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File: 154 KB, 804x804, 20220713_201434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50518317 No.50518317 [Reply] [Original]

Do people still unironically doubt Craig is Satoshi or are you just memeing to keep this information on the down low in order to accumulate?

>> No.50518339

Craig is unironically real Satoj sirs.

>> No.50518341


>> No.50518351
File: 63 KB, 480x444, 1644985667709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no one believes that.

>> No.50518360

Does anyone unironically believe he is Satoshi? Like anyone, anywhere? Where on earth are you getting your supply of hopium?

>> No.50518423

Move some of Satoshi's coins or fuck off and die, Craig. Oh wait you can't touch Satoshi's coins because you've never had his keys. Not your keys, not your coins retard.

>> No.50518441
File: 92 KB, 915x426, 20220722_203609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty clear that BSV is the only version of Bitcoin that follows the white paper, therefore it is the only chain that can call itself Bitcoin. It's been demonstrated that Satoshi's original protocol works and can scale near infinitely with Teranode:

Craig has also become or is becoming a major part in the IPv6 spec and has sufficiently convinced some major figures at the IEEE that he is in fact Satoshi. He's even been invited to speak at the IEEE world forum in October

>> No.50518554
File: 395 KB, 1080x610, 1657787894033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin core was taken over by MasterCard/Bilderberg/Mossad and purposely gimped in order to sour people on the entire idea of a global currency. Digital Currency Group (owned by these people) was created to fund various projects and companies to further control and manipulate the space. Just look at their portfolio to see who is compromised.

>> No.50518569

Can someone please post that original white paper with the coffee stains and burn marks

>> No.50518656

No other blockchain even comes close to the performance, cost, and scalability of BSV. As far as I know, no one else in the industry is even talking about IPv6 and it's potential use alongside blockchain technology.

>> No.50518710


>> No.50519036
File: 69 KB, 720x761, 1623546874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is Satoshi stupid anon, that's just facts. Im more interested in who is ryoshi and why does he have an obsession with making dog and dog related coins. Come on i love QOM as much as everyone else but another one? really.

>> No.50519039

you're making money stfu

>> No.50519087

When you have to tell me a court says you're a certain person. I'm 100% sure you're not that person.

>> No.50519155

Having possession of private keys doesn't mean anything. Sorry. Regardless of that, Craig has signed messages to at least 4 people so far using Satoshi's keys.

>> No.50519171

How many to be comfy?

>> No.50519175

Sold his shit fork back in Jan 2018: it was the 3rd most profitable trade I ever did measured in Bitcoin

>> No.50519233

and threatened to commit suicide (by holding a sharp object to his neck) when asked to finally publicly (and provably) do so. Seems real legit. You know hes gonna get absolutely fucking rekt in court against COPA, right? Or is this the last shill campaign for Calvins shitcoin, before the final line is drawn under this endless shitty LARP. Now go shove a pineapple up your arse.

>> No.50519268

Good time to buy back in then

21 is a good number to shoot for but if you can afford it buy as many as possible. I've been converting all of my shit coins and yields to BSV over the past couple of months.

BSV will absorb most of the value in the crypto space as well as a significant portion of the internet's value over the next few years. Big players are starting to take notice as I referenced above and it'll only snowball from here.

>> No.50519326

COPA? More like cope. Didn't they delay their court case? I wonder why that is... I wonder why all these things with centralized exchanges and services are happening now? I wonder why the SEC just arrested three people associated with front running shit coins being listed on Coinbase as well as listing a bunch of securities they were selling? Can you not see how Craig's been right this entire time? Can you feel the walls closing in on your ponzi schemes?

>> No.50519356

>Didn't they delay their court case?
no, they added more shit in.
creg tried to have it all thrown out again, but lost, as usual, which cost him another £70,000 in fees. You should maybe try getting your news from somewhere other than coingeek ocassionally. I mean Calvins a fun guy and all. But thats some mighty fucking stale kool-aid hes been serving up for the last 6 years or so now.

>> No.50519399

Sloppy job Mossad

>> No.50519409

Delete this

>> No.50519427

Nice misinformation there Mossad, but reality disagrees with your head cannon
>The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) has requested a new procedural judge in its ongoing lawsuit against Dr. Craig Wright according to a court order, delaying proceedings and pushing the expected trial date out to the beginning of 2024.

Yes, I know it's from coingeek, so if you have an alternate source, I'd love to see it.

>> No.50519444

lol, this guy gets it
Digits don't lie

>> No.50519449

Not his keys not his coins not his identity.

>> No.50519470

Kek it still boggles my mind that amidst all this meme posting ,there are actual people who hold BSV. It's fucking hilarious that people who fell for this shit and are still holding it are allowed to vote and breed.
If you held this shit , you wouldn't only miss the mega bullrun of 2 years which made everyone rich but you would also be down by -80% kek

>> No.50519473

Yawn. Why can't he move Satoshi era BTC then? Oh right, he's not Satoshi.

>> No.50519484

not your keys not your crypto. case closed

>> No.50519512


>> No.50519520

>Yes, I know it's from coingeek
>so if you have an alternate source, I'd love to see it
you may as well have it from the horses mouth:
- and if you STILL think its all going well for creg after reading that? you're beyond fucking help.

>> No.50519530

sers pls buy bsv or my vilaj wil starv

>> No.50519699

if some new technology was released that threatens your monopoly on money creation and payment networks would you with your vast amount of power simply ignore it while the threat continues to grow or would you use your vast power to ruin the project?

>> No.50519702

This document is dated
>22 December 2021
This delay by COPE was issued this month
>July 2022
No mention of £70,000 or 2024 anywhere in that document. Maybe I missed it in that novel you linked or maybe you're just being sloppy and disingenuous again.

>> No.50519711

Getting defeated by a pineapple harmed his credibility somewhat

>> No.50519784

That is the basis of the case - I assume, coingeek maybe 'forgot' to report on some of the finer details? tldr, EVERY attempt made by creg to 'prove' he is Satoshi thus far has been demonstrably fuckery. And when requested to provide a factual demonstration? He threatened to kill himself.
SO, the document you just read details some of above, cregs fruitless (ha!) attempts to have it thrown it out again - and having lost that application, resoundingly, as noted - he had to pay the costs, £70,000. Or do you want a fucking link to that as well because you refuse to believe anything unless its in coingeek, and you're too fucking stupid to use Google?
tldr, the fat bumpkin is fucking screwed this time. No more pissing around in Disneyland Courts with opponents who WANTED him to be Satoshi. And even there, he still managed to come out owing $140m, plus interest. Daily interest. NO, this time, its down to business. 'This is a forgery, thats a forgery AND all of this shit is forged. Have you any PLAUSIBLE explanation, Mr Wright?'
tldr (again) put a fork in the fat fraudulent cunt already, he done. Fucking finally.

>> No.50519813

It’s a better story arc if he doesn’t sign, yet.
It’s already an epic story for the ages. If he signs now, which maybe he can’t because of the Trust, what would be the point. He’s already used to the whole world doubting. What does he gain now? A bigger target painted on his back. And BTC would dump like never before. It’s in his own self interest, both financial and physical safety wise, not to sign yet

If Craig is not satoshi, then who do you propose as a more credible candidate?

>> No.50519848

Seethe some more, Moshi. I told you that COPE delayed the court case and provided a link detailing the my statement. You then denied that they delayed and sent me a link to the original trial document from last year. If you have proof of your assertion
>creg tried to have it all thrown out again
then it's on you to provide that, otherwise I just assume you're lying. You came into my thread to spout your bullshit, you better back it up.

>> No.50519955

you JUST fucking read that he tried to have it all thrown out again. And lost. I assume literacy is maybe not your strong point?
your SOLE FUCKING POINT is that the trial is delayed. Your little liferaft to which you keep clinging, while moaning like a stuck fucking pig, 'ITS DELAYED! ITS DELAYED!' - because any ACTUAL ISSUE FUCKING RAISED, like cregs MULTIPLE FORGED ATTEMPTS at demonstrating he 'is Satoshi' you refuse to acknowledge. The trial has been delayed a few times, such usually ending with creg getting his arse handed to him inbetween. The actual fucking point remains, he's gonna lose, and lose badly. Whether now, next year or in 20-fucking-24.

>> No.50519967

The burden of proof is on him, he made the claim. We just have to accept that we'll likely never know the identity of Satoshi and that's fine, not every mystery needs to be solved.

>> No.50519971
File: 2.94 MB, 360x640, creg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bullish?

>> No.50520104
File: 358 KB, 1440x856, 1658370689933181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of kicking and screaming from you could power a node on the BSV blockchain. You're fucking unhinged dude.

>> No.50520120
File: 78 KB, 600x575, WiFi Pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly glowniggers gonna do what glowniggers do.
Do you mind explaining what a pineapple is or do you like that word usage because you want people to think it's a fruit.
The Goyim know shut it down

>> No.50520143

Yes, I stick sharp objects in my neck AND THREATEN TO KILL MYSELF when asked to provide proof of my ID, as I stated I would. But me my stock scammer fren are totally legt businessman otherwise, honest. JUST take our word for it. Becuase pineapples n sheeit.

>> No.50520147

Why not go read the patents faggot.

>> No.50520155

why not just go (succesfully) sue someone with them, if they were worth fucking jack?

>> No.50520161
File: 232 KB, 2048x1152, 1658097227553190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no proof

Umm care to explain this then?

>> No.50520176
File: 133 KB, 800x450, bsv reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Klienman Mcormack and cobra how well that worked out for them.
It will be the same with COPE

>> No.50520179

"Doubt" implies some level of uncertainty, so no, I don't think anyone doubts that.

>> No.50520192

He is clearly satoshi he protected his creation and still making it better for the future long live Craig you are the best. I’ve been in cypto since 2009 it BSV is the real bitcoin

>> No.50520203

how did it shut down 3 (thats three, folks) seperate closed circuit camera monitoring companies, all at the same time, to enable it to conduct its nefarious key heist, the finer technical details of which remain a mystery to most of us?
Thas some fucking pineapple. Almost fantastical, one might say. creg and the Magic Pineapple. They should make a film.

>> No.50520239

>Ask Klienman Mcormack and cobra
creg sued them over misuse of one of his 'patents'? News to me. How did he end up losing $140 million to Kleimann then? Wants to get that paid as well, does creg. That interest, it must be mounting. And mounting.

>> No.50520274

You mean the comical one that looks like a nine year old made it for homework?

>> No.50520286

Jesus christ. How much money have you cultists lost for this fucking guy? What does it say about you as a person that you can witness the countless failures of a man and a movement and continue to fund the cause? Take a step back and get some fucking perspective.

>> No.50520323

I got pineappled recently as well and now my browser inserts edgy contrarian comments defending a pathological liar whenever I visit 4chan. Also, $1B of my funds on BSV were stolen, I'm going to sue the creator of the network to get it back, because that's how it works.

>> No.50520330

This is the "9 year olds" treasure map.

Sorry, I mean CW's bitcoin whitepaper....

>> No.50520423

hes a scammer

>> No.50520478

imagine caring about bitfuck or Bitfuck's Stupid VcScam when BCH (The one and true cryptocurrency) exists. You all are fucking israeli tools

>> No.50520545
File: 71 KB, 1024x640, 1533471145560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets burn it to make it look old. it happens a lot with old paper documents right

>> No.50520560
File: 175 KB, 1122x1498, 1656930378363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he is a fucking liar

heres who he was before the 'satoshi' persona. just another dudebro clown.

>> No.50520813

enough to convince his 65 IQ bagholders I guess

>> No.50520838

What happened to the dump yesterday? Some little faggot told me to buy SVG and I said "NO". Looks like I win yet again
SVGscammer fags: 0
Me: ထ

>> No.50520985

Satoshi was 3 people. Craig Wright wasn't the main coder. Phil Wilson was.


>> No.50521075

BSV is to BCH what BNB is to ETH. One is a piece of shit clone while the other is actually useful

>> No.50521180

lmfao, never. How long have you been in Bitcoin, tard? Soon it will be 10 years for me. Craig Wright is a fraud, even Julian Assange called out his bullshit back in the day. Craig Wright can't code for shit.

>> No.50522056
File: 746 KB, 658x1172, 1658535123179347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make countless fantastical claims
>Never delivers
Gee, its crayz

>> No.50522225
File: 34 KB, 484x399, bigboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50522330
File: 107 KB, 880x400, Craig-Wright-Have-Access-to-Encrypted-Satoshi-Files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pineapple Posters Seething

>'creg' poster seething


CSW, living rent free in your boggled mind.

>> No.50522431
File: 1.09 MB, 1190x1184, monkey-piss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fags have never created anything but drama and STD explosions.

>> No.50522446

nobody cares about this retard. creg supporters are all pretending for the lulz. it's a running joke on 4chin

>> No.50522451

dude the Bitcoin whitepaper is like 6 pages long and extremely high level. Only thing that matters is the few dozens of posts Satoshi made on Bitcointalk till 2011, and the closest thing to his vision is Monero, no question.

>> No.50522465
File: 605 KB, 1440x2116, Nosferatu_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people still unironically doubt Craig is Satoshi
I used to have some doubts. But when every single one of these threads gets spammed with 'Pineapple' posters, 'creg' posters and obvious kike shills, now I am 100% sure CSW is Satoshi.

I can almost feel the icy gaze of these Nosferatu kikes. I can almost smell the stench wafting off their necrotic flesh.

Kikes cannot, or will not create anything. All they do is try to steal what the white man has created.

>> No.50522505

Even if CW was in the Satoshi team, he probably was the lame looser one.

>> No.50522511

>Everyone tells me I'm wrong and makes fun of me, therefore I'm right.

>> No.50522603
File: 204 KB, 1200x963, Nosferatu_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Monero is a great project which I support however it is a departure from Satoshi's vision for Bitcoin.

The white paper is 9 pages long and clearly describes a public ledger system. Monero uses a private ledger.


Nosferatu Kikes squealing in pain and I know I'm on to something.

>> No.50522654

Reaction of people to your opinion:
- positive: see, I'm right
- negative: they don't want me to know, I'm right
- indifferent: they don't know, I'm right

>> No.50522692

That is so fucking funny

>> No.50522698
File: 45 KB, 1280x591, 1648904744939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez who will I believe, a raging 4chan incel or the actual successor of SN?

>> No.50522731
File: 93 KB, 768x576, nosferatu-croisee-fenetre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reaction of people to your opinion:
>Reaction of people
Nosferatu Kike and their shills are not 'people'

>> No.50522965

The pattern still holds, you just added some abuse

>> No.50522998

>public ledger system. Monero uses a private ledger.
It's actually wrong to say that. Both Bitcoin & Monero have a public ledger. The content of the ledger is private for Monero. Satoshi always wished that for Bitcoin, because it's fundamental to be cash. Simple as

>> No.50523000
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x2116, nosferatu_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicidal ideation
>wants to shove fruit up another man's ass
Confirmed Nosferatu Kike

>> No.50523031

It gets funnier every time I look at it

>> No.50523162

What is this?

>> No.50523185

Did you know cash has serial numbers on it? Unique ones? So basically if you withdraw cash and then that cash is found near a dead body the police will trace the serial number to you and ask what you did aorund the time of the crime

>> No.50523248

Let's pretend that this is not embarrassing and actually real. Why would he print out his own paper and read it so often that it looks like this? Did he forget what he wrote? It was also clearly written in LaTeX, just read the generated PDF on your computer and correct spelling mistakes in the source?

>> No.50523271
File: 117 KB, 480x480, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACKCHUALLLY.... there was no such wish expressed in the white paper. Read section 10 on Privacy.

"The traditional banking model achieves a level of privacy by limiting access to information to the
parties involved and the trusted third party. The necessity to announce all transactions publicly
precludes this method, but privacy can still be maintained by breaking the flow of information in
another place: by keeping public keys anonymous. The public can see that someone is sending
an amount to someone else, but without information linking the transaction to anyone. "

>> No.50523291
File: 12 KB, 382x192, Saylor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That paper is OBVIOUSLY fake. Like you literally have to be retarded to think it's real. Burn marks is what I put on a treasure map when I was 8 years old. It's a meme spread by BTC cucks to undermine BSV and CSW

>> No.50523329

To be fair, it's hard to tell with this guy

>> No.50523343
File: 208 KB, 1149x1004, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's pretend
Let's pretend you are not a LaTeX condom sucking faggot.

>> No.50523372

Is it tho? Most his important predictions came true like:
- BTC & ETH do not scale and have high tx fees
- Bitcoin was turing complete and IS again in BSV, plus it scales massively and holds all live-net records for PoW with like 250tps (we ignore PoS because it has less security and is foundationally a regression to PoW as it's really just a version of proof of equity).

I understand why people hate him, especially those who made lots of money off ETH & BTC and those who hope to do so in the future. But it won't change reality.

>> No.50523453
File: 794 KB, 556x1192, YeOldeAuthentikWhittePapper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50523571

A prediction is something you state before something happens, not after. So 1) makes no sense. 2) is not a prediction in any sense of the word. If I had to grade your post, I'd give it a "please see me after class".

>> No.50523605 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 640x1136, A7344018-18B9-46FE-9E19-37EAB1468A23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50523622 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 640x475, 727C98E8-3E21-4F28-A7E2-6B634DDCB5B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50523632 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x376, 01C808BB-0498-45D5-A8F3-50135A99780B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think Craig’s lawyers will ever write back?

>> No.50523651
File: 548 KB, 681x1000, COPA_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COffee stain Poster Aye ?

>> No.50523764
File: 195 KB, 545x800, COPA_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to give you are performance review for your shilling I'd say "You're a waste of oxygen GPT-3 shills better"

>> No.50523792 [DELETED] 

Could you tell Faketoshi’s lawyers to write me back? Thanks

>> No.50523809
File: 344 KB, 681x1000, COPA_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think Craig’s lawyers will ever write back?
Think you will ever fight back against the Kabbalistic Kikes that MKUltra you?

>> No.50523912 [DELETED] 

You should tell me your name so I can put it on FLO.

>> No.50523929

Dudes, a few words about the Yopi Network, that comes to us from heaven:

>High staking APY (up to 66%)
>New generation of crypto in the payment revolution
>Pay contactless globally with a single app
>There r many features to earn cash within the yopi.network

>> No.50523955
File: 657 KB, 1175x1744, 1655953943905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient boomer uses Japanese name and is fluent with the internet, and programming. Yeah. No. White boomers are not weebs. Boomers would call themselves something cringe like "The Punisher" or "Caeser"

>> No.50524042

you should call out to Christ, he has the power to exorcise demons

>> No.50524053 [DELETED] 

What’s your name?

>> No.50524096

It's John Chips or Crisps maybe

>> No.50524337

it was from a twitter post by some random fag, im really sad i didn't save a screenshot
corecucks are just muddying waters in every thread with it now

>> No.50524434

>a little burn here, a little burn there. now it looks like those old parchments i've seen in movies as a kid. great success

>> No.50524645


Why would the same race that invented working for 40 years also invent crypto?

>> No.50524666


>> No.50524844

> Literal signed message stating he’s not satoshi on genesis
> Can’t access old wallets
> Farfetched story how his system was compromised denying access to “his” wallets
> Begs then threatens core devs for BTC
> Some cuck bagholder still drew this while inhaling the craig is satoshi copium

Kek. Same type of losers that believe Charles’ Apache helicopter story. This man is a narcissist that feels so wronged for not being recognized for his “achievements” that he feels rightful in lying about being Satoshi to get the attention he thinks he deserves.

>> No.50524879

Despite all the manufactured drama and bullshit misinformation, BSV still performs better than any other blockchain. Is reality also a scam?

>> No.50524908

>> Literal signed message stating he’s not satoshi on genesis
show it then lmao. pro-tip: u cant

>> No.50524937

/thread, jfc

>> No.50525693

bro its a fanart of norm macdonald

>> No.50525922
File: 434 KB, 1284x2169, 4AF92AAD-B9F4-4A95-9154-BBA5D666D56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “I don’t need to sign any blocks, Proof by Tweet is the only valid consensus method”

>> No.50525977


>> No.50526030

hal finney was satoshi
he sent e-mails to himself as "satoshi" as a low-effort way to try to conceal his identity
but he couldn't even get that part right because he failed to adjust his PC's timezone several times when sending e-mails

>> No.50526881
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, kek[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frx2yst.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50526964

>enjoy capitalism

>> No.50527828


who's this faggot?

>> No.50528604

a bluetooth coconut

>> No.50528626

source please?

>> No.50529694
File: 247 KB, 591x602, Screenshot_407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally fake, posted by some RANDOM WHO on twitter - yet somehow they keep repeating this lie in every CSW thread.

Smell the desperation. They simply coast on an easily debunked lie. Lazy propaganda.

>> No.50529749
File: 677 KB, 610x737, kleiman_v_wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are more right than you know. You intution is tuned very well.

>> No.50529765

Lmaoo I thought it was norm at first too

>> No.50529775

Nice. Saved.

>> No.50529783

what is fake >>50523453 here you lying fucking toerag? Nobody invented 'Rusty Staples' and Coffee Stains' - well, no-one apart form creg maybe. And this is the level of fucking drivel and barrel-scraping the Keyless One is reduced to offering as 'proof' in his got old already Satoshi LARP.

>> No.50529816

Satoshi Sama I….. I kneel….

>> No.50529908
File: 148 KB, 658x350, Kleiman_forger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time you post this stupid picture you pretend that Craig is the one who posted that picture and claiming it was real, beating up on the most obvious straw man.

But in reality some random fag made it as a joke on twitter, the paper has nothing to do with Craig. Simply very shitty propaganda.

You cry out in pain as you strike, as is your kike nature.

>> No.50529978

I posted a Calvin Ayre tweet
You called that a fake
SO, which is is then?
You cant even admit thats an actual tweet becasue its so fucking embarassing. And its funny because both true and demonstrates exactly the level of fucking bullshit upon which the bsv scam runs.
>mountains of evidense
as stored in cregs (aged 49 and a half) buried treasure chest. Maybe the bondage courier will bring him a map to where he buried the keys?

>> No.50530069
File: 220 KB, 1806x938, 1544322059763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you on about, I'm talking about the shitty picture of the white paper with artifical stains and marks that was posted by a random fag on twitter.

You sound deeply schizophrenic and very mentally unhinged. Reading your replies in this thread makes me think you are literally falling apart at the seams, like your psychology is dissolving in real time. Are you getting the mental help you clearly need? Did Dr. Wright break you?

>> No.50530160

And I'm talking about the shitty paper with artifical stains and marks that was posited by Calvin Ayre as 'proof' creg is Satoshi. Now, remind me, who was first here, again?
Evidence motherfucker.
And its long evident you have none, and creg is a dulll fraud. Regardless how many physchological or mental defects you want to attribute to random anon posters to mask the fact, creg will soon be standing before court faced with multiple examples of his fraud and forgeries. So, what's he gonna do this time - stand with his thumb up his arse and a pinepple balanced on his head while spouting shite and calling autism experts, or threaten to kill himself again?

>> No.50530226

XRP Schizos have the answers to the question you are looking for. Craig was involved, but not the sole creator. Also if you believe they'll allow Craig to be on top you are sadly mistaken and a fool.

>> No.50530341
File: 48 KB, 720x900, 1649805447739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple PhDs
Classic scammer tactic. The whole purpose of doing a PhD: doing research for years, creating a thesis and then defending it successfully is to say: congratulations you've made your first new contribution to the body of knowledge, well done, you're now ready for a career in research. That's the purpose of a PhD. People often do change fields of research after they get it (e.g. you go from Physics into Chemistry research). But they don't go for a second PhD because of that. They've _already_ established themselves as capable researchers that have made contributions. It makes zero sense to go through that ritual again.

So when you hear 'multiple PhDs', it's by someone who thinks, PhD, that's like the 'highest level' qualification, a step up from masters, yeah I'll have couple of those in different fields, that'll sound impressive, but actually it's just outing your lack of knowledge of what a PhD actually means and its purpose, thereby actually undermining your own credibility with people who have actual experience doing real research.

>> No.50530349

>And I'm talking about the shitty paper with artifical stains and marks that was posited by Calvin Ayre as 'proof' creg is Satoshi.

No such paper with artifically made marks were posted by Calvin, so what are you talking about Greg? You don't know what he has seen or hasn't seen.

The picture that was posted in THIS thread was not made by Craig, or by Calvin and not posted by either of them, or claimed by either of them yet you pretend like it is. I mean it doesn't even have rusted staples, you'd think you'd at least try to create that to pass off the lie. Slimy little fuck.

>> No.50530386

>You don't know what he has seen or hasn't seen.
>'I have seen old versions of the whitepaper. With coffee on them. And Rusty Staples' - t. Calvin Ayre
but do let me know when you finished arguing with yourself here? k, bye.

>> No.50530432

I'll have you know, Dr Wright pays £82.50 for that self-written IEEE advert. Annually.

>> No.50530450
File: 199 KB, 1079x1543, paintedfrog_padded_cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You admit you tried to pass off a lie and got called out and now you have nothing but moaning left kek

Silly little Greggles.

>> No.50530476

its Calvin who posted those words originally, you dumbfuck.
So, are you calling Calvin a liar then?
because otherwise, your posts do not make sense. Not even on bsvtard level.

>> No.50530604
File: 36 KB, 1151x198, greg_sued_by_satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What calvin posted has literally no relation to the picture posted, dumbfuck.

Also, don't you have a minor lawsuit to worry about? kek

>> No.50531111

Star Wars kid 2022.

>> No.50531143

Syscon remains dedicated to being the ultimate solution for applications that need security, decentralization and scalability, but without the compromises. Every advancement of syscon is built on the base layer of security that only bitcoin can provide and that is why we stay on Proof-of-Work through merge mining.

>> No.50531380

Hal Finney was Satoshi. The proof is undeniable.

>> No.50531430

>keep this information on the down low in order to accumulate?
Craig being Satoshi would literally kill Bitcoin, so this doesn't make any sense.
Hal Finney is Satoshi. When he is revived from his cryopreservation in the future he will then usher in a golden bull run for Bitcoin.

>> No.50531496

no this would crash the price due to the fears of 1m btc being unlocked

>> No.50531542

>God Emperor Satoshi is revived
>Declares "I'm never fucking selling"
>Bitcoin explodes to 10 quadrillion United Stater Dollarinos
You have no idea what's coming.

>> No.50531593

> anonymously created p2p cash is gloriously decentralized
> man loves bitcoin as it is almost divine creation
> but wishes for an emperor on top of it to reveal himself so he can manipulate the price
Ah yes, smart..

>> No.50532451
File: 1.13 MB, 1851x2311, 20220723_230646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an outerdimensional Altaranyan ambassador.

>> No.50532460

>The proof is undeniable
Such as?

>> No.50532600

Seething pedo kike is seething

>> No.50532620
File: 341 KB, 750x684, B31FBD67-0288-41B9-80ED-F0EC93A308F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting anon.