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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50503338 No.50503338 [Reply] [Original]

>at work in line for lunch
>see there's curry soup
>just to make some small talk ask Sandeep behind me whether eh thinks it's good
>this fucking jeet starts sperging out about how It's racist
wtf is wrong with these niggas these days

>> No.50503629

Should’ve punched him in the mouth

>> No.50503649

Sorry to hear that anon. Being PC and really being careful with what you say to/around coworkers is the reality now. It sucks but if any coworker can report over the slightest microagression then that's where we're at

>> No.50503997

the thing is, it wasn't even an innocent joke, I was legit not sure whether I should try it and just asked the first person in sight what he thought

>> No.50504047

>conversing with shitskins or women
your own fault retard