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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50507507 No.50507507 [Reply] [Original]

We are not friends, we are not discussing business in any meaningful way, or socializing it. This is silly, not only this board but the whole concept of social media. Anon I'm tired of this shit.
Would you kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.50507576

I am so based that sometimes I surprise myself with how based I am.

>> No.50507596

I am you, so I know how based I am, I am very based indeed.

>> No.50507625


>> No.50507728
File: 51 KB, 1024x600, 5BF775DE-7119-4CBD-9782-E8529C7A6B01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the same thing with /fit/ OP. You stop going there once you make it. Basically you’re here soaking up as much info in an easy to digest autistic manner with frogs and beautiful men. Once you’ve got the hang of it, the training wheels come off and you realize this site was just a containment area for lazy retards.

>> No.50507743

/qa/ level shitposting. kill yourself chud

>> No.50507870

You can both go fuck yourselves, it's none of your business Nero.

>> No.50507885

/qa/ won

>> No.50509103

yet you are still here. do yourself a service and leave. make sure to never come back.