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50511119 No.50511119 [Reply] [Original]

I firmly believe I should not have to get a job if I do not want to. I have worked a couple of jobs in the past and hated all of them. I believe I am owed a comfortable life provided by my parents for my entire life or theirs(whichever ends first) as reparations/compensation for having your genitals permanently and irreversibly mutilated at birth. If employees can get millions of dollars given to them in settlements for mean words and drawings at work https://www.npr.org/2022/04/14/1092804493/telsa-racial-discrimination-lawsuit-15-million Then I should also be a multimillionaire. Is their an issue with this line of reasoning from a moral or practical standpoint? Working a job makes me feel like life is not worth living but when I am unemployed(i currently am and have been for a while) I am happy.

>> No.50511193

you should have tried harder to not be an incel during your teenage years, I did it, lots of people managed it, why couldnt you? whats wrong with you?

>> No.50511294

>parents die
>don't have money to pay for property taxes, upkeep, utilities
>lose house
>don't have 10 years of work credit for social security @ 67
>go homeless

>> No.50511306

Yeah life is easy these days for NEETS. The worst thing you have to deal with is peer pressure from cunts like this
it's not enough that they're miserable, they want you to be miserable too

>> No.50511330

just work for literally one year or maybe less and take all that money and use it to buy a house and take the landlord pill

>> No.50511335

>here's a fantasy scenario where you don't inherit their property because it's convenient for my plotline

>> No.50511363

you have no idea how expensive end of life care is.

>> No.50511719

No, nor at all. You were born without your consent so it's your parents duty to provide for you until they die

>> No.50511738

You do realize you still have to pay property taxes on your parents house even if they leave it to you right? You do realize you still have to pay the electric bill, water bill and internet bill even after they're gone? Right?

How much money do you think your parents have saved? Is it enough to pay for property taxes, utilities, and groceries until you die? That's also assuming they don't blow through it all because of >>50511363

>> No.50511771

I'll just sell the big house and buy a small one room apartment, easy.

>> No.50511813
File: 41 KB, 500x338, 5A0459C5-0A13-4DFC-9889-137E6DCF9F09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello, I am Alexa, your personal automated consultant:
>this is no problem No problem. Just sign these papers here and take the mark of the beast—er, I mean—your unique nft id that you can conveniently access by smart phone
>but I don’t—
>if you do not have a smart phone, one will be provided for you free of charge.

>> No.50511865

NEET is brainwashing so you end up not working for years, have gaps in your resume, and then cant get any good job

stop doing what they want

>> No.50512631

Ohhh yaaa. Mhhh mhhhh.


That’s fantasy.


What does incel have to do with it?

>> No.50512653

Get a job, Doreen.

>> No.50512804

Doreen? Is this a joke I don’t get it? Or this either >>50511813
yeah I might do something like that too I want to live as long as possible while still being happy and it doesn’t take much for me to be happy although the more the better.

>> No.50513004
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>> No.50513036

My thoughts exactly.