dGKlawb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just find a nursing home, give them your SSI checks, get free medical care, room, lodging, fed, bathed, pampered, watch free TV, Internet (4chan isn't blocked in many of them lol). i mean, you're an incel now anyways that mooches off your parents, right? you can do it until you die. just act like an old, helpless retard. kind of like what you do now to get vyvanse or adderall

>> No.50536860

Easily the most retarded use of this meme graph ever posted. Congratulations on this, seriously

>> No.50536882
File: 24 KB, 540x534, 1657887775453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While they were experimenting with LSD and weed, the jew stole everything of value they had.
Great job, boomers. Die already.

>> No.50537159

Friendly reminder boomers were born post WW2 when America became clear world leaders and economy took off.

Boomers parents came back from WW2 and fought for them to have strong unions so they could all have stable good paying jobs

The government started social security & medicaid for the people who fought WW2. Not their entitled shit kids.

Boomers got to benefit from fast track to management positions as we integrated the nogs into minimum wage jobs at a much faster rate than we currently immigrate the foreigners they complain about.

Boomers could save for a 4/3 2000+ sq foot home just setting aside what would be $25-$50 a paycheck in modern money in just a year or two.

Boomers who can't retire or are struggling to retire deserve absolutely zero sympathy. No group in western history had a better shot at accumulating wealth than U.S.A boomers.

Any reference you ever hear from dumbfuck boomers about "hard times create weak men strong men create good times" bullshit it immediately needs to be declared that the good times started when world war 2 ended and has not stopped.

Boomers were also the last generation that across the board beat the shit out of there kids (thats trashy nog shit.).

They were also the last generation who thought it was okay to allow public school stafd to pull down the pants of their child and paddle the nude ass of their sons and daughters.

Boomers are fucking retarded bros.

>> No.50537175
File: 13 KB, 255x247, 1588186306882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the home owner

>> No.50537207

your envy and spite is sure to get you in as well anon

>> No.50537359

I recoginise it at least, these braindead oldies don't.