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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50524713 No.50524713 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting to 1000 BTC even a big deal anymore? Everyone on crypto twitter has moved on to USD and claim there is no future in holding BTC anymore. Thoughts biz? Should we all become US dollar maxxies? They literally say all use cases for bitcoin have failed. It isn't an inflation hedge. it isn't a store of value (dumped below its prior ath) it really just failed on adoption for payments, diminishing returns. All of the smart people like crypto path and others on twitter have said its time to just become a USD maximalist because nothing else matters except your dollars. What do you guys think biz? Is it finally over for btc now that we're at mass adoption?

>> No.50524755

what the fuck are you blabbering about nigger
twitter is never right
i am using BTC and XMR for things that i cant use dollar/euro for right now
also we are not "at adoption".
suck a nigger dick and die from the AIDS or kill yourself

>> No.50524786

Twitter capitulated, good.

>> No.50524810
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how do you know we aren't at adoption you literal inbred pile of piss? We had michael saylor adopt btc and no one else wanted it. Tesla literally sold 75% of their coins so obviously no companies are ever going to want to buy and hold this on their treasuries. Lightning network capacity is only at 4000 coins... So once more who the fuck is even going to adopt this useless orange coin? All of the people who made it great have moved on - Roger ver, andreas antonopolus etcetc. God i swear biz is always behind when it comes to being ahead of the curve. Just make your 100-200 mill USD and get the fuck out of this industry there is no future for bitcoin.

>> No.50524812

you unironically need to go outside and touch grass

>> No.50524826

Twitter actually capitulated a while ago. Only retarded ass permabears will tell you otherwise. Redditors and normoids are excited for 10k btc, which is why it won't happen. I'm not a permabull or permabear, the rational objective conclusion is that we are currently in that weird near bottom crabbing phase after the main drop down. We'll start heading back up this winter through 2023.

>> No.50524833

YOu sounds all of a sudden mad ((((usd maxi)))

>> No.50524854
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yes but this still doesn't matter about bitcoin going up or whatever it literally can not and will not pump hard anymore. So next top in like 2025 we might get to like $120k? umm okay? So that's only 2x past the prior ATH then we dump another 75% and wait 4 years? Dude seriously just trade altcoins and make more US dollars I seriously do think people are finally after a decade long waking up to the failure bitcoin has displayed. I'm just glad it finally happened desu because now we can just decouple from bitcoin and treat these individual cryptos more like tech stocks which pump individually based on their own singular performance. Seriously biz wake the fuck up and just make more dollars nothing else matters. Hyperbitcoinization is a fantasy that will never happen.

>> No.50524873

Every bear market is the same thing. "It's dead, it's never recovering, you lost all your moeny". Maybe this time with the Bankman and Futures ETFs things will be different and we never have another bull run. But only time will tell.

>> No.50524876
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I'm so glad that I know what the true purpose of bitcoin is so that fud like this has no effect.

>> No.50524941

why should some literal whos and banks matter?
its btc, it doesnt need banks or mass adoption

>> No.50524966

are you female? just curious

>> No.50524983

dude it is not fud seriously just wake up and realize that the only people who want to adopt bitcoin now a days are a coke head like michael saylor. You have no other company willing to hold this asset. All of the early adopters who got in near $100-$500 have moved on now like CryptoPath, Gainzy, MoonOverlord the list goes on and on many people who made insane amounts of wealth on twitter are now saying that the future is with ETH (maybe) and more so like USD. People just only want to make dollars because there is no future with bitcoin. I'm sorry dude but if you did not get into BTC between $10-$200 the glory days are over. If you didn't make your 9 figures by now you've already lost in crypto long term.

>> No.50525016

you do need banks and institutions numb nuts. Bitcoin is already at mass adoption for people who are willing to buy it. Hence why we only went to $64k and $69k.... If i was wrong we would have pumped to $120k-180k but as you can clearly see we've run out of suckers to buy these orange coins. Like I said we can maybe go to like $120k in 2025-26 but so what? That's a fucking horrible investment waiting 4 years from 2021 ATH to go 2x while having to endure multiple -70% to 80% drawdowns? Jesus man just buy some real estate and call it a day. You won't dump more than 20% and you'll go up 15% year over year forever. I really do wish /biz/ was good like the glory days back in 2016-17 when smart people still browsed here. I am very surprised it has fallen so far compared to twitter where the smart people congregate.

>> No.50525034
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twitter is always wrong

>> No.50525059

uhh ok do you even know who cryptopath is? He literally bought bitcoin when it was sub $100 and was early to eth and nfts. He is ahead of everyone else and he says bitcoin is done and finished and over. Listen to people who have been in this industry longer than you if you want to make it schmuck. No one is going to buy your orange coins and make you a billionaire. Muh store of value, muh future world reserve currency. Kys lazer eyes.

>> No.50525067

you better hold usd/euro

>> No.50525093

btc went from being worth a fraction of a penny to thousands of dollars without support from a single bank, it'll keep doing fine without. there are always new people willing to, there are many who still think it's a scam / ponzi / memecoins that are gonna jump on eventually
>waiting 4 years from 2021 ATH to go 2x while having to endure multiple -70% to 80% drawdowns
what multiple crackdowns, there has been this bear market, which is unlike anything that has happened in crypto before, thats about it. do you know an investment that can guarantee you bigger returns?
>I am very surprised it has fallen so far compared to twitter where the smart people congregate.
yeah keep listening to them

>> No.50525096

Yeah I'm currently 100% all in USD since $55k and have no intentions on buying BTC. I will simply wait for alts to bottom out and go all in on them for the next market cycle and once again go 400x+ on my dollars like I did this past market cycle.

>> No.50525119
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U seem super mad m8 lmao

>> No.50525154
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Yes it's called reaching mass adoption. You know like in the traditional finance world? People buy early IPOs and then dump them on the public after going 100x? Only now that's happened with BTC. We went up 5 million X and have now run out of suckers to buy. You will have better returns holding alts during a bull market and selling to dollars after the market cycle ends. The days of stacking BTC or sats have come to an end. Making dollars > everything else. Wake up or be left behind

>> No.50525170

i dont care about some gayass eceleb mate. its an anonymous forum. for all you know im satoshi shitposting from a deep gov prison.
>Listen to people who have been in this industry longer than you if you want to make it schmuck
why? what incentive do they have to give good advice? if i was on the top of the industry i would be spreading shitty advice for the lulz all the time
also, getting lucky off btc and eth doesnt mean shit. lots of people made it off one lucky trade, then started thinking they are gods who cannot make mistakes and went full schizo. that is what crypto twitter is doing it seems. anyway, go back

>> No.50525228

except btc has actual use cases and isnt reliant on some company or whatever to keep it alive. its not a quick dump scheme and the people who are invested in it dont see it as one (except some random faggots you deify)
the dollar has a bigger chance to fail

>> No.50525256

the dollar is the strongest it has ever been stop coping. BTC has reached mass adoption and will only go up 2x past its ath once every 4 yrs. Imagine telling someone they will only make 20% a year over year but they have to endure 80% drawdowns in between feeling sick to their stomachs. Fuck off no one wants your orange boomer rock anymore. Just trade alts to make more dollars like all of the smart money if you want to makeit.

>> No.50525313

noone is all in BTC expecting a moonshot
this is, like, 2016 info

>> No.50525341

ok so then you agree with me there is no reason to ever hold bitcoin anymore. Just buy altcoins and hold dollars. Cool got it. Heck even Ape NFTs are a better use case than btc at this point because at least celebrities want them unlike the useless orange rock coin that literally does nothing but boil the oceans.

>> No.50525364

Retard, are you incapable of thinking for yourself? Why would you care what normies think? They aren't the ones making money, of course they don't know shit

>> No.50525375
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>Just make your 100-200 mill USD and get the fuck out of this industry
Anyone here on /biz/ that has actually made 9 digits?

>> No.50525378

crypto twitter early OGs are not normies - Cobie, Cryptopath, Gainzy and MoonshotOverlord are not normies they have hundreds of millions of dollars and all agree that eth and dollar are king now. Mainly the dollar seriously take your head out of your ass and stop being a little bitch.

>> No.50525406

>just hold cash brooooo!!!!!
If you actually believe this why are you constantly talking about buying alts in this very thread. What is the point of this useless thread?

>> No.50525421

yes many people were here from 2013 until now and having 9 figures is much more common than you think.

>> No.50525425

Also, I'm not a nigger so I don't follow anyone on Twitter, you post these names as if anyone knows or gives a shit who they are, if they're well known on Twitter yes they are normalfags plain and simple, and you should never listen to them for advice, only general market sentiment

>> No.50525428

hmmm no because i use btc all the time.
i still dont get the point, dont hold btc because the return is "only" 20%?
precious metals also dont go up all the time and dip significantly but people still hold them because they mostly retain value and thus are a sound investment
just name some assets that will perform better than BTC right now. you can't, because even though BTC doesn't have massive returns, it is way less risky. you would just out yourself as a retard
>Ape NFTs are a better use case than btc at this point because at least celebrities want them
hahaha i cant tell if this is a retard troll or a genuinely misguided youth

>> No.50525430

retard ape you buy alts to make more dollars

>> No.50525437

>it isn't a store of value (dumped below its prior ath)

That's not the criteria for store of value dummy. Look at the stock market, index funds, 401ks

>> No.50525470

Is your net worth 9+ digits?

>> No.50525517

imagine being so small, both in brainpower and in timeframe, that you think bitcoin has failed because it fell 60% or so from the peak


>> No.50525603
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it is over seriously just wait for alt-usd pairs to bottom out and then go 100% all in on the next hype coins.

>> No.50525723

yes, me

>> No.50525758

How'd you do it?

>> No.50525778

>so you can only x5 your money by 2025 by investing now???
what the fuck is wrong with you retards lmao
also bitcoin is the standard

>> No.50525795

>Everyone on crypto twitter has moved on to USD and claim there is no future in holding BTC anymore

>> No.50526166
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I think soccer projects and nft projects such as CHAMP are a go-to into this new bear market, they're releasing soon so I think I know what to buy

>> No.50526573
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>Yes it's called reaching mass adoption. You know like in the traditional finance world?
Lol you cant make this shit up. Over 300 tril dollars out there and crypto not even 1% of it. "Mass adoption" . Man is summer over yet when do these retards leave?

>> No.50526604
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>the dollar is the strongest it has ever been stop coping.
Hahahhahahah takes breath, hahahaah. What are you doing only looking back maybe 2 years. Wtf is ur time scale , the life time of a gold fish? I fucking love these posts keep it coming.

>> No.50526644
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what purpose does BTC serve? the chain itself is dead, nobody uses it, transaction fees are almost zero. only used for sending to exchange or back to wallet. mining is only profitable for corporation level actors, soon only state level...face the facts, its peaked.

>> No.50526659

i had a 9 digit ICO but no i'm not personally worth nine digits

>> No.50526977

>Anyone here on /biz/ that has actually made 9 digits?
No. And anyone that says they do is a fucking liar.

>> No.50527062

Fedcoin will phase out USD, no more cash. Fedcoin will be programmable to only allow you to buy bugs for food. Bullish for BTC.

>> No.50527410
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Just another pussy hating on BTC, Twitter is shit, by the way, BTC will stand, But It needs to work on being quantum resistant because none of yall are talking about it

>> No.50527441

Well, NFTs are a big deal to celebrities and major athletes anon. Just recently, Binance partnered with Ronaldo to launch sports NFTs and I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.50527548

Your posts read as bargaining. You think it can't go further down which is dangerous.

>> No.50527849

Quantum computer threat is not real so shut the fuck up

>> No.50527850

>Listen to people who have been in this industry longer than you
bought 1000 bucks of btc to buy weed on silk road, forget about it for years, you are now a genius
lol being in the 'industry'
there is almost nobody in the industry that isn't a larper, shill or jeet as there is no industry retard

>> No.50527866

>Everyone on crypto twitter has moved on to USD
And then you do the same? lmao

>> No.50528002

Stop capping and do research
>NIST already released the 4 primary post quantum algorithm
>IBM launching 1121 qubit quantum computer next year

>> No.50528077

BTC is dead

>> No.50528099

Bitch trying to make us sell our bags Lmao

>> No.50528119

>Is getting to 1000 BTC even a big deal anymore
Gee anon, is being the wealthiest .0001% or more extreme not a big deal anymore? Forget about the spot price, in fact forget about those niggers on twitter because many of them are fake. Focus on yourself, your goals, your attainment. Stop comparing yourself to others, compare you to yourself.

>> No.50528167

That's one hell of news, noticed QANplatform, has been using CRYSTAL Dilithium way before NIST announced it.
Just buy the dip

>> No.50528838

im kinda with you but your posts are odd. first you start out with what seems like genuine concern over crypto. then when you meet resistance. you immediately start lashing out and suddenly crypto is going to zero. im wondering what the point of posts like these are. I don't think we're at bottom yet. But you seem to have a weird motive.

>> No.50529746
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OP you massive turd full stop