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50529189 No.50529189 [Reply] [Original]

The super wealthy should pay more taxes, is this really controversial opinion?

>> No.50529210

No, but there's a problem. At first the income tax was supposed to target only the "super wealthy." 100 years later here were are, do you feel super wealthy yet?

>> No.50529213
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Taxation is literally theft, they don't help me in anyway.
>muh roads
They don't even fix them anymore nowadays.

>> No.50529216

The super wealthy are so from creating thousands of jobs and working hard, coupled with a bit of luck. What is the point of working hard to create jobs and lives for the less intelligent if you're just going to have all your money taken from you? Increased government intervention in a free market lowers everybodies standard of living

>> No.50529221

Not really. It's pretty much a consensus among economists, but no one is able to pass any law that way

>> No.50529223

Do you mean the dollar amount, or the percentage of their income?

>> No.50529230

>the super wealthy should use the government they created and control with their hand-picked politicians, to use the mass wealth extraction and redistribution mechanism they created, to give away more of the money they printed into their own pocket

>> No.50529234

This is some Ben Shapiro-tier logic anon

>> No.50529258

Uh huh, and you think the super wealthy are holding cash, huh? Lmao. They’re not. They’re holding the same shit that you hold—real estate, stocks, etc. they just hold more of it. So when liberals bring up tax the rich, what they really want to do is tax unrealized gains which will absolutely fuck the middle class over.

>> No.50529268

the national debt is like 1.2x the entire gdp of America, taxation is not the answer to the problem. What they collect now doesn't even get spent on supporting the nation.

>> No.50529279

Americans are so fucking dumb
You retards don't understand anything at all. Basically automatons without free will

>> No.50529291


>> No.50529296

$600 is not, "The super wealthy!"

>> No.50529312

unproductive assets like gigantic mansions and yachts should be taxed.
>b-but muh slippery slope!
we already have property taxes. it's not a new concept

>> No.50529313

it is because the money wont be used to lower middle class taxes or increase middle class benefits. the super wealthy will avoid some of the tax thru inefficient capital reallocation and the gooberment will just spend more on dem programs or a new wunderwaffen

>> No.50529321

they do pay more, retarded fagit

>> No.50529326

Just Kys retard

>> No.50529330

It is definitely trickling down just not wealth, more like piss and diarrhea

>> No.50529336

>'the wealthy should pay more taxes'
>the wealthy pay themselves more taxes
>goyim are confused
>they hurt themselves in their confusion
>'the wealthy should pay more taxes'
I'm sure it will work eventually.

>> No.50529343

this too. ((they)) want the middle class' money. too many yeomen or kulaks are hard to control.

>> No.50529352

wow great argument

>> No.50529356

God, you guys are so fucking retarded
No wonder you're all so easy to fall for obvious scams

>> No.50529373

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution,wealth inequality, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it, not glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

>> No.50529374

disallow governments to spend tax money on weapons and military simple as

>> No.50529382

Why can’t we just murder the wealthy that got rich who don’t deserve it? I’m all for the guy that went from a potato farmer or apple picker to a billionaire. But that family riding that ancestors coat tails should be rounded up and shot. They don’t deserve any of it and only cause more decadence and frivolous political power that decays a civilization.

Wealth should be given to the govt upon that persons death and nicely distributed to the people in the form of social program. Think of it as philanthropy by way of govt.

Before people start fucking crying on here yes a small trust fund will be insured to the family to cover expenses such as high education or food but shit like luxury stuff that’s a no. You buy that with money that hard earned.

>> No.50529389

>should be
why? what's the point
moreover, and what taxshills don't seem able to grasp, is that those tax dollars end up laundered back into the pockets of the super wealthy. the money gets SPENT, it baffles me that the people calling for higher and higher taxes don't think about where it ends up. the super wealthy pay themselves with your taxes, intermediated through some vastly overpriced government contract that they themselves lobbied to create

>> No.50529413

so the tax burden can move from the middle class to the wealthy.

>> No.50529415

>Wealth should be given to the govt upon that persons death and nicely distributed to the people in the form of social program. Think of it as philanthropy by way of govt.
the government is the representative body of the rich and powerful you buffoon. there is not and has never been a "government of the common people"

>> No.50529442

I do agree. However in practice, me, a middle class loser, will get raped and nothing will change.

How do I profit from this?

>> No.50529447

are the middle class providing services? taxation does nothing but shuffle money around, it limits upward mobility wherever you set your brackets. the entire point is to allow the wealthy to gatekeep while simultaneously subsidizing their own profits

>> No.50529476

>are the middle class providing services?
What does this mean?

>> No.50529501

nobody should pay taxes

>> No.50529535

But they do, if they have more money and paying same percentage as you, they are also paying higher taxes
Also this>>50529213

>> No.50529558


Stupid. The super rich should just pay taxes instead of being exempt. It’s literally this simple

>> No.50529595

not what i said, glowie

>> No.50529601

yeah but then you have people thinking "but what if im a billionaire one day?" so they scream and cry if you suggest billionaires should pay more taxes

>> No.50529757
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You would think not

>> No.50529771

>It is definitely trickling down just not wealth, more like piss and diarrhea

Trickle down is a meme. The banks literally create wealth out of thin air which creates these market bubbles. It's not a fixed commodity, the elite are hoarding something that doesn't even exist

>> No.50529786

they already do

>> No.50529790

I get why they don't though, why would you give your money to someone when you think they're going to waste it?

>> No.50530351

Umm, sweaty. Sorry to break it to you, but the super wealthy are the only ones who make the rules. Are they going to put news rules in place to make themselves pay more?

>> No.50530359

You don't belong on this board, commie

>> No.50530372

>wanting the government to receive even more money

>> No.50530390

They do pay more taxes, in fact, they should pay less taxes as the poor are the ones who benefit from welfare programs they should have to fund them, the wealthy create jobs

>> No.50530489

In a reasonable country, sure.
But taxes don't fund anything anyways. What the government has been doing forever is printing whatever money it needs to fund whatever it wants to purchase. Taxes only exist to take money out of my pocket because I can't afford the fancy accountants that the rich have to ensure they pay nothing.
Look at social security for example. The government has flat-out stated they won't be able to fund it starting in 2035 or whenever. Am I gonna get a refund or no longer have to pay social security tax because the government isn't going to keep up its end by providing retirement and medical services to me in my old age? Hell no!
And even if somehow there was a tax passed that actually taxed only the rich, are the rich gonna ever actually end up paying more when they hold all the levers of power in the government? Hell no! If nothing else, they'd relocate because they're so insanely wealthy and powerful that they're global citizens now and not Americans.

The sooner you come to grips with the fact that America is not a nation but rather an economic zone, the sooner you can let go of all this nonsense of some policy that's gonna magically fix everything. America needs to fucking die. That's the fix.

>> No.50530499

are [the middle class people] in control of the state-facilitated money laundering system, charging exorbitant rates to provide basic services? no, because naturally the human state is the apparatus of the wealthy

>> No.50530821
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>> No.50531197

Because government is so very responsible, efficient and trustworthy when it come to spending the money it takes through taxes? Ha! Every penny that goes into the hands of government is another penny used to fund a corrupt authoritarian monstrosity. Everyone who supports the "tax the rich" meme secretly thinks they will get some of it for their pet project.

>> No.50531514

Some of the wealthiest people are wealthy because they're good at buying and selling leveraged stocks. Surely these people are completely useless to society (I do this myself)

>> No.50531574

Most retarded take on biz of the day.

>> No.50531612

This kill them all. Burn everything down. Let God sort them out.

>> No.50531695
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Holy shit so many bootlickers ITT

>> No.50531718

paying taxes is a controversial opinion

>> No.50531734

> takes banker cock out of mouth
as an american I want freedom ...
> puts banker cock back in mouth

>> No.50531745

americans don't understand the concept of rentier income because this would require reading a book

>> No.50531763

Real estate doesn't make as much money as index funds unless you over leverage.

>> No.50531775

real estate is the main access to leverage for most, that's the whole point
also rentier does not mean rent mutt. read.

>> No.50531780

The problem is that people are too retarded to understand what super wealthy means, and they just end up taxing the middle class.

>> No.50531804

I never said anything about rent clown.

>> No.50531832
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Cope, seethe and dilate poorfag.

>> No.50531845

Post portfolio

>> No.50531847

The problem is that:
- The wealthy class just lobby all our politicians to prevent that.
- Seizing the wealth/assets of the elite class and corporations just causes them to go elsewhere, and it stifles further investment into the nation
There has to be a balance, unfortunately. Unless you wanna go full commie mode and nationalize everything for the public, but every time that's tried the public just ends up living even worse and the new wealthy just control everything as usual.

>> No.50531862
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>Cope, seethe and dilate poorfag.

>> No.50531863

> real estate

>> No.50531864
File: 38 KB, 248x172, Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 2.47.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you add up all the billionaire's assets in the US you wouldn't have enough money to run Medicare for 6 months. There simply isn't enough money to tax from these people to make anyone's lives better. Unless of course you mean to give all that tax money to a single, particular race of people who are 13% of the population despite