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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50502854 No.50502854 [Reply] [Original]

Umm… Lads?
Why is the 2 year bond yield higher than the 10 & 30 year bond yield right now?

>> No.50502888

In 10 years all national bonds will be worthless as the human population speeds towards extinction because of runaway global warming. 2 years is the last year that money will matter to anyone.

>> No.50503177


Were going get colder retard.

>> No.50503306

lmao imagine still believing global warming is an actual threat. Cringe.

>> No.50503321
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God I hope so, can't deal with this unbearable heat anymore. It's been 10-15 degrees warmer than average here for the last several years. My summers used to be mid 70s and now they're always 85-90 every miserable day.

>> No.50503385

Idk but I think this is an absolutely unique thing that has never happened before so I'm sure we cannot know the outcome of what will happen next

>> No.50503405
File: 61 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20220711_111351_883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get mad at chemtrail & HAARP niggers.

>> No.50503462

>jew star
What does it mean bros

>> No.50503546

Fren global warming will be denied if we start getting daily tornado/hurricane spawns all over the country. Don't let Russia and big oil's billions fool you. The hyper-religious crowd will say Jesus is returning. The data mined non fanatics will end up offing themselves when they realized how mindfucked they are getting. There's been way more money spent, and way more careers made, denying global warming than promoting it. I promise you.

>> No.50503627

Global warming is a misnomer for climate change.

Somehow 'global warming' was picked up and perpetuated because normies and news outlets thought the idea of things getting hotter was the be all and end all and presumably easier to hook in retards.

The actual issue is climate change (anthropengic) which encompasses more frequent weather events outside the norm.. hot, cold, wetter, drier, dustier, longer, shorter etc..

People sitting in their little computer chair stroking their balls while watching my little pony and posting on this basket weaving forum and other social media without an inkling of how anything fucking works are part of the reason why we are accelerating towards a black hole faster.

I like this board though because I'm free to call out those fucking midwits and they can do the same to me without being censored.

So fuck you, you dumb mother fucking retards, enjoy street shitting in 20 years if you haven't figured out what's coming.

>> No.50503650
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because yield is a function of the price and it's coupon, and the price of a bond can and does change even after it's issued at par.
take a look at https://www.ustreasuryyieldcurve.com/ to visualize the "curve" drawn by taking maturity/duration on the x-axis, and yield on the y-axis. immediately discard this URL as this site is never up to date with the correct figures, and also, they call the series "interest rate" which is imprecise.
you can get the correct data, up to date, from bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/rates-bonds/government-bonds/us
so what you can see here is that if you go out and buy a secondary-market UST today, while you should expect a higher yield if you lock up your money for a longer duration, you can actually just get a 2Y and hold it to maturity and it will yield 3.03% for you. that's the highest yield of any of them.

>> No.50503663

The cringiest part is someone had to write that for the bot to say.
At least I know how to interact with them.
There's more than just the comment box and it helps this site if you use the options field on ALL threads unless you actively wish to bump.

>> No.50503750

fucking retard. the people pushing "climate change" are the exact same scammers who called it global cooling in the 1970s and global warming in the 1990s.
human activity is not doing a single fucking thing. the climate just changes, period, it's an unstable oscillating system with a myriad of internal feedback loops and fed by a wild array of solar radiation. there are cycles within cycles in both the sun's processes and the earth's atmosphere and oceans.

>> No.50503805

will uranium solve climate change ?

>> No.50503876

americans are truly the lowest form of life. how can you be this uneducated. or does your deficient brain just filter out all the facts it doesnt like?

>> No.50503895
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Why do you think???

Prepare your anus faggot

>> No.50503919
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't the ice caps still melting and polar bears getting rekt

>> No.50503937

Ask me how everyone knows you’re a zoomer European.

>> No.50503955

Ice caps don’t exist.