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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50507583 No.50507583 [Reply] [Original]

>chequing account balance: 2300$

>> No.50507594

you misspelled "checking", dumb brit

>> No.50507622

>rent $2500

>> No.50507641

Why would you keep money in a checking account when high yield savings account exist?

>> No.50507651
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All me

>> No.50507670

That's quite a bit to have in checking. I have like $700 in checking, $1,000 in a savings account earning 1.25% as my checking "backup" account, and $50,000 in 1 year treasuries. Why would I keep any more in checking?

>> No.50507678

Lol. I was at $3 in June, unironically.

>> No.50507700

Anon, do you have a larger investment portfolio outside of your cash position? If not, why are you holding so much cash? Are you waiting for a buying opportunity?

>> No.50507701

It's actually spelled "czeching" retards

>> No.50507717

short btc 20x

>> No.50508214

Planning on buying a condo next summer.

>> No.50508242


I never keep more than a month expenses in my checking account

>> No.50508256

God I wish I had 2400 in my account, hell even 1400.

>> No.50508281

Are you a third worlder? If you live in the first world and are older than 23 years old and have less than $5,000 in cash or cash equivalents you are an abject failure.

>> No.50508320

I have £3500 in cash account, £4000 in a shitty savings account, £10,000 in a stocks and shares ISA administered by my bank and the rest (£50,000) in crypto. People may call me stupid.

>> No.50508375

Its foolish to have more than your regular expenses/bills in a checking account. If you don't have less than $100 in your checking by the time you get your next paycheck, you're not managing your money efficiently.

If you need unexpected cash fast, just pull from savings/brokerage.

>> No.50508431
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>checking account balance $150
>fidelity account balance $350,000

>> No.50508722

No I have cancer, but thanks for assuming you know everything I hope you get what I have.

>> No.50508775

You best have a fucking LISA, lad. It's free money.

>> No.50508802
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>Checking account: $2.28
>Available credit balance: $23

>> No.50508935

I'm sorry fren. You are right that's an acceptable reason for having so little in your checking account. I'm worried I have multiple myeloma myself.

>> No.50509042

Looks about right.

My checking account balance was -$150 before I got paid today. And of course all the 2k I made is already allocated for bills. I'll have about $200 to make it two weeks until my next paycheck.

I gotta break the cycle, but I don't know how.

>> No.50509058

You don't take it from me a life spent trying just to get a terminal illness.

99.99999% of richfaggots here inherited their wealth or something similar

>> No.50509185

>I gotta break the cycle, but I don't know how

if you're having to spend $1500 every 2 weeks? idk but I would get a rice maker and start making rice and quinoa with every dinner. And swap any coffee or energy drinks with caffeine/guarana pills. That's probably a good $50-100 a month in savings right there. If you have pirated photoshop you can try to start making redbubble stickers and learning excel maybe get a low skill office job if you don't got a degree

>> No.50509293
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This is why you shouldn't run your mouth like a inbred retard.

>> No.50509617

Do you do your own cooking, anon? Batch cook stuff?

>> No.50512268

I eat cheap and don't have any expensive habits. No car note. Just mortgage ($1400), utilities ($350) and internet ($200). Wife pays for the phone bills and groceries.

I did fuck up big time by running up a credit card, so any money I have left over every month goes to trying to pay it off. But it's damn near impossible to pay off. Or at least it feels like it.

>> No.50512287

>T. $2275

At least I went in heavy after the dumps...

>> No.50513283

how much in debt to the CC?

>> No.50514920


Had 30k on another card, which is now closed and paying 500/ month until its payed off (0% interest). Forgot to mention that in my monthly expenses

>> No.50514940

>10k distributed among $qom $avax and $eth

they all are bound to go up yes?

>> No.50514988
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>checking account balance: $86.21
>payment due August 1, 2022: $2,446.78

>> No.50515043

This feels like my life for the past year.

>> No.50515084


opinion fucking discarded

>> No.50515371

I feel you bro.

>> No.50515395

>checking account: €12,421
>no payments due

>> No.50515600


>> No.50515715

Shut up and stop being salty faggot. You’re on 4chins. Get a fucking grip

>> No.50515762

Just stop being a god damn retard and assume everyone is just a failure, 99% of the time when someone like me who is a /biz/raeli/ fails it's because of health reasons not intelligence.

But the above poster who immediately replied sorry showed a severe lack of intelligence and I didn't respond but you did to someone who pointed out assuming is one of the lowest IQ things you can do.

>> No.50515847

>99% of the time when someone like me who is a /biz/raeli/ fails it's because they went all in on shitcoins like a retard
sorry about the cancer but hey you won't have to worry about money anymore.

>> No.50515895

>Hey guys I'm gonna twist someones words till it means something completely different than what I said.
You aren't sorry at all faggot don't even pretend to be.

>> No.50515972
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>checking account balance $157.85
>Saving account $0
>Ledger live balance $20k
>PMs $6k
>Graded collectibles, memorabilia, and other assets $9k
>forex $2k

>> No.50515999

$32k checking, $9.5k savings, $2.5k 401k A, $18k 401k B

wife and my shared savings is about $10k

just blew $13.5k on new central AC. was an anticipated expense though so nbd.

life is pretty good

>> No.50516214

I have 230k in my checking...

>> No.50516230

that's just dumb

>> No.50516336


i'm not a Christian but the Bible says something about not coveting your neighbor's shit. we are both in our own lanes and they do not diminish each other. in the end we all die. i'm comfortable with where I am. wife and my only debt is mortgage, 2.675% interest on that. life is pretty good. would more money make it better? not sure; hedonic treadmill says in the long-run, no. all of my immediate needs are being fulfilled.

that said i don't know how people live paycheck to paycheck. that shit would get annoying.

>> No.50516359

Buy one share of GME

>> No.50516365
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>bank account: 653 euro
>trezor balance: 31 BTC

>> No.50516401
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imagine not market buying 10 BTC

>> No.50516474

What is a checkqueing account? not american, i only know of deposit, debit, credit, and investment accounts that let you pull daily from or the ones you cant touch for X months