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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50529052 No.50529052 [Reply] [Original]

Why does capitalism force me to associate with people I hate?

>> No.50529107

Every system does that.

>> No.50529122

he wants the system where everyone he doesn't like dies

>> No.50529148

Why can’t we choose whom we want to associate with ? People would be happier if they weren’t forced to interact with people they hate or are annoying.

>> No.50529203

I know since you are a 4channer, and therefore a braindead parasite, you probably refer to some coworkers who are probably either female or black instead of you know the actual parasites like your bosses or managers.

It doesnt matter tho anyway, if the word "capitalism" has even reached complete braindead parasites such as 4channers this means the job is already done. The contradictions of this cancerous systems have reached such a boiling point that not even the most vehement bootlickers can ignore them.

It feels good man to watch your cancer world and empires burn to the ground. True lifefuel. I always thought i wouldnt live to see life liberated, that it would be just our children but God is great and threw a bone even to us damned ones.

>> No.50529238

but you can.
it's just that you prioritize money instead of the actual people.

>> No.50529254
File: 34 KB, 341x347, I_Hate_The_People_I _Work_With.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does capitalism force me to associate with people I hate?

They probably feel the same about you.

>> No.50529255

You're the bottom of the society.
What you like, think or want doesn't matter

>> No.50529513

I’m not allowed to go to a job and say, I don’t want to work with women, blacks and gooks.

>> No.50529553

why don't you either go in a more based companies that maybe pay less, or better you team with those people that you like so much and start a business venture with them (this is what I did) ?