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File: 15 KB, 598x255, vesticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50512856 No.50512856 [Reply] [Original]

The one algorand thread that is always up is missing, the fact that people are literally ignoring the switchover from tinychart to vestige is literally shocking. Good luck fellas

>> No.50513148
File: 194 KB, 1400x786, 84A2EE37-C9B2-4C99-83F4-ED2183E6DA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elites don’t want you to know about VEST

>> No.50513229

Wen pump?

>> No.50513358
File: 849 KB, 2666x2000, Algorump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 25000 of these suckers, what am i in for?

>> No.50513531

slow ride up
nice bulge btw

>> No.50513554
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>> No.50513632

What's there to pay attention too exactly?

>> No.50513640

I forgot about the rebranding. I got some VEST now though.

>> No.50513675

has Vest already run up? i made a tidy sum buying Tiny really early but sold after they announced rebrand.
Shill me on buying back in

>> No.50513714

proper charting of the whole algorand ecosystem
Liquidity & asset locker
Staking and launchpad contracts
DEX aggregator

>> No.50513777
File: 1.37 MB, 1464x1090, algonauts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i bought TINY at 9 cents around the same time yieldly shit the bed so i'm not that urgent about selling

private monke reporting in btw

>> No.50513857

It'll become the home page of the algorand ASA system
- Charts that aggregate across DEX and allow for one click optimized buying
- live chat on an asset page
- portfolio views
- asa launchpad, liquidity locking, staking
- wallet and trades tracking (hella better than algoexplorer)
- tokenomics that will allow promotion and devs that have built first, will market after

>> No.50513956
File: 69 KB, 1170x1204, e384wasn48b91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

algoexplorer could have made it obsolete early on but they chose obscurantism

does this play into a (fedcoin) narrative of algo being intentionally stealth? how much help have the vestige boys received from foundation or foundation-adjascent teams? it looks like it's them becoming popular despite the playing field being somewhat barren

I'm of the mind that algo is going to survive every other chain eating shit next cycle, purely based on tech and not on its' broader appeal. Thoughts?

>> No.50514051

Feeling comfy in my VEST gentlemen. Ignoring all the faggots who will cope and seethe, didn’t buy at launch, it’s up 3x already.

>> No.50514192

Space Booty Boss reporting in. I've had my ALGOs in governance since I started, but I want minimal risk. Is this something for me? I'm retarded so I'm not trying to go to crazy with chasing yield.

>> No.50514296

VEST is a blue chip. Get you some.

>> No.50514392

So I am familiar with the charting but are the other three things out now?

>> No.50514688
File: 1.05 MB, 1795x922, paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing on the horizon for Algorand

>No more staking
>Governance pays out literally nothing
>Anything on the algorand network dies a slow death
>Price literally does not move

I don't know what anyone is expecting at this point other than more gibs to Africa and LGBTQAP donations

>> No.50514748

live chat just launched. others are in various stages of development and audit from my understanding

>> No.50514760

oh and portfolio views and wallet / trading tracking has been launched in its first format

>> No.50515252
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is it $1.00 yet?

>> No.50515263

whats the matter, not enough EVM scamshit to make you fomo, retard peasant?

>> No.50515325

I just bought some VEST. Now what do I do? I didn't read any whitepaper or do my own research. I just went to tinyman and swapped some ALGO for VEST.

>> No.50515351

Shoulda gone to humble. Better liquidity

>> No.50515357

Sneedcoin not sneeded

>> No.50515419

saw the arb boughts profit from that buy.
Go to vestige.fi and connect your wallet there to explore features and the site. put some of your holdings into liquidity on humble if you want to farm them

>> No.50515549

how can I access these features?

>> No.50515989

The whole point of crypto is to eventually apply it to real world applications. Most cryptos don’t have what it takes at the fundamental technological level- security, high TPS, decentralization, etc. Algorand does.

>> No.50517199

Thanks for the good version

>> No.50517259
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I'm out here algo/vest staking. Haven't even looked at governance in weeks.

>> No.50517417

Never will be

>> No.50517467
File: 157 KB, 750x750, 0370DACB-791A-4F8A-A3D5-7CF0293034A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine if the MIT professor who invented zero knowledge proofs and verifiable random functions decided to completely rework the concept of a decentralized smart contract blockchain. That professor is Silvio Micali and that blockchain is Algorand. Pure Proof of Stake is non-dilutive and actually allows for all nodes to get a chance at participating in consensus without concentrating the supply of ALGO into the hands of a few whales. Smart contracts time out and pay for storage by locking up ALGO so gas is unnecessary, fees are a formality to prevent spam. all transactions are final the instant that their block is confirmed, and blocks consistently confirm every 4-5 seconds, with a long series of upgrades on the development pipeline. It is a statistical impossibility for Algorand to fork. Once the currently slow and gradual release of ALGO ends around 2030, Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs) will actually make ALGO deflationary since 1) in order for a wallet to interact with any ASA, it must “opt-in” to it with a transaction, and 2) for each ASA a wallet is opted in to, that wallet must hold 0.1 ALGO. While that metric can be changed through governance, it can only go as low as 1 microALGO (0.000001 ALGO). With serious financial institutions, novel blockchain applications, and a growing base of passionate developers gravitating towards the speed, security, and functionality of Algorand, ALGO is an absolutely necessary DCA for this bear market. We can and will go lower, but $100 by 2030 is more than reasonable. Get the Pera mobile wallet on your phone, make a wallet, send some ALGO to it from a CEX, and try out the ecosystem. While interest is low right now, the next bull run will see people and businesses alike looking for a truly reliable platform on which they can take full advantage of the “web3” movement, and the first choice of many will be Algorand.

>> No.50519454
File: 154 KB, 680x605, 003a953ed29ef79d1243f2a8f03a8eeb2f39df6ccb11bf3bc4ff00244b1073a4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pasta poster.

>> No.50519580

I was windering what ASA stood for. Nice.

>> No.50519897

afaik there is no help from foundation apart from the grant, no VCs or anything
its pretty much bunsan and greg being autistically skilled at their craft