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50518041 No.50518041 [Reply] [Original]

I know many of you cringe faggots lurk here. Within the next 48 hours I will be submitting an extensive report to Damian Williams and Michael J. Driscoll on Coinbase (CB) insider trading with full names, addresses (some), phone numbers and relevant Ethereum addresses. Obviously I can't see what happens within CB but a simple subpoena will allow for a thorough investigation. CB will comply and with my information we will see a cleanse within this market but really, I just don't like people who use Twitter lol. The best part is, the deepest level of CB employees are involved, its not just the jeets who got caught, its the head of engineering and others as well, even ya boiii Brian is involved, you think the top dog isn't making profit off the information, common nigger, don't be naïve. The fines will be juicy, especially now that CB is in trouble so, on that, take your shit off the exchange incase they file for bankruptcy.
If you had insider information on the following coins and you traded it, trust me when I say this, you're basically fucked lmao.

I can keep going, there is at least another 25 coins on the list that I have confirmed had insider trading.
Soon Crypto Twitter will tell you they don't have insider information, they will claim they just use the popularity index on CB or they will claim that it's a coincidence. This is a lie, an outright lie and they have been caught out by multiple people kek not just me. They either bribe CB employees or are within their social network and literally get told what's listing and when. It's the same for Binance but ya know Binance is actually much better with this shit than CB, still dirty but way better. What I don't understand is how fucking retarded these people are, literally zero opsec even though they know its illegal, at least try to hide your shit from the glowies. Anyways, it's getting late, my sleepy time soon.

>> No.50518063

Holy shit

>> No.50518069

I thought listing pumps were a thing of the past

>> No.50518079

So puts on coinbase? I bought one earlier when I read some coinbase fud but it expired worthless

>> No.50518104
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> insider trading
what is that?

>> No.50518106

>I just don't like people who use Twitter lol
Pretty based ngl

>> No.50518145

They are.
Also, OP is larping.

>> No.50518377

Do you remember that guy was supposedly sick and dying and was going to drop all this info on crypto people then just never did? Idk so there was that and then this confluence of cex fud recently, coupled with weird Luna shenanigans.... There is no doubt things some bad stuff is coming down the pipeline for a lot of these exchanges so I don't necessarily doubt OP especially because a lot of coinbase employees are disgruntled and fed up with the environment there. This leads me back to my thesis that puts on coinbase are a good call question is when to set expiry because I got wrecked before

>> No.50518687

>I committed multiple criminal acts
>but it was a while back, so thats ok, r-right?

>> No.50518739

do it faggot then do a flip

>> No.50518782

Say for instance, OP is not larping. How long would it take for the market to absorb this knowledge? Clearly puts before it hits normie Twitter is the move, but when to expiry? Is this news going to take a month to hit or are we talking within days

>> No.50519827

didn't read so line go up

>> No.50519866
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>> No.50520361

yeah whatever happened with that anyway
some kinda blackmale plot/social engineering i guess. wonder which influencers they were targeting.

>> No.50520382

>crypto twitter
>insider trading
We already know schizo

>> No.50520385

Based if true

>> No.50520756


>> No.50520774

all centralised exchanges, scams and platforms will become insolvent, paving the way for the defi bull run

>> No.50520889

Low IQ take

>> No.50520895

>t. centralized cuck