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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50518146 No.50518146 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50518342

>damage your property for equivalent value in cash
>going out of your way to give yourself a chore

>> No.50518383

what is the issue? i've already pulled this on 2 tenants and it made me keep the deposits. the deposit is always higher in value than the scratched floorboards. you know floorboards can be polished for cheap, right?

>> No.50518534

Literally a cockroach of a man.

>> No.50518560

lol if you pulled this bologna with me I'd come back in the middle of the night and put a brick through all your windows

>> No.50518705

rentoid opinions not needed. landchads wya

>> No.50518905

>they wouldn't hear the sound of the nail scratching across the floor
>you wouldn't have to drag your foot across the floor like you're wiping shit off your shoe to apply enough pressure and it wouldn't be really awkward and noticeable
bad larp.

>> No.50518943

in hell you fucking faggot you will burn like the rest of them

>> No.50518967 [DELETED] 
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>point at window and exclaim "wow is that? Look at it!"
>cough really loud (or fart) and scratch the floorboard

>> No.50518970

How many landlord larp threads do we need per day? This is like number 20

>> No.50518974

You will get what's coming to you
If you don't charge enough rent to be happy then raise the rent
Don't be a cunt

T. Landlord with 13 units

>> No.50519053

>Be me
>Landlord in big city
>Suspect one of my tenants is keeping pets
>Obviously I made everyone sign a contract that said no pets
>Since I have spare keys of every room that I own I occasionally let myself in to do routine checks
>Usually pick a time when I know the tenants are gone to not invade their privacy
>One day i'm in the room of this tenant
>Hear weird spinning noise
>Look and she this girl has been keeping a hamster in a cage under the bed
>The hamster was running on the wheel which made the noise
>Get the cage from under the bed. open it and get the hamster out
>Throw it in the toilet and flush
>It keeps crawling back out
>Throw a bunch of toilet paper on it and flush again
>This time it's finally disposed off
>Grab the hamster cage
>Put it outside next to the trash

she obviously called me end of the day asking if I knew what happened, just told her that pets weren't allowed in the building and if I would allow a hamster soon people would also get cats and dogs and the value of the property would plummit. I only put it outside next to the trash and it must have opened the cage by itself and got out and ran off.

She was crying and everything on the phone because apparently the hamster (i forgot its name) was a gift from her brother who died shortly after gifting it to her and he was the only brother she had left or something as if that would change anything.

I also told her I was obviously gonna keep her security deposit as she was clearly in violation of the contract we both put our signatures on.

>> No.50519103

Good thing i'm a plumber, If i ever have a landlord pull this on me I'll fucking rip your water main and make you buy a new house

>> No.50519156

I actually suspected my landkike was going to pull something like this so I had a bunch of hidden cameras installed around the apartment and caught him trying to damage a bunch of shit on camera and sued him for my deposit and then some

>> No.50519169

This pasta is already stale

>> No.50519281

Lmao a nail in a shoe that would be super obvious as they dragged thier foot across the floor what is going on

>> No.50519293

Landlords don't call them floorboards

>> No.50519309

Hi meet the attorney who will garnish your wages

>> No.50519350

Deposits should be illegal. They get paid to eat risk.

>> No.50519366

Good thing this is a pasta because you'd probably end up getting your ass beat.

>> No.50519392

If you let someone borrow your car for 6 months to a yearwouldn't you like some money upfront incase they damage it? Unless you don't mind paying for them.

>> No.50519402

I just send them my new address and never mention the deposit. In Florida they have 30 days to send you a list of deductions via certified mail or they forfeit the right to take any of the deposit. The inevitably never do this and then I send them a letter demanding return of deposit or I will be filing a lawsuit in 14 days.

Both times I’ve done this they have returned my deposit,

>> No.50519406

Inspections should be done by the third party then and the deposit should be held by a third party, probably the same.

>> No.50519407

It's getting stale because half of the catalog is this same gay thread

>> No.50519418

excuse me sir this is illegal

>> No.50519420

They are paying me for the car. This analogy doesnt make sense.

>> No.50519421

Super obvious and pasta

>> No.50519432

Okay so you don't mind paying for any damages they made to your car after they already paid to use it?

>> No.50519450

I'll work hard to screw over other people

>> No.50519478

You are forced to pay regardless of who does what. All you are doing is passing the buck.

>> No.50519584

you dumb nigger retard i pretend to have injured my leg and drag it. they always take that bait

rent is due

fucking based. she signed a contract. rules are rules


and who will pay for this third party? certainly not us landlords

>> No.50519594

I'm not forced to pay if I rent your car then. You as the owner can pay for the damages yourself then. Not passing the buck then are we.

>> No.50519631

>and who will pay for this third party? certainly not us landlords

If this was a hypothetical law, I don't think it really fucking cares.

"us" lol ok larper

>> No.50519647

LARP, security deposits aren't all or nothing anyways

>> No.50519656

what the fuck are you talking about you ameritard? things are not like this where i live.

>> No.50519680

Ahahahaha are you a europoor or something? Try this shit in a wealthy country and you'll get maybe $50 of the security deposit back kek

>> No.50519693

Correct. This is why every rental agency everywhere has insurance on their cars.
They stuff they try to get you to buy is just extra bonus for them and not required by law.

>> No.50519695

nice larp, people who know what they're doing make 10x the money for less effort finding undervalued decrepit properties and fixing them up.
also, that has the upside of not burning in hell for being a shitlord. it's pretty funny watching you think you're edgy for this though.

>> No.50519706

no dude

??? who said i dont renovate on the side? thats literally why i steal the deposits. have you seen how disgusting reno projects are? you need to basically do most things from scratch. rent is due

>> No.50519733

>Commies hate landlords
>Commies are satanists
Landlords go to heaven

>> No.50519747

good luck doing that. i don't pay taxes and don't have a bank account.

>> No.50519749

Where are you from bud

>> No.50519751

checked and 1973-pilled. fuck marxist gun confiscators

which country? thats based

>> No.50519775

>which country?

>> No.50519791

>everyone who calls out my larping is a rentoid!
it's been a while since i've seen anyone this quick on the trigger to reply to a shitty bait thread.
i've owned my place outright since 2012 and i'm in mid-7 figure hell. this just reminds me why i don't frequent biz anymore. pro tip - unless you're on Israel's payroll you won't make it by vigorously F5'ing and spanking it to the replies.

zero moral issues with honest landlords, people need shorter term housing and that's fine to make money providing the service. i was implying you'd fix up a shithole and rent it out, which actually improves a community.
the deepest circles of hell are hopefully saved for people who sit around on biz jerking off to the idea of screwing some loser out of 1200 european monetary units once every few years. and then, most humiliating of all, having to fix their own mess by replacing the flooring.

>> No.50519793

>wants to make money with minimal effort
>wants to live off of passive income
>wants to laze around all day and contribute nothing to society
>wants to dab on poorfags and wagies
>never leave tips at restaurants

Also /biz/:
>thinks landlords are evil
>pours grease down the drain
>"not my problem"

So which is it then?

>> No.50519800

Fair enough they do ask for that. I just trying to prove a point about security deposits. Homes have home insurance BUT it does not cover small things scuh as damages to walls, floors unless you pay a huge deductible. Hence the security deposit. I'm sure sometimes landlords keep it and it gets abused but most times I've seen people are fair and return it if there no damages beyond normal wear and tear.

>> No.50519806

i'm not any kind of leftoid, to spell it out. i just ran out of patience for kids out of school for the summer and their shitty larps.

>> No.50519815

>which country?
a country in eastern yurop. nobody with a functional brain pays taxes or has a bank account here. unless of course you work for globohomos which is also fine i suppose but then you are dependent on the system.

>> No.50519818

i live in morocco but my rentals are in western europe, specifically POORtugal and sPAIN. i go to cuckrope just to inspect my properties and come back to moroccan heaven. btw im not moroccan and not white. im a mexican chad

>> No.50519821

the fantasies of the minds of the basement dwellers are an enigma, anon.

>> No.50520394

Just don’t pay it back, no need to scratch the floor. It compensates for the time when it’s them not paying you

t. Landlord of 27 apartments

>> No.50520467

>>Be me
>>Landlord in big city
>>Suspect one of my tenants is keeping pets
>>Obviously I made everyone sign a contract that said no pets
>>Since I have spare keys of every room that I own I occasionally let myself in to do routine checks
>>Usually pick a time when I know the tenants are gone to not invade their privacy
>>One day i'm in the room of this tenant
>>Hear weird spinning noise
>>Look and she this girl has been keeping a hamster in a cage under the bed
>>The hamster was running on the wheel which made the noise
>>Get the cage from under the bed.
>>Put cage in oven
>>Set oven to 205

>> No.50520516


Actual landlords ITT are not so keen on the idea OP.

T. Own+self manage 24 units in LA

>> No.50520592

Landlord here, I set my own buildings on fire while the tenants are still inside so I can keep rentoids' security deposits, get insurance money and get to hear those sweet, sweet rentoids scream of pain and terror.
I'm at my 12th apartment set ablaze and it's always fun, no one suspects a thing

>> No.50520614

If you don't like it just buy a house

>> No.50520633

holy based, rentoids b(urned)tfo

>> No.50520663

Pull that shit on me and I’ll send you to an ICU
t. Nigger

>> No.50520665

Pull that shit on me and I’ll send you to an ICU
t. Nigger

>> No.50520676

What the fuck?

>> No.50520684

this is the law in the uk. who the third party is can be a little sus.

>> No.50520731

The UK is maximum juden when it comes to private landlords
Basically tenants either pay up or they get black listed by the courts and can enjoy being homeless/living in a crack den. Landlords can do anything they like with zero repercussions, they don't even need to have a habitable building to be able to rent

>> No.50520738

the 700+ credit score to get a look in is the latest wheeze. shits fucked.

>> No.50520747

bot thread

>> No.50520806

nice larp. it's basically fraud, you'll be fucked if you mess with the wrong person. there are better ways to make money.

>> No.50520822

>landlord does objectively scummy thing but it should just be accepted by everyone!
You will always be a cuck

>> No.50520905

> take photos of everything on day one of tenancy, email them to yourself
> take photos of everything on final day of tenancy, email them to yourself
> Forward them to landkike, informing them you have proof of no damage to property

Check mate, but remember to pour hot grease down the drain before you vacate the property - and thus always for landkikes

>> No.50520932

I would have killed him and raped his wife

>> No.50521014

>They get paid to eat risk.
I agree but you also want to bring everyone up to equal footing at the beginning so you're not left with a trashed apartment and repairs that cost 3x the rent you charge (that you're also now losing out on until repairs are done). There's abuse on both sides of that agreement, and I've been on both of those sides believe it or not. Renting is awful but I'd agree if you said refund deposits after 5+ steady payments.

>> No.50521032

Would bash the skulls in of these satanic fucks. Ugh these landlords need to be executed. Imagine having some greasy fat fuck telling you to pay up as if you are his bitch bwhahahha.

>> No.50521042

Thinking he actually owns the place because he got some printed jew money.
Not knowing that if you take his soul, he will lose his house kek

>> No.50521048

Keep calling yourself a lord bwhahahah

>> No.50521056 [DELETED] 

i cringed

>> No.50521179

A delusional rentoid is what you are. Shut the fuck up with your mentally ill gaslighting

>> No.50521184

We have IDs here retard. Where are you raiding retards coming from?