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File: 55 KB, 360x232, etf-investment-guide-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50532153 No.50532153 [Reply] [Original]

>gold is falling


>> No.50532423

Buy silver until we reach the tradition 1:15 gold:silver ratio, then cash in your silver and buy gold, then wait for hyperinflation and cash in your gold to buy land.

>> No.50532434

thanks, just bought 335 more ounces

>> No.50532435

Falling only against the USD. Strong dollar is subsidizing cheap prices for USD buyers. A great deal!

>> No.50532573

why is gold so weak though? it should be 5000 given all the inflation

>> No.50532607

Why would you want to buy gold, goy?
No need! There's internet money you can buy now. You know, DIGITAL GOLD! Yes, we invented new gold for you! Aren't we kind and generous?

>> No.50532659
File: 239 KB, 1096x1461, 20210329_131723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BRICS are going to issue a gold-backed trade and reserve currency to compete with the USD. This will be the biggest change in the world monetary system since Bretton Woods. And it is bullish for gold.

>> No.50532690

Why do shiny rockfags hate cryptochuds so much?

>> No.50532698

Get out now, it's insolvent

>> No.50532735


>> No.50532784

I sometimes shove my gold in my vagina

>> No.50532797


>> No.50533101

Because cryptochuds try to sell crypto has being digital rocks (or even better), whereas to shinyrockfags it is even worse than fiat.

Shiny rocks are tangible, and therefore have some inherent value relative to other tangible goods (all tangible goods always have some value relationship to other goods: even sand, gravel and dirt have value relative to other tangible goods).
Fiat is intangible, and derives its value from being backed by state violence ("use this or we will punish you").
Crypto is intangible, and derives its value from being backed by plebian hopium ("use this to save yourself").

Considering the current political climate, and the economic and historical record of the last several thousand years, would you like to invest in (1) tangible goods, (2) state violence, or (3) plebian hopium?

>> No.50533128

because it is gradually correcting toward its industrial (real) value
t. hopiod-addicted pleb

>> No.50533134

Don’t buy low, or sell high…
But I know you won’t

>> No.50533605

there’s a war going on so is the answer 2? i mean, definitely not 3 that’s for sure

>> No.50533611

Yea. We know. Go tell the double digit IQ cultists in pmg.

>> No.50534023
File: 82 KB, 803x688, 1641920301184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold has gone up $40 in a day
Yeah, what a fall.

>> No.50534047

that's just an axe wound bro

>> No.50534054

Because cryptofags shill their electronic currency to ignorant people who don't know there won't be any internet or electricity when the USA collapses.

>> No.50534162

Fuck off Rafi with your retarded 1:15 gsr bullshit. More gold exists above ground than silver you stupid jewish cunt.

>> No.50534184

make it drop more please I'll never get a decent stack when it's £1500 an ounce